Well my friends, we all knew Zhan Cheng’s eyesight would return some day and this week it did, much to everyone’s delight, including my own, but the melodrama of Ya Ti and the slimy-ness of Bo Yan have ruined the sweetness of this episode for me and I find myself irked. (Imagine that!)
Picking up where we left off last week, I was certain Zhan Cheng was going to regain his eyesight while Yu Xi was wearing that dumb wedding dress and it broke my heart to think of all the pain that poor man was going to have to endure. However, it seems the drama gods heard my plea for mercy and let Zhan Cheng catch nothing more than a fuzzy glimpse of his departed fiance’s twin before his eyesight faded away. (Thank you drama gods! Thank you!) I was much happier with the way Zhan Cheng finally regained his eyesight. Having him see the beauty of the lanterns and Yu Xi as herself was a lovely way for him to regain his eyesight and I love that even though they were surrounded by a bunch of strangers, it was still a special moment shared between them and them alone. I would have hated it if anyone else had been there, the moment Zhan Cheng regained his sight, as it would have completely spoiled the mood of the moment. As it was, Yu Xi was free to express her joy in whatever way she saw fit and Zhan Cheng was free to save Yu Xi from imminent danger, which is exactly why he chose to have his eyesight restored in the first place. (It was to be able to better protect those he loves, remember?) *sigh* Yes, I’m perfectly happy with the way things worked out for Zhan Cheng and his eyes. Now if only everything else could work out so well…
I’m still completely disappointed in Ya Ti and her deplorable lack of personality and don’t even get me started on all of this stupid cell memory crap. Once again, I watch every one of her scenes with a pillow clenched in my fists, trying my hardest to not chuck it at her head. (Mostly because I don’t want to risk breaking my computer…) I don’t feel like she’s even worth wasting my words on so I’m just gonna say that the longer she sticks around, the more I want to throw things. Zhan Cheng isn’t helping things in this department either. The way he was talking about Luo Han this week, bringing up their agreement to find each other in this life and the life after… It just made everything worse. He’s building up false hope in Ya Ti, making her think that she has a chance with him simply because she has Luo Han’s heart and that’s just not cool, even if it is unintentional.
Honestly, I think the whole reason Zhan Cheng brought up this agreement with Luo Han was to make it clear that he’s going to have a very difficult decision to make in the future. Is he going to keep his promise to Luo Han and stay with the woman who now has her heart or is he going to let her go and move on with his life? While the choice seems pretty clear to me, this is a drama and as such, this decision is probably going to come with a whole lot of, well… drama. What will Zhan Cheng ultimately decide? I suppose only time will tell.
In the meantime, we’ve got all kinds of fun Bo Yan drama to deal with. Seriously! What is wrong with this man!?! He walks out in front of a car just so Yu Xi will come take care of him and “accidentally” see his project proposal? Really!?! Call me crazy but I think he’s taking things just a bit too far, even for a crazy man. I’m sure there are some out there who see his stepping into oncoming traffic as a mere accident but I don’t. Bo Yan has proved himself to be a man willing to go to any to lengths to get what he wants and he wants Yu Xi to see those papers just as much as he wants her hanging around to “take care” of him. As long as she’s working for Zhan Cheng, she’s going to be an asset to Bo Yan and he knows exactly how to manipulate that poor girl. My question is, how badly is Yu Xi going to mess things up with this D12 project, now that she’s seen Bo Yan’s proposal? I’m pretty sure Yu Xi is going to cause something catastrophic to happen in regards to this project and it pains me to even think about just how extensive this damage may be. Of course I could be totally wrong here but for some reason, I doubt it. Something is going to come from Yu Xi seeing that figure in Bo Yan’s proposal and I don’t think it’s going to be good.
