I know there’s so much more to talk about this week than a certain shower scene but when an episode starts off as hilariously as this one there’s no way I’m going to be able to focus until I get this out of my system so…
OH MY GOODNESS! YU XI! What the heck are you doing!?! While I understand her running to her boss’ aide was completely called for, the multiple peeks were a bit much. Not that I can blame her for wanting to make sure her boss was okay… I mean, she had to make sure, right? Still, a part of me has to think she may have taken a bit of an advantage of her boss. The man is blind after all, it’s not like he can do anything to stop her from creeping when he doesn’t even know she’s there. Still, it was a hilarious way to start off an episode and I was laughing so hard my sides hurt so I’m not gonna complain. Heck, even if I hadn’t laughed, I still wouldn’t complain… Just sayin’.
Like I said, there’s more to this week than a shower scene. There was also a snow scene and a jerky boyfriend scene and a bratty princess scene and… Okay, okay! One at a time. (Sorry for the randomness here, it’s been a rough day!) Let’s start with the snow scene shall we? So Mama Wang invites Zhan Cheng over for dinner to say thank you for watching over Yu Xi and as they’re waiting for food to be ready, Yu Xi tells Zhan Cheng the tragic yet “romantic” tale of the local couple who were forced to spend a lifetime apart, only to be reunited right before their death. To be perfectly honest, I found the whole tale ridiculous and so very uninspiring but Yu Xi did use it to make a very good point. Zhan Cheng has spent the past three years cut off from the world and he needs to realize he can’t keep it up. Yes, he’s hurting. Yes, he’s suffering a lot of regret and remorse and all that comes with surviving an accident that cost his beloved one her life but that doesn’t mean he needs to spend the rest of his days paying some sort of self-inflicted penance out of guilt. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. Zhan Cheng has done nothing wrong, he shouldn’t be shouldering this much guilt and he most certainly shouldn’t be shutting out those around him who actually care for him.
I think Zhan Cheng has a very difficult time accepting the fact there are more people in his life to love than just Luo Han. Yes, she was his everything but long before she came into the picture he had a mom and a step-dad and a step-sister who love him (though the sister loves him a bit too much…) and it’s killing them to be shut out of his life at a time when they could be offering so much comfort and support. It’s very obvious they’ve been supporting him in their own ways but they haven’t been as involved in Zhan Cheng’s life as they’d like to be and if it weren’t for Yu Xi, they’d probably be kept at an arm’s length for the rest of forever. However, Yu Xi is now very much a part of Zhan Cheng’s life and she’s forcing him to admit that the way he’s been actin the past three years is unacceptable and that’s a very good thing. I know that sometimes she comes across as abrupt and maybe even a little insensitive but the truth is, that’s exactly what Zhan Cheng needs. As much as his family and friends love him, they’re too afraid to hurt him to speak up which is probably why they’re loving Yu Xi so much. She’s completely unafraid to tell it like it is and I have a feeling that way deep down inside, Zhan Cheng likes that about her.
Actually I think Zhan Cheng likes Yu Xi for a lot of reasons but he’s not going to be admitting them any time soon. What he is going to do is prove that he’s quality boyfriend material while Bo Yan proves he’s the biggest jerk-wad on the face of the planet. Seriously. I know Yu Xi has been giving her “baby” the benefit of the doubt for a very long time but there’s no way she can deny he’s being a total jerk. When the man puts both his workout and his work ahead of you, you know it’s time to walk away. Of course we all know Yu Xi can be a bit stubborn so it comes as no surprise that she’s chosen to hang on to Bo Yan for a while longer but I don’t think this relationship is going to last long. Especially not after the stunt he pulled with the reporters… If that doesn’t mark him as the biggest hoser on the face of the planet, I don’t know what will.
At least Yu Xi has Zhan Cheng to confide in and he’s got some sage words of advice for her, if she’s willing to listen. Hmmm… This doesn’t sound at all familiar, does it? You know that whole “two people making each other stronger” speech Zhan Cheng gave Yu Xi? I’m pretty sure we’re being given a prime example of that with these two and I couldn’t be happier. With Zhan Cheng being the way he is, he isn’t the type to fall in love easily but when he does, he loves eternally and that means that no matter how hard any of these other possible love interests try, they’re never going to be able to steal Zhan Cheng’s heart. We just have to make sure he falls in love with Yu Xi first.
I’m sure there’s more we could talk about, what with the bratty sister throwing a massive fit when she found out the man on the other side of her confessions was the same man who rescued her from her allergy attack and Vanessa covering up for Zhan Cheng when the ravenous reporters descended but there’s not really a lot of substance there. I have a feeling Lei Lei’s reaction had more to do with the fact she may have been harboring a little crush on her “rescuer” and is shocked to find he’s a clergyman. Which, if that’s the case, why is she insisting on making her step-brother fall in love with her? YUCK! And Vanessa… Well, I think she’s just sticking up for Zhan Cheng because she thinks it’ll win her points with him and eventually he’ll fall for her. (Which we all know is never going to happen.) So what we really have here is a couple of women blinded by infatuation with absolutely no hope of ever winning Zhan Cheng’s heart. Sorry girls, better luck next time.
