Well my friends, believe it or not, we’ve made it to the end of Fall in Love With Me and all I can say is, “THANK GOODNESS!” This drama has been one of the most ridiculous and irritating dramas I’ve watched in a long time and I’m so happy it’s over, I literally did the dance of the joy at its conclusion. (OUR SUFFERING HAS FINALLY ENDED! HOORAY! Oops, did I say that out loud?)
I don’t know how you fared during this final episode but I spent this last seventy minutes stuck somewhere between wanting to blow up my computer and puking my guts out. There was just too much going on in this episode and every. single. bit. of. it. had me wishing I could either shoot someone or someone would shoot me, it was literally that painful of an episode. First of all, I wanted to puke at the goody-goody-ness of the Tao Family. I have absolutely no idea how every single member of that family could go from angry and resentful to, “Oh Honey, your life’s so screwed up, here let me feed you noodles and wipe away your tears.” Seriously? I would’ve been, “Oh hey, you screwed up the life of my daughter and ruined any hope she had for happiness, let me punch you in the face!” But I suppose that wouldn’t have made the Li Family see the error of their ways and we obviously can’t cheer for a heroine who’s spiteful and vindictive, even if she has had her entire life messed up by the likes of Mama Li, so instead of having Le Si hold any sort of grudge, she goes the entirely opposite way and becomes a veritable saint. (Excuse me while I vomit.)
It’s bad enough Le Si offers kindness to Mama Li and Huan Huan (which again… PUKE!) but she also has to go so far as to, not only forgive Tian Xing for being the biggest loser on the face of the planet, but also marrying him. Because, sure! Why not? He only went off and married your arch-nemesis. That’s no big deal… HA! Again, had it been me in Le Si’s shoes, I would’ve punched the sucker in the nose and said, “See ya!” But that wouldn’t bring us our happy sappy ending, now would it? Instead of Le Si making Tian Xing feel any sort of remorse by being the world’s biggest putz, she just smiles and hugs him and suddenly the world’s all sunshine and rainbow ponies. Oh joy!
Of course we could have never reached this happiest of endings if we didn’t first have to endure another massive tantrum by Lance, because let’s face it, this whole entire drama really isn’t about Tian Xing and Le Si, it’s about Lance finding inner peace. Isn’t it? (Do I detect heavy hints of sarcasm here?) I said last time that Lance needed to do two things: 1) find a therapist and 2) get as far away from his family as possible and would you believe it? I think he actually heard me! At least when it came to getting away from his family… I wonder how he likes Seattle, after spending his entire life in Taipei… Of course before he decided to skip the country, Lance had to go completely psycho and strand his sister out in the middle of nowhere. (And to be honest, that didn’t bother me at all. I spent a rather lengthy amount of time wishing he’d just push her off that cliff while he was at it but that’s because I’m a horrible person and a despicable human being.) What really bothered me the most, with Lance and all of his drama, is the fact that his mother and sister were willing to give him everything his little heart desired, even after his massive tantrums and stranding Huan Huan at the top of a cliff. Call me crazy but when a child throws a mammoth sized fit, you don’t just go and give him everything he’s been screaming for, just to shut him up. Nope! Not gonna fly at my house but apparently that’s exactly how Mama Li rolls. (And she wonders why her kids have grown up to be spoiled brats… *facepalm*)
You know, I really wanted to end this final post on a happy note but I honestly can’t think of any one thing that redeemed this drama in this last episode. It was all as annoying and frustrating as the rest of the drama (Hey, at least the writers are consistent! Yippee!) and the only thing that made me smile, just a bit was Miao Miao and Ting Wei’s engagement, because, let’s face it, they’re just too darn cute and they deserve a “happily ever after” if for no other reason than they had to endure all of the drama that was Le Si and Tian Xing’s relationship.
So now that I’ve ranted all I can, it’s time for you to tell me what you thought of Fall in Love With Me. Are you singing joyous choruses because it’s finally over or will you miss our weekly hour of table flipping? As always, I’d love to know what you’re thinking so be sure to leave me a comment below!
You can catch up on all of my reviews of Fall in Love With Me here:
Episode 1 | Episode 2 |Episode 3 | Episode 4
Episode 5 | Episode 6 | Episode 7 | Episode 8
Episode 9 | Episode 10 | Episode 11 | Episode 12
I pretty much shared your frustration. I thought the last episode was too goody goody. There is no way everything becomes “happily ever after.” It’s just not realistic. I just can’t believe the story ended like that.
It was a very disappointing ending to a rather disappointing drama.
Zombiemamma – I know you’re crazy busy with k-dramas right now, but I’m really enjoying “Go, Single Lady” which is currently airing on Dramafever. There are 7 episodes up, and two more are going to be added every week. (Which is great since most Taiwanese dramas only air one episode each week.) Ady An stars in it and she’s great! For those who were turned off to Taiwanese dramas due to the craziness of “Fall in love with me”, I suggest you give “Go Single Lady” a try.
I’ll have to check it out once things slow down a bit. Thanks for the tip though! It’s one of the dramas on my “to-watch” list.
so disappointed with this drama… enjoyed the first 11 episodes with the whole swapping idenity thing very much but then descends to chaos and really ends poorly .. I’m not a long time viewer of T – Dramas, but this is the worst I have watched so far but I have found most of the t-dramas I’ve watched overly melodramatic and angsty (watched Fated to Love You, Office Girls, Easy Fortune and Happy Life and more Joe Chen ones really :3). May have to go back to my staple of Korean RonComs tbh.
T-Dramas have a very bad habit of starting out really well only to fall spectacularly apart at the end. There’s really only 1 that I can think of that didn’t make me want to smash my head through a window before the end and that would be Bromance. Sadly, even with that one, there was an awful lot of nonsense that you had to be willing to accept if you were really going to enjoy it. I really don’t know why T-Dramas always have to end so poorly but they do and that’s just sad. Of course Korean dramas have a tendency to do the same thing, just not quite as often as their Taiwanese counterparts.
Korean dramas are often shorter so they have to wrap it up before it goes insane aha
True! hahahahaha