You know, I wish I could sit here and tell you all how wonderful this week’s episode was and how much I adored all of our cute OTP moments but I can’t. Why? BECAUSE THERE WERE NO ADORABLE OTP MOMENTS! Not a single one! And do you know why? Because… Well, maybe I’d better step back for a minute and take a deep breath, to calm myself, before I dive into this week’s most infuriating episode.
Kicking this week’s episode off with a bang, Yu Xi wastes no time in telling Zhan Cheng that she no longer wants to be with him. Why? BECAUSE SHE’S A FLIPPING MORON, THAT’S WHY! (Oh wow. I guess that deep breath didn’t help much, did it?) After taking a few days off of work to “take care of her sick mother” (aka plot how to crush Zhan Cheng’s heart), Yu Xi decides it’s in the best interest of everyone if she walks away from Zhan Cheng, so she does. With nothing more than a lame, “You don’t understand how it feels” for an explanation. Yes, Yu Xi did drone on for a bit about how their relationship was built on a misunderstanding of feelings and whatnot but what Yu Xi was really trying to say was, “Ya Ti has your dead fiance’s heart so she needs you more than I”. (Which, for the record, is THE DUMBEST THING I’VE EVER HEARD!) We all know Ya Ti has Luo Han’s heart and it’s never been an issue for anyone other than Ya Ti (and it’s only been an issue for her because this creepy heart has completely taken over Ya Ti’s true identity and turned her into a Luo Han clone) but it’s never been an issue for Zhan Cheng. Not once has Zhan Cheng looked at Ya Ti and been like “Oh wow, you’re just like my lost Luo Han, let’s hook up so I can pretend to spend my life with the woman I lost.” So what the heck is Yu Xi thinking, trying to force Ya Ti on Zhan Cheng now? Sure, Ya Ti is sick but this has nothing to do with Yu Xi and Zhan Cheng’s relationship! Oh if only drama characters possessed even a smidgen of common sense! How much happier we’d all be!
At least Zhan Cheng has enough wits to catch on to Yu Xi’s scheme. He knows Yu Xi is pushing him away for a reason because it’s what she always does. I was really hoping Zhan Cheng would be able to put two and two together and figure out that Ya Ti lay at the bottom of all this nonsense but he never quite got there. He was close though. I loved watching him try to talk some sense into Yu Xi by taking her to the coffee shop run by his cornea donor’s family. He made a very valid point when he told Yu Xi that just because he had the shop owner’s husband’s eyes, it wasn’t reason enough for the shop owner to fall in love with him, nor was it reason enough for him to want to be with her. His logic was sound and I was hoping it would sway Yu Xi, even a little, but it didn’t. Dang it Yu Xi! Why must you always be so stubborn? The problem is, this girl regrets pushing Zhan Cheng away but she feels it’s the best thing to do so she’s sticking with her decision, no matter what. I have a feeling it’s only going to be after the death of Luo Han’s heart that she finally give into Zhan Cheng’s pleas to return.
The good new is, it looks like Luo Han’s heart is on its way out which means maybe Ya Ti might finally be able to live her life as herself and not the drone of some creepy, take-over-the-host heart. I suppose it’s a bit cold of me, celebrating the possibility that Luo Hans’ heart may be dying, but honestly, I can’t help myself. This heart has caused so many problems and has pretty much taken over Ya Ti’s entire life and it seems to me, the only way anyone is going to be free to live their own life, is if this heart is gone for good. Ya Ti deserves a heart that will simply do it’s job as a heart and not try to take over her entire existence and everyone else deserves to chance to put the past behind them and start over sans Luo Han. I think what really pushed this whole heart thing over the top was the final scene in this week’s episode. It seems to me Luo Han’s heart has finally taken over Ya Ti’s body and watching her speak to Zhan Cheng’s through Ya Ti was just enough to seal the deal for me. I don’t care how painful it may be, Ya Ti needs to get this creepy heart out of her chest ASAP!
Speaking of creepy… I have to say, I’m thoroughly disappointed in Vanessa and her siding with the creeper Bo Yan. Sure, she says she’s given him this position as the GM of Crystal to test him out but I’m not buying it. In my book this act places her on the side of Bo Yan and I’m so not okay with that. We know Bo Yan is up to something, he’s always scheming and plotting and we know he’s willing to do anything to get what he wants. We also know Bo Yan has some dirt on one of the Crystal directors, which is how he managed to land this new position. I still don’t understand how two votes can outweigh the other votes in the room but whatever. Bo Yan is now back in business and I have to wonder, what’s he going to do next? Obviously he wants to get Yu Xi back but (thank all the drama gods!) she made it perfectly clear she’s never going back to him. So what else is he after? The Peak? Zhan Cheng’s head on a plate? What? I still have no idea what this slime-ball is after but you can be sure, whatever it is, he’s up to no good. (And on a completely different side-note… Is anyone waiting for the moment Yu Xi learns Vanessa is carrying Bo Yan’s baby? Because I know I am!)
