With all of the main character introductions out of the way, it’s time to start getting into the meat of this story which, I’m happy to say, is exactly what this second episode of Someone Like You is all about.
Picking up where we left off, Yu Xi has taken on the role of Fang Zhan Cheng’s caretaker without knowing it was Fang Zhan Cheng she would be caring for. I find it funny that she can so easily agree to such a laborious job without knowing who it was she’d be caring for. I mean if you’re going to be caring for someone 24/7 shouldn’t you at least know the person’s name before you sign the papers? Personally, I think you’d want to meet the person you’re going to be caring for and make sure you’re compatible, before you sign anything but maybe that’s just me being crazy. Whatever the case, Yu Xi finds herself coming face to face with her “mortal enemy” and has half a mind to walk out, until she realizes Zhan Cheng is, in fact, blind and then suddenly she has a change of heart and agrees to stay. Of course it comes as no surprise that these two immediately start fighting and continue to do so for most of this episode.
What comes as even less of a shock, than watching Zhan Cheng and Yu Xi try to tear each other’s throats out, is watching Zhan Cheng have a total Beast-like meltdown and roar at Yu Xi to “GET OUT!” I’m not sure why every entitled, wounded rich guy has to follow in the footsteps of the roaring Beast but Zhan Cheng does a very good job of it and for a while it seems like this whole thing with Yu Xi is never going to go anywhere. Honestly, I was wondering how the two of them were ever going to get back together as it seemed very unlikely their paths would ever cross again but Fate works in mysterious ways and surprisingly enough, Zhan Cheng and Yu Xi find their way back to each other. Hooray!
Before I get carried away with my Zhan Cheng/Yu Xi ship, let me say a few words about the characters we were introduced to this week. First let’s talk about Zhan Cheng’s “sister,” Lei Lei, who (thank all the powers that be) isn’t really his sister (at least not by blood). I find it incredibly creepy that Lei Lei has had a thing for her brother all these years, even if they’re not actually blood relatives. It just seems so wrong to be crushing on someone who, for all intents and purposes, is your brother. Yick! Just thinking about it gives me the willies! The world if full of available men, why in the world would Lei Lei feel the need to fall for her brother? Beyond the weirdness of having a thing for Zhan Cheng, I’m already not a fan of Lei Lei. She seems to be nothing short of a spoiled brat and I can never get behind characters like her. The way she looked down on Yu Xi and treated her like she was less than human was bad enough but then she had to go so far as to resort to physical abuse to make herself feel better and well, that pretty much solidified her place on my list of evil characters to loathe for all eternity. I can already see that she’s going to cause all sorts of problems as this story progresses and she’s undoubtedly going to cling to Zhan Cheng and insist he love her even when he tells her that she’ll never be anything more than a sister to him. (C’mon, we all know this is going to happen sooner or later.) In short, Lei Lei is set to make life miserable for everyone and I can only hope she doesn’t do something crazy and force Zhan Cheng into a relationship built on nothing but guilt. *ahem*
We were also introduced to what I’m assuming is Yu Xi’s boyfriend but I have to say, if he’s really her beau, he’s failing at his job miserably. I’ve never seen a more un-attentive and uninterested guy in my life! He’s the complete opposite of what a boyfriend should be and it makes me wonder if he’s been playing the part for quite some time and just hasn’t had the heart to tell Yu Xi that he’s moved on. I mean what boyfriend is so unaffected by the sudden appearance of his girlfriend that he doesn’t even crack a smile when she greets him? Certainly not a man in love! The way this guy was acting, when Yu Xi greeted him, I half expected him to be hiding another woman at his apartment and I was so afraid Yu Xi was about to have her heart-broken I breathed a huge sigh of relief when he invited her in and I realized all my fears were for nothing. (At least this time around.) The way Yu Xi cleaned her boyfriend’s apartment and waited on him as he worked, made me think she could be a very capable caretaker for Zhan Cheng, if she felt so inclined and I wonder if this isn’t a bit of foreshadowing, giving us a taste of what’s to come as the relationship between Zhan Cheng and Yu Xi develops. Whether it is or not, I can’t help but think Yu Xi is wasting her time and effort on her current boyfriend and it wouldn’t surprise me if these two called it off in the very near future.
The last new-ish character we were introduced to this week was Yu Xi’s brother. It seems all my questions from last week have been answered and I’m happy to see that her brother is doing so well. I was more than a little surprised to see that he’s become a priest, of all things, but it does make sense. After spending so long in the hospital, hoping, waiting and praying for a miracle, I can easily see how one would want to dedicate one’s life to repaying that debt, once the miracle had come. When you’ve been granted a second chance at life, you see the world in a different light and it makes you want to live a life that matters and I applaud Yu Xi’s brother for making such a choice. He’s making the most of the life he’s been given, trying to make the world a better place for those less fortunate than himself and I have to love him for that. I just wish I could shake this feeling of foreboding I have when it comes to him. As much as I want to believe he’s beaten his illness and has his life back, there’s a big part of me that fears this happiness is only temporary and he’s going to have a relapse before the end. I hope I’m wrong on this one but this is a drama and we all know what that means. Dramatic moments are inevitable.
Speaking of feelings of foreboding… Does anyone else have a feeling Yu Xi’s mom is hiding something? I’m pretty sure there’s a pretty big secret she’s not divulging at the moment and ll I can do is sit here and hope that when she does drop that ball, it doesn’t ruin everything Yu Xi and Zhan Cheng have worked so hard to achieve.
