When it comes to action, there wasn’t much in this weeks episode but we did get to see several characters in a new light, we were introduced to a couple new characters and Fang Zhan Cheng learned a rather important lesson which means we’ve still got plenty to talk about. Hooray!
First of all, I need to start out by admitting Yu Xi is really a rather pathetic caretaker. She’s a loud, obnoxious, immature, irresponsible and completely spazzy nut and about half-way through this week’s episode, I wondered why Zhan Cheng continued to put up with her when he was as obviously annoyed by her as I was. But once again, in the latter half of the episode, Yu Xi steps brilliantly into her role as Zhan Cheng’s caretaker and proves to us all that she’s exactly where she needs to be. I was pleasantly surprised to see that Yi Xi’s obnoxiously insisting Zhan Cheng teach her to dance turned into a rather poignant lesson for our wounded hero. It’s been far too long since Zhan Cheng thought about anyone other than himself and Yu Xi could see that. By forcing him to put aside his own pain for a little while and put himself in another person’s shoes, Yu Xi has helped Zhan Cheng take those first baby steps towards healing and I admire her for that.
I also admire Zhan Cheng, for two reasons: One, he has an amazing ability to tolerate Yu Xi’s obnoxious side which is something I was really struggling with this week and two, he’s willing to listen to Yu Xi, in her brief moments of wisdom, and apply to his own life, the lessons she’s teaching. It takes a strong man to admit when he’s in the wrong but it takes an even stronger one to take the steps necessary to right those wrongs and I’m happy to say that with Yu Xi’s help, Zhan Cheng is becoming a stronger man. I have no doubt that with a little time and a whole lot of patience, Yu Xi is going to be able to help Zhan Cheng through this dark period and I’m really looking forward to watching their story unfold.
Of course as their relationship blossoms, other relationships are going to wither and I have to say, I’m perfectly okay with that, especially when it comes to Yu Xi and her boyfriend, Bo Yan. Oh my goodness! Last week I was convinced this guy’s a hoser but now I’m convinced he’s nothing but scum. Wow. He’s just such a loser! Really! Just look at him! Any guy who tries to guilt trip his girlfriend into spilling confidential information about her boss, just so he can earn brownie points with his boss (who just so happens to be in direct competition with Zhan Cheng) is nothing short of scum and I can’t stand him. I know Zhan Cheng has his shortcomings but he’s an absolute prince compared to Bo Yan and I’m counting down the days until Yu Xi realizes this and drops Bo Yan like a bad habit.
On the bright side, Zhan Cheng has made it perfectly clear he’s not even the slightest bit interested in his competitor, Vanessa which means we have one less love interest vying for his attention. Actually, I’m happy Vanessa has taken on the role of business competition because it means she’s going to force Zhan Cheng to step back into his role as director which, in turn, will force him out of his solitude and ultimately help him on his road to recovery. Zhan Cheng has been hiding from the world for far too long and he needs to step out of this shell he’s built around himself and start living his life again.
The good news is, Zhan Cheng is well on his way and not only he, but also his family are going to start reaping the rewards. Just look at the way his mother was affected by his small gestures of kindness on her birthday. Because Zhan Cheng listened to Yu Xi’s advice and put his mother’s feelings before his own comfort, he was able to make one of his mother’s greatest dreams come true. Ugh! Who knew Zhan Cheng could be such a sweetie? (Well, we kinda knew that since he surprised Yu Xi with that scarf earlier. The little sweetheart!) Actually, that whole birthday scene was just so sweet, even if dancing the tango with his mom was a little… Um… Weird? I never could figure out why Zhan Cheng didn’t suggest they start with a simpler dance, maybe one that was a little more apropos for the occasion but I guess if Yu Xi had insisted Zhan Cheng teach her a waltz, they wouldn’t have had those wonderful, albeit brief, moments of tension during their lessons. I kind felt like I was watching a very, very, very mellow version of Dirty Dancing as Zhan Cheng attempted to teach Yu Xi to dance and a part of me was kinda hoping that at some point he’d announce that no one puts Baby in the corner, but he didn’t. However, we did have a moment of shock when Yu Xi wheeled that birthday cake into the room and Zhan Cheng’s parents realized she was the spitting image of Luo Han. By leaving us stranded in this moment of shock, I can’t help but wonder how things are going to be resolved next week. Will Zhan Cheng’s family freak out about Yu Xi and Luo Han’s uncanny resemblance? Are they going to make this coincidence into a bigger issue than it should be? I mean Zhan Cheng can’t see so he obviously isn’t keeping Yu Xi around because of her looks. (Though he did admit he kept Yu Xi around because of her voice…)
So what are your thoughts on this week’s episode? Do you have any theories as to how Zhan Cheng’s family will react to Yu Xi? Will their reaction change Zhan Cheng’s opinion of Yu Xi, either positively or negatively? What do you think of Vanessa and her determination to take down Zhan Cheng? Will she succeed? Do you think Bo Yan be able to weasel the truth about Zhan Cheng out of Yu Xi? How long do you think things will last between Yu Xi and Bo Yan? Are there any other points you’d like to discuss? You know I always love hearing from you so be sure to let me know what you’re thinking by leaving me a comment below!
You can catch up on all of my reviews of Someone Like You here:
I’m still watching it!!!!!!! Anyways, in the context of the story, I think it makes sense that Yu Xi is this super obnoxious, immature, loud and just plain crazy gal. For someone who is as emotionally detach as Zhan Cheng, you need either someone who is a saint (with so much kindness, patience and love for him that would just melt his hardened heart- he has alot of those people around him, but they can’t get anything out of him); or someone like Yu XI, who can really irritate someone that it makes you forget that you’re supposed to still be moping around. At these stage of Zhan Cheng’s state, any emotions (positive or negative) you can get out of him, is a good thing.
That is so very true! As obnoxious as Yu Xi is, she’s drawing Zhan Cheng out of his shell and he needs that so badly right now. He’s been moping about for far too long. It’s time for him to start living again.