It seems big changes were in store for everyone this week, as Yu An decides to leave the church and fulfill his role as the dutiful son. I can’t say I was surprised by this and honestly, I’m not sure how I feel about it. Part of me thinks Yu An was coerced (albeit unknowingly) by Yu Xi and Mama Chen, with all their talk about Mama Chen’s dreams for her children but another part of me thinks Yu An made this decision because he feels it’s really what he should do. I can’t see what’s going on in Yu An’s head but I think he’s come to realize the decisions he’s made in his life, up to this point, have been all about himself and I think he’s reached a point where he realizes not all of life’s decisions can be made selfishly. I think, for the first time, Yu An has taken some time to consider the position of his family and the role he’s meant to play within that family. He is the son, after all, and it seems to be the duty of the son to care for his family, at least when there’s no other man around to provide for them. Not that Mama Chen and Yu Xi haven’t been able to handle things on their own, because they have and have done pretty well for themselves… It just seems that’s the role of the son and I don’t think Yu An has ever stopped to consider that he does have obligations to his family that he’s been grossly neglecting. I’m still very confused about my feelings on this point but if Yu An has decided to leave the church because he’s come to realize his decision to join wasn’t as pure as he’d originally thought, then I’m okay with his leaving. However, if he leaves simply because he feels pressured to do so by his family, then that’s not okay. Oh please! Someone help me figure this one out! I’m so confused!
I suppose I’ve rambled on enough so I’m gonna wrap this up. Of course, before I go, I have to ask what you thought of this week’s episode. Are you as disappointed in Yu Xi as I am? Do you have any idea what Bo Yan is up to? Has Vanessa really sided with such a scum-bag? Has Yu An left the church for noble reasons or because he felt pressured to do so by his family? Will Ya Ti get a new heart and finally be free to live her own life? I’d love to know what you’re thinking so be sure to tell me all about it in the comments below!
You can catch up on all of my reviews of Someone Like You here:
Episode 1 | Episode 2 | Episode 3
Episode 4 | Episode 5 | Episode 6
Episode 7 | Episode 8 | Episode 9
Episode 10 | Episode 11 | Episode 12
Like I posted in another blog I actually wasn’t that frustrated when watching this episode. I don’t know if it is due the pace (Zhan Cheng figured out that something was wrong with Yu Xi and that she didn’t meant what she said pretty fast) or if it is because I expected worse, or if it is because Yu Xi has always been someone who would put others before herself so what she did is understandable for her character, or perhaps it is all of the above. With that said, I hope their break-up will only last for this episode and that they will reconcile soon.
Although there wasn’t any cute scenes between the couple this time I actually liked the scene when Zhan Cheng was waiting for Yu Xi outside her house and pressed on the device/alarm that she gave to him when he was blind. And also the scene after when Yu Xi revealed the reason behind her actions. I thought both Rong Rong and Kingone did well in those scenes.
As for Luo Han, it seems like she has finally let go off Zhan Cheng now and actually supports him and Yu Xi. The talk Ya Ti had with Zhan Cheng about not letting memories tie you up and not to be afraid to say goodbye, and that Luo Han will only be able to smile happily if Zhan Cheng is happy.
(Ya Ti has never called him Zhan Cheng before, so I’m sure that it was Luo Han who was speaking to him. )
That last photo of ZC is such powerful acting! Already feeling a lump in my throat even only by looking at it… I actually have not watched this episode and holding it off for later on coz I’ve heard it’s a complete tear-jerker. Just need to find the right mood and time, and prefer not to have to wait too many days for the next episode, which I’m hoping will be the turn around episode for the angst. But no spoilers for me reading your review since I’ve been trying to find out what happened anyway. Perhaps I may come back with more comments after watching. Yes please, Ya Ti needs to have another transplant so she can live well since her body is rejecting the heart anyway (the proper clinical explanation, right?) As for Yu An’s decision, it kinda bothers me too because it is a big important decision whether to serve full-time or not in church, but I’d like to believe that he is mature enough to make that decision from his heart due to recent revelation of some things he’s never considered before, rather than because of indirect pressures from people around him. And it’s true that in Chinese culture the son (usu.the eldest) is expected to care for the family. It’ll be fun to see the development of his relationship with Fei-fei after this episode. Looking forward to this. I’m sure it won’t be that easy for Fei-fei to get Yu An to accept her. He’s a wooden head after all according to Fei-fei
Tbh more than the noble idiocy route, I’m noticing that the story as a whole seems to be loosening on the edges. It feels as if we’re going in circles, as evidenced by the Bo Yan now getting the job after that masterful take down before. Oh well, I’ll still continue to watch it and gonna wait for the adorable moments.
By the way, there’s one scene that I really didn’t understand. When Ya Ti was listening to ZC telling her that Yu Xi is his light…, and she said “guard it so it stays bright….”, and ZC said “But now I really don’t know if I’m able to do that”. I am confuse with it. Is it because just like Yu Xi, now that he found out about Ya Ti knowing and supposedly being “heartbroken=sick” about them dating, he’s also unable to guard his light due to the tie from the past? It kinda makes sense considering Ya Ti’s next dialogue about letting go of the past, etc. And the fact that, both Yu Xi and ZC kinda have that self-sacrificing gene with them. It just so happened that ZC possible noble act was nip on the bud by Luo Hans’s blessing via Ya Ti.
I’m not really sure about that scene either. There was a lot in this week’s episode that confused me. That whole end scene just made me angry. I don’t like that Ya Ti has lost so much of herself Luo Han’s heart is now speaking through her. I’m hoping the next episode will clarify a few things. I’d really like this show to end as strongly as it started but it does have the feel of falling apart. Here’s hoping that feeling is wrong.