With all of this doom and gloom predicting, I’m getting a bit bummed out so let’s talk about Fei Fei and her new crush for a moment, shall we? I can’t say that I’m super thrilled with Fei Fei’s tendency to fall for unavailable men but I have to admit, watching her and Yu Xi’s brother together is super cute. He’s such a clueless guy, with such a sweet and innocent temper, and she’s so very smitten with him, they’re just a couple of cuties. If only he weren’t a priest! (Is it wrong to wish he would renounce his vows??? Ugh! I feel like I’m going to be struck by lightning for even thinking such a thing! Sorry!!!) Even if nothing romantic will ever happen between these two, they do provide quite a bit of light, fluffy, comic relief and I really do love watching them together. They’re both in desperate need of a true friend and I’m happy they’ve found one in each other. Let’s just hope nothing stupid ruins their relationship in the future. *crosses fingers*
So tell me, what did you think of this week’s episode? Now that Zhan Cheng has eyesight back, do you think this is the end of things with Yu Xi or will he find a way to keep her around? What do you think of Bo Yan and his schemes? Now that Yu Xi has found Vanessa’s scarf, do you think this is the end of her relationship with that slime-ball? Any thoughts on what may happen once Zhan Cheng learns that Ya Ti has Luo Han’s heart? What do you think of Fei Fei’s crush on Yu Xi’s brother? You know I always love hearing from you so be sure to let me know what you’re thinking by leaving me a comment below!
You can catch up on all of my reviews of Someone Like You here:
Episode 1 | Episode 2 | Episode 3
Episode 4 | Episode 5 | Episode 6
Episode 7 | Episode 8 | Episode 9
Welcome back to the Ether Zombie Mamma! I am just crawling my way back too after having bubz #2 on Saturday.. As much as I am happy to have him, I am also happy to have no more after him! Lol I am sure you remember all the glamorous aspects of being mum to a newborn…
Oh my goodness! Congratulations! Having a new baby is such a wonderful thing! I’m so happy for you! Of course I do remember, very well, what it’s like to have a newborn at home and all I can say is, this too shall pass. Just hang in there, things will be easier before you know it. *hugs*
Oh thank god for drama land escapes!!! I agree with u, LOve LOve Love how they decided for him regain his eyesight, with her praying that he will see again and find someone new… Plus how he was able to save her as per his drive to get the operation onthe first place – so he can protect her. It was UBER sweet how YuXi was completely overwhelmed with joy for him when she knew he had recovered and just cuddled and squealed like a child!! Yu Xi is just too brilliant
Oh my and how awesome was the part where u think it finally dawns on her that this cuddle seems a lil too intimate to be appropriate for the two of them, but instead it’s because of the beautiful lanterns that catch her eye which she wanted to share with him…
The shot of the two of them on the grass with her using his arm as a pillow while they admire the lanterns *content sigh* yes the drama gods can be kind…
As I am so heavily invested in their lovey dovey, I am sorry but I cannot even begin to show interest in the Ya Ti arc, every-time she comes near ZC I just wanna scream “he’s taken!!! Take ur dirty claws off Yu Xi’s man!!!” Hehehe yes yes, deranged much?!
And as for Fei Fei and YuXi’s brother… What can I say, I just don’t buy it, just give me more ZC/YX already!!!! Pretty please?!?
I’m totally with you on this one! If I could have more ZC/YX being absolutely adorable and less of everyone and everything else, I’d be perfectly content. These two just make my heart happy, they’re so very perfect for each other! And yeah, Yu Xi’s reaction to Zhan Cheng’s restored eyesight, her genuine happiness and the hugs and the cuddles… Ahhhh… It was perfect. *happy sigh*
It is sure a dilemma though. Pick the girl who is the twin of your lost fiancé ( though he did get to know her without the visuals) or the girl with her heart. I think there is agony in either decision but I know who I want him to end up with. Definitely not the baker clone! As my daughters kindergarten teacher told her ” every story has to have a problem to make it interesting”, but I hope the problem in this story doesn’t drag out for too long. Everything you feel about this drama I agree with. Bring on the lovey dovey time! Thanks for the great recaps!
You’re very welcome! Thank you for making my day! ^^