The best thing about a Taiwanese drama is that as you watch a single episode, you’re taken through an entire range of emotions that most other drams take you weeks to get through and this week’s episode of Fall in Love With Me is no exception… I laughed, I cried and my heart went pit-a-pat on more than one occasion!
So let’s start off with the hilarious, shall we? Oh my goodness! The facial expressions Xiao Lu makes as he listening to everyone around him bash Lu Tian Xing are absolutely hilarious! If anyone actually bothered to notice the way Xiao Lu cringes and grimaces every time someone bad-mouths Tian Xing or smacks his picture at the OZ office, they’d know in an instant that Xiao Lu and Tian Xing are the same person. He’s so completely obvious and yet, miraculously, no one ever bothers to notice! I’m sure that some people might find this obtuseness annoying but I find it fantastic because it means we get countless shots of Xiao Lu derping and that cracks me up! I did finally pick up on a vibe from Leo that makes me think that he’s slowly starting to suspect Xiao Lu of being more than just a poor part-timer but it’s probably going to take ages before he confronts Xiao Lu on this score.
I’m actually really curious to see who figures out Xiao Lu’s identity first. I know we’re only three episodes into a thirty episode drama so it’s going to take FOR.EV.ER to get to that point but I’m already dying to see what happens when Xiao Lu’s cover is blown. I have a feeling it’s going to be super-dramatic and I can’t wait! (I know, I’m terrible aren’t I?) Until then, I’ll keep myself satisfied with what will undoubtedly be an endless supply of nearly blown covers which will all be as equally entertaining as watching Xiao Lu transform into Tian Xing in the backseat of his car!
As entertaining as I find Tian Xing masquerading as Xiao Lu, I really like Tian Xing when he’s just being himself. I know that’s he’s being called all sorts of names by Le Si and the others but I don’t really find him to be that much of a jerk because what he’s doing, in his own ornery way, is helping Le Si become a better person and I like that. Le Si seems to be the type of person that really thrives on challenges and her stubborn streak is finally being put to good use as she tries to prove herself to Tian Xing. Already Le Si has learned several valuable lessons from Tian Xing that have helped her with their current job and I have a feeling she’s only going to learn more as this story progresses. I love that Tian Xing, as Xiao Lu, can see when Le Si is starting to become comfortable again and uses that to perfectly time when to step in as Tian Xing and stir things up again. Not only does this spur Le Si on, it provides us with all kinds of fantastic tension between Le Si and Tian Xing when they meet, that makes my heart start fluttering like crazy. (And someone, please tell me I’m not the only one who finds this tension fantastic!)
Of course there are times when Le Si and Xiao Lu are together that my heart starts fluttering as well. I have to admit, when Le Si tripped and Xiao Lu caught her, my heart skipped a beat but what I really loved was watching Xiao Lu turn the camera onto Le Si as they were filming the commercial. Oh my word! Talk about some serious flirting! As if all the hints everyone were dropping this week about Xiao Lu and Le Si’s “special” relationship weren’t enough, let’s just throw Xiao Lu’s obvious admiration of Le Si in, just to make sure we’re all completely convinced that he’s falling for her. Naturally this means that both Xiao Lu are going to be completely oblivious to the fact that they have feelings for each other while everyone else on the face of the planet is going to know. Oh the joys of life in T-Dramaland!
Oh, and while we’re on the subject of the commercial, can I just say that I was on the verge of tears the entire time they were filming that thing? I mean seriously! If all Taiwanese commercials are that good, Hallmark should be watching and taking notes! Good grief! What a way to tug on those heartstrings people! I think OZ made a winner with that commercial but I have a feeling it’s not going to be a very long-lived celebration. I have no idea what all of those mysterious phone calls were about at the end of this week’s episode (and I refuse to look up any sort of teaser or spoiler because I hate having the surprise ruined) but I have a feeling things are going to fall apart again and soon. I mean, don’t they kind of have to if Tian Xing/Xiao Lu is going to continue to be the hero that saves the day? I have a feeling Xiao Lu will be donning his superhero cape again soon and I think it’s going to push him and Se Li that much closer to realizing their feelings for each other. (Yay!)
So now it’s your turn to tell me what you thought of this week’s episode of Fall in Love With Me. What do you think of Xiao Lu/Tian Xing? How long do you think Tian Xing will be able to get away with pretending to be Xiao Lu? What do you think of Tian Xing and Se Li? Are you enjoying their tension-filled relationship as much as I am? I’d love to know what you’re thinking so be sure to leave mea comment below!
You can catch up on all of my past reviews of Fall in Love With Me here:
Another great review!
Leo likes Le Si who in turn family-zoned him at the mention of a possible relationship. So I think he’s going to figure it all out first in order to get back at Xiao Lu/Tian Xing for being chosen instead of him. Then being thrown in as a family member made Maio Maio happy since she so obviously likes him.
