This week Bo Yan showed his true colors, Zhan Cheng revealed his heart and my poor heart can’t figure out if it would rather rage at one or cry for the other. I’m so mixed up I can barely think straight! Oh the joys of being a drama addict!
You know, I’ve been pretty clear with my feelings about the stupid boyfriend of horribleness from the very beginning but I always kinda-sorta held out hope that one of these days he’d see the light, turn himself around and learn how to become a decent human being. However, after this week’s episode, I’ve given up all hope on the man. Bo Yan is the sleeziest, slimiest, most despicable human being on the face of the planet and he needs to just go away. Forever. Unfortunately he seems to be stepping into the role of the main villain which means he’s not only going to be sticking around for a while, he’s going to start thoroughly messing up things up for everyone. (Little punk! Can I just smack him now, just to get that out of the way? Please?)
Since smacking Bo Yan isn’t actually a possibility, I’ll leave the job to Zhan Cheng who did an amazing job of putting Bo Yan in his place. Not that I should be condoning violence but c’mon! Bo Yan was asking for that punch in the gut and I’m so happy Zhan Cheng is man enough to step up to But Yan’s challenge. I still can’t figure out why Bo Yan is gunning for Zhan Cheng like he is but at least Zhan Cheng is more than capable of standing up for himself. I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t been at least a little bit concerned for Zhan Cheng’s welfare. I mean the man has allowed himself to live in darkness and wallow in self-pity for years, it would have been completely in-character for him to let Bo Yan walk all over him, simply because he didn’t feel he deserved to be happy. But things have changed for Zhan Cheng since Yu Xi entered the picture and he now realizes there are people depending on him and it makes me so happy to see Zhan Cheng stepping into the role of protector.
I have to say, I’m thoroughly impressed with the way Zhan Cheng is opening up, not just to Yu Xi but to everyone that’s been supporting him for all these years. His heart is healing, his perspective is changing and he’s beginning to realize that he has an important role to play, not just in his life but in the lives of those who love him. Finally Zhan Cheng is beginning to look beyond his own pain and I love that he’s beginning to love again. I know his feelings for Yu Xi are still new and strange and I don’t think he or Yu Xi are ready to acknowledge them yet but that’s okay. Before Zhan Cheng can start loving anyone he has to be able to accept the love of those around him and that’s a slow process. At least he’s taking the steps in the right direction and I think you can see evidence of that in the way he treated Fei Fei. I know he was a bit harsh with her after she lashed out at Yu Xi but it wasn’t out of anger, it was out of disappointment. It’s clear he wants his sister to be a good person and he was simply pointing out the fact that she was being less than pleasant. (Okay, she was really just being a brat.)
The good news is Fei Fei may not be doomed to be a brat forever. After spending some quality time with Yu Xi’s brother this week, Fei Fei has come to a couple of very important realizations. The first being her coming to recognize her feelings for her brother as nothing more than sibling affection. I’m not really sure why she’s been mistaking her love for her brother as romantic love but I’m glad she’s starting to see the light. Telling the world you’re in love with your brother is just so creepy! Maybe all of her misunderstood feelings stem from a lack of experience with romantic love… I suppose it’s possible. If that’s the case she needs to keep hanging around with Yu Xi’s brother. I have a feeling if they spend any length of time together, she may come to realize what romantic love really is. (Here’s hoping anyway.) The second thing Fei Fei came to realize this week is simply that the world is full of people less fortunate than herself and she has the ability to make a difference in someone’s life. If she can put aside her selfish, bratty tendencies, she may actually become a decent human being. *fingers crossed*
While I hold out hope for Fei Fei’s future growth, I’m not sure I can say the same about Vanessa. While she did step up and keep Bo Yan from revealing the truth about Zhan Cheng, she’s also announced her unwillingness to accept Zhan Cheng’s rejection. While I can appreciate her optimism, I can’t understand why she refuses to relent when Zhan Cheng has so obviously rejected her. I mean the man flat-out told her he was never going to love her so why is Vanessa refusing to let go? As they say, there are plenty of fish in the sea, so why hold on to the one you can never have? It doesn’t make sense to me but whatever. So far Vanessa’s obsession has kept Zhan Cheng out of harm’s way but I’m not sure I can see that always being the case. Should Vanessa fall under the poisonous influence of Bo Yan, she could very easily become a major player in Zhan Cheng’s destruction. (Not that they could ever actually bring Zhan Cheng down but they could do a lot of damage in their attempt.) I don’t think I’d be so worried about this if Vanessa hadn’t woken up in Bo Yan’s bed. I know the creeper says nothing happened between them but I don’t believe him. He’s proven himself a very chronic liar so why should I believe a word he says now? Quite simply, I don’t. I don’t believe a word coming out of his mouth and it scares me to think of what he might be able to accomplish with Vanessa in his pocket. Bo Yan is such a manipulative creep, he could very easily turn this situation into something big and Vanessa would be powerless to stop it. Ugh! BO YAN! (Sorry, he just makes me so angry!)
