From mysterious cookie bakers to surprise shower guests, this week episode was all about stumbling onto the unexpected which means we have quite a few things to talk about. Are you ready for this? Then let’s go!
Picking up where we left off last week, Zhan Cheng and Yu Xi set off on a quest to find the baker of these amazing, life-altering cookies of greatness and find themselves at a little inn out in the middle of nowhere, waiting for the baker of said amazing cookies of awesomeness to return. When she does she’s immediately taken by Zhan Cheng, not because he’s a flippin’ hot dude just standing there waiting for her, but because her heart did an unexpected little flutter dance of recognition when she saw him. Apparently being on the receiving end of an organ donation means you inherit all of the donor’s feelings and cookie baking skills. Who knew? (Pardon my sarcasm it may run a bit thick today.)
Ya Ti’s appearance this week confirms all of my worst fears. She is absolutely everything I despise in a female character and I can’t watch any scene of hers without cringing. She’s just too good, too sweet, too innocent, too goody-goody for me. She’s all the sweetness in the world but she has no depth, nothing to set her apart and make her interesting. The only thing she’s got going for her is an inexplicable knack for making cookies that taste exactly like Luo Han’s and that’s not even a skill she acquired on her own. Every good point Ya Ti has can be credited to the residual awesomeness of Luo Han that came with the organs she donated upon her death. I suppose I shouldn’t be so hard on Ya Ti. I mean it’s not like she asked to written this way, she’s simply filling the role of the hopeless second and I know this. I just don’t like it. I don’t like that Zhan Cheng chose to spend his evening with Ya Ti, rather than Yu Xi. I don’t like that Ya Ti’s making goo-goo eyes at Zhan Cheng without knowing a thing about him. I don’t like her Auntie’s warning, when she told Ya Ti that loving someone too much was dangerous. I don’t like that Ya Ti has somehow managed to harness all of Luo Han’s awesomeness when all she really did was receive an organ donation. (C’mon people! An organ is just an organ. There’s no way someone can inherit a person’s consciousness through a heart or a liver or a spleen or whatever. That’s just ridiculous!) I don’t like that Zhan Cheng may think he ought to be with Ya Ti simply because she has a piece of Luo Han inside her. In short, the only thing I do like about Ya Ti is her ability to spark a teeny bit of jealously in Yu Xi. There was that one moment when Yu Xi’s heart twinged as she watched Zhan Cheng and Ya Ti together but those few seconds are hardly enough to justify Ya Ti’s existence. There are other ways to spark jealousy in a character… Just saying.
Beyond the moments I was annoyed by Ya Ti’s existence, I really enjoyed this episode. Especially the piggyback scene. Every good romance starts with a piggyback ride and this one was like no other. It’s not every day you get to watch a blind man carry an injured woman through the rugged countryside barefoot and in the rain. Oh don’t you just love dramas!?! *happy sigh* I loved the moments leading up to this amazing piggyback ride, mostly because it showed the developing relationship between Yu Xi and Zhan Cheng. Not long ago this man would have sneered at the idea of strolling through the countryside with a crazy woman but now he’s going along with her crazy, smiling and nodding as she describes a non-existent scene to him. Augh! The attack of the warm-fuzzies at that moment was intense. I can’t help myself. Every time I see Zhan Cheng smile (even if it’s just a little bit) my heart swells and I let out a teeny “eep” of happiness. I love the way Yu Xi is slowly breaking down the walls around Zhan Cheng’s heart. It’s been so long since he’s allowed himself to be happy. Yu Xi is the therapy he’s been needing for years and it’s so much fun to see the healing that’s happening there.
I’m also loving the way Zhan Cheng’s mom and step-dad are accepting Yu Xi as a valuable part of Zhan Cheng’s life. I know they were a bit freaked out by her uncanny resemblance to Luo Han but it seems they’ve gotten over that rather well. In fact, they’ve moved so far beyond that they’re not trying to set Zhan Cheng up with Yu Xi and that makes me so happy. Typically, the biggest battle in any drama couple’s relationship comes with convincing parents their partner is good enough but in this case Mom and Uncle are already on Yu Xi’s side. I know Zhan Cheng and Yu Xi aren’t comfortable with this idea yet but they’ll get there and it’s nice to know that when they do, both Mom and Uncle will be more than thrilled by the match.
Of course when that moment comes there are going to be more than a couple of people less than thrilled and Vanessa is going to be one of them. Ugh. Vanessa. I wish I could understand this woman but at this point, I can’t quite figure her out. She’s obviously a spoiled, selfish brat who’s never once thought of anyone but herself but she’s also obviously affected by Zhan Cheng’s condition. This video Bo Yan gave her obviously has her upset and I think she went to visit Zhan Cheng with the intent of consoling him but if that was the case, she screwed up royally. Call me crazy but threatening a person isn’t the best way to go about wooing them yet it seems Vanessa in incapable of doing anything else when she’s around Zhan Cheng. Too bad she can’t take a hint. Zhan Cheng has made it more than obvious that she doesn’t stand a chance with him yet she’s constantly forcing herself on him. I’m pretty sure this latest rejection is going to spur her towards revenge of some sort and that will probably come in the form of releasing this video from Bo Yan but I think she’s going to wait until she’s good and mad before she resorts to this. Right now she’s only slightly pissed, once she’s fuming, she’ll seek her revenge. Oh joy, something to look forward to.