I think Le Si is going to fall for Tian Xing as himself rather than him as Xiao Lu, there’s so much tension between them that isn’t there when she’s with Xiao Lu.
Thanks! I’m glad you’re enjoying my review!
I think you’re right about Leo finding out about Xiao Lu/Tian Xing first. He’s already showing signs of suspicion/jealousy which makes me think it’s only a matter of time before he puts two and two together. I’m really curious to see how he’s going to react once he does get it figured out. He doesn’t seem like them mean or vindictive type so how he deals with this love rival has my curiosity piqued. I hope he doesn’t turn out to be a lame and mopey love-from-a-distance kind of guy ’cause that’s just boring!
You know, I could see Le Si falling for Tian Xing as well. The tension between the two is phenomenal and I think that could very well draw Le Si to Tian Xing. Xiao Lu is so sweet and she’s obviously very comfortable around him but is that comfort enough to spark a relationship? She already has a comfortable relationship with Leo, why would she want another one? I think Tian Xing’s pushing and nagging and pestering is going to become endearing as Le Si comes to realize that all of those annoyances are actually helping her become a better, stronger, more capable person. I just wonder what Xiao Lu is going to do when he realizes that Le Si is falling for one side of him over the other. I really can’t wait to find out!
Leo isn’t the manipulative type, but I think he’s going to try and keep Le Si away from Xaio Lu as much as possible. More then likely with work related things that’ll only require two of them. However, when he finds out Tian Xing has been hanging out with them this entire time, he’s going to tell Le Si or her parents since Mom hates Tian Xing. Leo will be the you’ve-known-me-longer-than-him-so-love-me type of guy, I can see it.
I also see that, Le Si is way more comfortable around Xaio Lu so this puts him out of her relationship radar, he’ll be on par with Leo. Plus she thinks he’s poor so that add another thing and she’s only taking pity on him at the moment. Tian Xing is only able to be super honest with Le Si as himself. He can never be blunt with her as Xiao Lu so he has to provoke her as himself to help her, which is kinda hilarious and sad at the same time. Le Si is so stubborn, she only pushes harder when her “enemy” (I say this lightly because he’s only this in her eyes) tells her the truth about herself and she has to prove him wrong.
I think you’re right about Leo and I’m afraid his feelings of entitlement (is that the right word to use here?) when it comes to Le Si are going to become really annoying. (And by entitlement I mean that I can see him thinking that because he’s been friends with Le Se for forever, he’s entitled to be the receiver of her feelings over Xiao Lu/Tian Xing.) I hate it when the second lead feels like he shouldn’t even have to fight for the girl’s affection so I’m really hoping that Leo doesn’t do that but I suppose only time will tell. What I do like is how Tian Xing can be himself and spur Le Si into becoming a better version of herself all while building up this fabulous tension that makes me think they’re only seconds away from either slapping or kissing each other. (I just love that!) It’s this tension that has me coming back for more because, like you said, Xiao Lu is someone Le Si is super comfortable with and that just doesn’t keep things interesting like the Tian Xing/Se Li tension does.
I was thinking about how liberating it must be for Tian Xing to act as himself and the nice boy next door, but stressful at the same time like when he has close calls. What surprises me is how naturally he falls into the nice boy character when it seems that he had Tian Xing’s personality his whole life. I would think that his Xiao Lu character was very much influenced by Le Si’s brother since I don’t think Tian Xing’s family was around much (another mystery). Then again, I always wonder about the “how is it possible part” of Xiao Lu’s life. Surely, he had to produce some sort of ID of some sort in order to have a legitimate job. Tian Xing is making too many mistakes like taking the wrong wallet and it’s only a matter of time before his cover is blown. BTW, Li Huan Huan, the girl fawning over Tian Xing is so annoying to the point where I wonder what man would take an interest in such a clingy girl. Le Si is definitely taking interest in both men and that’s what makes it exciting. Can’t wait for the next episode!
There are a lot of things about this show that make me wonder “how is this possible” but I try not to get too hung up on them because let’s face it, there really isn’t a lot in Dramaland that makes sense. We just kind of go with whatever we’re given and with this particular drama, I’m okay with that (mostly because I find the chemistry between the leads to be so great!) I totally agree with you when it comes to Li Huan Huan! Oh my word! That girl is so stinking annoying! I’m so glad Tian Xing doesn’t even bother being nice to her, he just flat out tells her “no” a thousand times over. Good for him! Now if only she’d go away, we’d all be happy! I do have to wonder which side of Tian Xing is the “real” one. Like you said, it doesn’t really seem like his nicer Xiao Lu side is his natural state so how can he pull it off so well? Maybe he really is a softy inside but he puts on a tough front to keep his edge at work or something. Who knows? All I know is that I’m totally looking forward to the next episode… Again!