So now that I’ve had my say, I want to hear what you have to say about this week’s happenings. Are you happy with the way things are progressing? Would you like to see things happening differently? I want to know it all so be sure to let me know what you’re thinking by leaving me a comment below!
You can catch up on all of my reviews of Someone Like You here:
Thanks again!! I’m hooked, sold and lovin’ it! That shower scene did it for me.
It’s so nice to see Zhan Cheng and Yu Xi being friends and truly caring for each other. On to their issues, I know Yu Xi is loyal and all, but I really hope she won’t get suaded with the explanation of that d-bag baby. And with ZC, when they showed the teaser for next episode, of him being helpless in helping out Yu Xi, hope this would serve as a trigger for him to forgive himself and get that operation. By the way, nice of you to answer back. Good that I’m kinda having someone to bounce back ideas about this drama. 
Isn’t it nice to have someone to talk to about dramas? That’s the reason why I write these reviews. I always hope someone out there is watching the same dramas as me and will write back. Dramas are always so much more fun to watch when you’ve got someone to talk to about them!
Speaking of which… You and I are hoping the same things for Zhan Cheng and this operation. I’m crossing all my fingers and toes, hoping ZC will soon realize he can’t protect those he loves in his current state and do whatever it takes to step into the role of the protector. I have a feeling Yu Xi is going to provide all kinds of motivation for him to get that operation… I just hope it doesn’t take a really long time for him to make that decision.
As for “Baby”… That man just needs to fall off the face of the planet. He’s such a horrible person and what’s worse, I can’t figure out any reason why he’s acting like this. Most villains have some sort of motivation, some sort of reason, for being horrid but Bo Yan seems to be awful just because he can. There’s been no indication that he and ZC had some sort of falling out in the past, there’s not even any evidence that they actually know each other outside of their professional roles. So why is Bo Yan so dead set on revealing Zhan Cheng’s secret? Why is he trying to take down a man so obviously unconnected? There’s not even the possibility of a jealous lover coming into play because Yu Xi has never even entertained the thought of loving anyone other than Bo Yan. (Well she’s probably going to start thinking about it now but up to this point she’s been completely engrossed in her “Baby”.) It’s this whole lack of motivation that really bothers me, mostly because I just can’t figure this out. Maybe I’m crazy for thinking the bad guy needs a reason to be bad but I don’t know… Something just doesn’t feel right here. Whatever his motivation, Bo Yan is a punk and Yu Xi needs to drop him like a bad habit. She’d be much better off without him.
With regards to the horrible Bo Yan, I think his main motivation is greed. I get the sense that he’s ambitious and would most likely make a play for Vanessa, and it just so happens that Zhan Cheng is on his way. He needs to puff up his image professionally and personally to Vanessa and her Mom. And with regards to Yu Xi, 2 reasons why he is still together with her: first, it boost his ego to have her following him, besides since his main target is still unreachable, he still need the spare (Yu Xi); 2nd, Yu Xi became useful for him to execute his plans, since she is close to ZC.
With regards to that horrible Bo Yan, I think his main motivation for bringing down Zhan Cheng is his greed and ambition. I think he’s eyeing the top post/wealth/fame, professionally (trying to insert himself to the decision-making and even siding on the good grace of Vanessa’s mom) and personally (it wouldn’t surprise me if he tries his hand with Vanessa). And him not breaking it off with Yu Xi is just because he doesn’t have anyone else right now, I guess it makes him feel good that someone is at his beck and call.
Hi, Happy Chinese New Year! Sorry a bit late in joining the discussion coz of all the festivities. Thanks again for the review. Yes, I love how things are progressing. Good plot development so far, and definitely happy that YaTi is still not in the picture yet, giving our OTP more bonding time! Yay! I love their interactions.
Yes, agreed about what akikisetsu wrote on BoYan’s motivation. And you know what, I sort of get a feeling that YuXi will go the noble idiot way *facepalm*. I wouldn’t be surprised if she becomes the one who encourages ZC to be with YaTi. It’s quite clear that ZC cares so much and is falling for YX already with all the things he’s doing for her. I have actually watched ep.7 but shall refrain from talking about it here
Oh my goodness! If Yu Xi decides to go the way of the noble idiot I may have to throw things! I don’t want to see anyone with Zhan Cheng but her! Of course I have no say in the matter so I’m forced to sit here and deal with whatever happens. I just hope it’s all good things. I know, I’m so selfish! Haha. I can’t wait to watch episode 7! The previews made it look so good! I hope it doesn’t disappoint! I appreciate you not saying anything about it though. Spoilers are my nemesis! Haha.