Rather than let my anger rage I’ll turn my attention to a more worthy subject, namely Zhan Cheng and the moment he had while Yu Xi was in the hospital. That whole scene, with him thinking and remembering and crying… Waaah! That was by far my most favorite moment in this entire series. That moment, when the realization of his feelings combined with his utter lack of ability to protect the ones he loves, was just so amazing. The overwhelming rush of emotions… The complete downfall of his defenses… Ugh! It was such a wonderful thing but what made it even better was having Yu Xi there and being able to watch the moment when the meaning behind those tears hit her. Oh. My. Word. My heart stopped at that moment. It was just so touching! Like I said earlier, I don’t think either of these two are ready to admit or accept each other’s feelings but they’re getting there and this moment is going push things along nicely. Yu Xi just needs to remember one thing: while Zhan Cheng was having his moment, revealing his feelings and baring his soul, Bo Yan was nowhere to be seen. He didn’t even bother to come visit. So when Yu Xi’s moment of conflict comes (and it inevitably will) all she needs to do is look back at this moment and her choice will become perfectly clear.
Alright, I’ve rambled on long enough, now it’s your turn. What did you think of this week’s episode? Is Bo Yan not the most despicable person on the face of the planet? Seriously! What is this guy’s deal? Do you think it’s going to take Yu Xi long to realize he’s using her or is she going to turn a blind eye because she’s convinced she loves him? What are your thoughts on Fei Fei and Vanessa? What other ideas or thoughts or theories would you like to share? You know I always love hearing from you so be sure to let me know what you’re thinking by leaving me a comment below!
You can catch up on all of my reviews of Someone Like You here:
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My fave part in this episode is when they were at their own home, away from each other but thinking of each other. And also the talk (confession, yet?) up on the hill after the bike ride. But yes, the hospital scene was very heartfelt too. As for BY the BF, I really don’t care about him and don’t want to think too much about his existence in the drama. I’m guessing Vanessa might be the one who eventually bring about his downfall tho’, out of her strong blind love for ZC.
Did you see the preview for ep.8? ZC has been going all out doing all the boyfriend thing that BY won’t do for YX, stargazing, going for movies… Things that he actually can’t enjoy himself, being blind. How awesome is that?! He’s happy just because she’s happy. What do we call that? L.O.V.E… Note his facial expression in the cinema ;-)… I really can’t wait for Sunday to come! Eventhough I have tons to do and wish the time would go slower to be able to finish them all…
Oh my gosh! The previews for the next episode were killing me! Taking Yu Xi to a horror movie, just so she’ll cuddle with him!?! Way to go Zhan Cheng! haha What do you think about his decision to get this cornea transplant? Do you think he’s actually going to do it? Will he finally be able to see? I think he really wants to protect Yu Xi and he’s beginning to realize he can’t do that when he can’t even take care of himself. I was a little worried he wouldn’t want the surgery because then he wouldn’t have an excuse to keep Yu Xi around all the time but I think he knows better. Augh! I can’t wait for the next episode!!!
If I remember correctly, he is supposed to be blind only for the first part of the drama. So yes, I think he will definitely go for the transplant. He was probably still hesitant about it as I notice from the change in his expressions as soon as YX went away to call William. He was smiling, and then the smile faded and he became serious. I’d really like to know what’s going on in his head. YX is definitely the reason he agreed to go to hospital. But what exactly? Because of the legend she told him about? Or because he wants to protect YX from the lying manipulative bf? In any ways, ZC should be a seeing person so the real showdown with BY can start. Otherwise, I would really worry because he certainly will be at a big disadvantage if he were to remain blind.
Hi all! Late coming to the party but SO glad I found it! Hehe got onto this drama in the last few days and love it to bits! So much so that I watch the last epi raw because who can wait for subtitles when so much is going on??! Lol
Was I the only one that thought the road rage incident was one “baby’s” handy work to get his own back for the punch earlier? I know Bo Yan is a prick and that YX gives him way too much slack, but it’s good to see that she isn’t actually blinded to it all and sweeps it under a rug, she recognises that he doesn’t remember his promise from the last meteor shower, that he prioritises work and even going to the gym before her, even though it was clear that he could have chosen differently. Gotta keep reminding myself, the bigger a jerk BY is the better our Prince Charming looks! Hehehe c’mon YX… Join us and fall for ZC already!!! If he cures his eyes, I wonder what kind of new ailment he will have to come up with to continue getting 24/7 YX time! Hehehe
Ohhhh when they have close cheek to cheek moments and you see his expression soften because of her! WOAH… The heat! And the horror movie scene makes my toes curl, please excuse me while I melt into a puddle of fan girl happiness! Cheeky ZC… She wanted to see a movie, did it have to be a horror one?! Cannot wait for you to recap ep8 if only for that scene alone!
You know, I never really considered that road rage incident to be the handy-work of Bo Yan but it wouldn’t surprise me if that turned out to be the case. He’s such a slime ball, I wouldn’t put anything past him. As mad as he makes me you’re so right, the bigger a jerk Bo Yan is, the better ZC looks. I just YX to realize he’s a total waste of time and drop him like a bad habit. He needs to disappear forever!
As for my episode 8 recap, it’s up and I may have squealed a bit over that movie scene. It was just too perfect! I loved it!