Speaking of… Before I wrap this up, I just need to take a moment to squee over this sudden development in Zhan Cheng and Yu Xi’s relationship. I know, I know. I’m probably getting myself worked up over nothing but we all know these two are destined for each other and it’s only a matter of time before they come to realize they like each other. The first half of this episode had me wondering how the heck that was ever going to happen but now I see that progress is, in fact, being made… All it took was a near-death experience for Zhan Cheng and a horror movie for Yu Xi. Yay! All joking aside, I really did love the genuine concern Yu Xi showed for Zhan Cheng as he foolishly tried to cross that road by himself. She literally put her life on the line to save him and I think that deep down, he knows it and is grateful that she made such a valiant effort. If he’s not grateful, he’s at least softening up around her enough to appreciate her efforts to make sure he’s alright afterwards. There was definitely a moment after Yu Xi bandaged Zhan Cheng’s wounded hand that made him stop and think favorably towards Yu Xi and I’m convinced it was that brief moment of inexplicable kindness that made the next scene possible.
I have to say, that scene in the dark, when Zhan Cheng rescues Yu Xi from the terrors of her own imagination was without a doubt, my favorite scenes of this entire episode. There was something so romantic and intimate about the way Zhan Cheng led Yu Xi around the house, explaining what it was like to live in his world… It gave me chills and set my heart to racing, all at the same time. The way Zhan Cheng let down his guard and brought Yu Xi not only into his world but also into his arms… The way he led her and held her and let her cling to him as she attempted to overcome her fears… It was ridiculously romantic and I loved every minute of it.
With the possibility of many more moments wonderfully romantic moments in the future, I look forward to next week’s episode, hoping it will not disappoint in that department. In the meantime, I’d love to hear what you thought of this week’s happenings so be sure to leave me a comment below!
You can catch up on all of my reviews of Someone Like You here:
Just finished watching the first two episodes and wanted to see what others had to say about it, so I found my way here. Hello!
Gotta say that I disagree with a few of your theories and judgements though. Personally, I think that Zhan Chang was kind of justified in his anger—or at least, I don’t blame him, considering what memories Yu Xi’s snide remarks evoked. I don’t really consider him acting particularly entitled, since he asked very little of YX besides that which he couldn’t do (the newspaper). I’m pretty sure that a dirt-poor person would’ve had a similar reaction (I’ll be honest, if one of my friends said something that jabbed at an open wound like his, I would probably cuss them out, tell them to fuck off, and physically enforce it if they didn’t go at once).
And you gotta admit that Yu Xi has a tendency to run her mouth and jump to conclusions. (It’s both a flaw and part of her charm.) Also, she did not seem to be doing a great job at her job? Forgetting that ZC’s blind and very insensitively telling him to read it himself (being mouthy and rude with ZC even though she told LL that she only took orders from him), falling asleep on the job (what if something happened to ZC while she was napping?), etc. She’s being paid an above-average salary, and she spends work time watching TV, sleeping, and being rude to her employer? Anyways, that seems gone by the end of the episode, so I imagine it was just her annoyance at ZC that was temporarily messing with her work ethics.
The other thing that I had a different opinion on was the part about Lei Lei. While she’s definitely a bit spoiled and bratty, I get the impression that she won’t cause that many problems. For one, the second female lead appears to be another girl, so the role of “crazy 2nd lead” would most likely come from her; for another, the story seems to be hinting at a relationship with YX’s brother, since he was the one she confessed to (or maybe I’m reading into this too far). The main reason she didn’t like YX wasn’t even jealously, surprisingly enough, considering how 2nd/3rd leads usually act. She seemed genuinely worried that YX would mistreat her brother, considering how rude she was to herself, an able-bodied person without a disability, and was taking it upon herself (in a very rude manner) to make sure that didn’t happen. Minus the spoiled attitude, her personality actually reminds me of YX’s—the spunk, in particular, and their reactions to being treated (or her brother being possibly treated) badly. What I think is very likely is that she’ll keep hating YX because her brother tried to kill himself due to her accidentally hurtful remarks, and then hurt his hand trying to away from her angry tirade in the orphanage.
Anyways, differences aside, I agree with everything else you said. The blackout scene was really awesome, and Kingone has a really nice voice <: By the way, have you seen the BTS? Kingone is hilarious, and he and Kirsten have some pretty awesome bloopers, haha.
I can totally see where you coming from on these points and you’re right about YX’s lousy work ethic, at least at the beginning of this second episode. Honestly, the way she was acting was very immature and I was totally disappointed in her, especially when she went to her boyfriend’s house later and did everything for him that she should have been doing for ZC. It shows that she’s actually very capable in her role, she’s just choosing to be a slacker. That doesn’t sit well with me but her actions in the second half of the second episode started to make up for this. I do hope she starts to treat ZC better not just because it’s her job but because she actually cares about ZC, if not romantically then at least in the role of his caretaker. She certainly has a lot of growing to do but we are only two episodes in so that makes sense.
As for Lei Lei, I’m not a fan at the moment but that doesn’t mean my opinion of her can’t change. She hasn’t played much of a role in this drama, as of yet, so I need to see how she acts as this story progresses to make any sort of definite decision about her. Perhaps having this other love interest enter the picture will put Lei Lei in a different light. With only two episodes behind us, there’s certainly a lot that could happen between now and the end. I’m perfectly happy to wait and see what happens.
I haven’t watched any of the BTS yet but now that you’ve mentioned them, I may have to go look them up. They sound fantastic!