While we wait for Vanessa’s rage to finally get the better of her we can focus on the fact Yu Xi’s mom has been hiding a rather monumental truth from her daughter and son. Hello secrets! Not that Mom’s secret was all that surprising. I mean when you’ve got two people looking so much alike, they have to be related somehow and whaddaya know, Yu Xi and Luo Han are actually twin sisters. Can you believe it!?! While it was pretty obvious this bit of news was inevitable what we didn’t know (until now) was how these sisters related to Mom. I’m pretty sure we all figured an adoption was involved somewhere but where? Now we know Yu Xi and her brother were both adopted as littles but the question remains… Where was Luo Han at the time? Mom said Yu Xi was alone when she was adopted so what happened to her sister? I’m sure we’ll figure this out as time goes on and really, at the moment it’s not that important. What is important is the fact that Mom has kept this secret from Yu Xi for far too long. I can understand Mom’s desire to keep this fact hidden when Yu Xi and her brother were younger but they’re far beyond the age of understanding and they need to know this. Not because it will have any affect on their family relationship but because the truth has a funny way of being made known and Yu Xi needs to hear this fact from her mother before she finds out some other (painful) way.
Wrapping this week’s rant review up on a lighter note… I love that Yu Xi is finally taking her job as Zhan Cheng’s caretaker seriously. She’s proving herself a responsible and caring person and she’s stepping into her new role well. I love that she gave Zhan Cheng a bell so he could summon her for help no matter where he was but I do have to ask… What set that bell off at the end of this episode? I’m pretty sure Zhan Cheng didn’t ring that bell while he was in the shower so what happened? I guess we’ll have to wait for next week to have this mystery solved. Bummer.
Now that I’m done ranting and raving, I’d like to know what you think of this week’s episode so be sure to let me know by leaving me a comment below!
You can catch up on all of my reviews of Someone Like You here:
I couldn’t agree more with what you said above. On YaTi’s character, not far from what I expected. Although I did feel a little sorry for her after this episode, that she’s feeling something for someone, yet not exactly truly from her own heart (no matter how far-fetched that possibility is in real life).
Love, love the OTP moments this week. Glad we still have lots of them. It’ll be interesting to see the development of the romances. My guess, ZhanCheng is already feeling something for YuXi though not yet acknowledging. YuXi is still not aware of it and of her feeling towards ZhanCheng. YaTi is already aware of the painful longing and will start pursuing for opportunities to get close to ZhanCheng. By the time both ZhanCheng and YuXi realised their mutual feelings, YaTi would have positioned herself next to ZhanCheng, who feels obliged to be with her, then starts the angst…
Can’t wait for next episode. Once a week is torturing. Do you know how many episode this drama will have?
I’m pretty sure this one is slated for 20 episodes. It is rather torturous waiting for new episodes, isn’t it?
I’m not looking forward to the angst but it’s so obvious that’s where this is going. Ugh. The pain! Oh well, like you said, Zhan Cheng seems to be developing some feelings for Yu Xi and even if he’s not ready to acknowledge those feelings, they’re still there. I think Yu Xi may be as well, though if she is, it’s very faint. I think right now she’s simply enjoying being with someone who’s a pleasure to be around. Sure, she and Zhan Cheng have moments when they argue but they’re becoming fewer and farther apart and they have so many moments when they’re being open and honest with each other. They talk about anything and everything and I absolutely love that. It’s the foundation for a wonderful romantic relationship and you know that’s what they’re going to need to build on if they’re going to weather the storms we see so clearly on the horizon.
While the conflict that comes from Ya Ti will be undoubtedly painful, I think that in the end we’ll be satisfied with the way our OTP turns out.
Thanks, a very nice read there! More than anything else, I’m satisfied that they padded Yu Xi’s work competence this week. I’ve been kinda worried on that aspect, since I’m not sure if down the line, she may unwittingly cause harm; and so she needs to stock on all the good will for now.
On to Ya Ti, I’m not sure if it’s the actress fault or that’s just how she was written, but she’s so lethargic. I get that they’re trying for Ya Ti to be this prim, proper and soft-spoken kind of girl, but she’s just coming off as very anemic. And the mom of Yu Xi, I just don’t get her reasoning. It seems as if she doesn’t plan on telling her adult children the truth. If Zhan Cheng finds the biological parents, then she will tell Yu Xi?
I’m feeling the same way as you about everything! Ya Ti is so boring it makes her impossible to like. Yu Xi is finally stepping into the role of a capable caretaker and that makes me super happy. I don’t get Yu Xi’s mom either. She’s being utterly ridiculous with all of this secrecy and it’s going to come back to bite her if she doesn’t tell the truth soon. Here’s hoping she wises up really quick!