Oh my goodness! The amount of ridiculous nonsense going on in this episode of Fall in Love With Me is so beyond unbelievable that I’m not really sure how to handle it all. From miserably poor plots to absurd family drama, this show has completely fallen off the deep end and I’m left wondering whether or not I even care how it all turns out in the end.
First on my list of ridiculousness is Tian Xing’s poorly planned and executed attempt to run away with Le Si. I mean I get that he wants to run away with her and it’s a plan I’ve been suggestion for weeks but how could he even attempt such a scheme without any sort of plan beyond, get on an airplane. Surely Tian Xing knows that he’s being followed (as Lance’s spies have been there to ruin more than one of Tian Xing’s plans), which would make one think that he’d be smart enough to plan his escape with some sort of plan in place to keep his tails occupied. Speeding through a red light is not what I call foresight (not to mention the fact that it’s just plain dumb) and call me crazy, but I always thought Tian Xing was rather gifted in the brains department which means I was expecting a lot more from him when it came to the possibility of running off to live “happily ever after” with the woman he claims to love more than life itself.
Which brings me to the second item on my list of ridiculousness… If Tian Xing really loves Le Si as much as he says he does, why the heck did he drop her hand like a hot potato the second Huan Huan went toppling out of her wheelchair? I would’ve left that crazy woman lying on the floor of the plan and had the airport security cart her off for delaying a flight and being just plain dumb. (Which, by the way, is also on my list of ridiculousness because there’s absolutely NO WAY Lance, Huan Huan and their thugs could have gotten on the plane in the first place but that’s a whole other issue and I just don’t have the mental fortitude to deal with that right now.) Had I been in Tian Xing’s shoes, I would NOT have scooped the overly dramatic and just plain bonkers Huan Huan up in my arms and carried off to the nearest hospital. Gah! WHAT WAS TIAN XING THINKING!?! I’m beginning to think this guy is nothing but an idiot!
Of course it stands to reason that, having been raised by the Li Family, their idiocy would rub off on Tian Xing just a bit and man, oh man, is that family a bunch of idiots! From Huan Huan’s insane desire to ruin her chances of recovery, just to keep Tian Xing by her side, to Auntie’s obsession with Tian Xing, to Lance’s crazy desire to rule the world (or at least Tian Ji), this family is just one giant mess of selfish stupidity that also wins a spot on my list of ridiculousness. Augh! If only these people could step back and listen to themselves for a minute, maybe they’d see how utterly ridiculous they all are! Seriously! Blaming Tian Xing for their own misery when they’re the ones who brought all of this misery on themselves in the first place, is just so mind-numbingly frustrating that I literally can’t handle them anymore. I’m ready to chuck the whole lot of them out a window and just be done with the lot of them.
I’m also ready to chuck Tian Xing out the window, just because I can. I don’t care whether or not Tian Xing has some grand master plan to win his freedom from the Li Family, the fact that he’s willing to go so far as to marry Huan Huan is enough to make me wish his perfectly gelled hair would suddenly catch fire. He just makes me so mad! All I can say is he’d better have one doozy of a plan (and it had better be a gazillion times better than his running away plan) and then, once it’s all over, he’d better devote the rest of his life to making his stupid move up to Le Si because seriously, she deserves so much better. For once I was happy to see Lance sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong, even if it is just to protect his own assets. Way to go bro!
So tell me, what did you think of this particularly painful episode of Fall in Love With Me? Were you as frustrated by all of the shenanigans going on here as I was or have you somehow managed to keep yourself emotionally detached from all of this nonsense? I’d love to hear your thoughts so be sure to leave me a comment below!
You can catch up on all of my reviews of Fall in Love With Me here:
Episode 1 | Episode 2 |Episode 3 | Episode 4
Episode 5 | Episode 6 | Episode 7 | Episode 8
Episode 9 | Episode 10 | Episode 11 | Episode 12
Nope I just gave up and dropped it like a hot potato!
It was cute at first but it has descended into absolute madness. What the heck is the writer thinking?
I’m pretty sure the writer wasn’t thinking! I don’t know how I’m going to drag myself through the next two episodes but I’m determined to try. Here’s hoping I don’t rip all of my own hair out in the process! Ha!
This drama is a disaster even by giving it a lot of leeway since it is a tdrama. Hot mess is being kind.
Too kind, really. This is just ridiculous! The end had better be better or I’m going to skip flipping tables and just set the suckers on fire. S’mores anyone?
I dragged myself through the final episodes and was very disappointed. I won’t spoil it entirely for you, but after Tian Xing actually marries Huan Huan and humiliates Le Si in the church, I was ready to set fire to the building with everyone in it. What a bunch of idiots!! All of them. Maybe I’d save a few of the OZ people and LeSi but I’d personally kick her butt if she EVEN looked at TianXing again. What a loser – and he started out so sweet…the second half of this drama was a waste of about ten hours of my life!!
Sadly, I have to agree with you. What started out as a fairly cute drama has slowly turned into one of the most melodramatic and ridiculous dramas I’ve ever watched (and I’ve watched more than my fair share). I’m so happy this show ends at episode 20 because I couldn’t have made it through the 30 they had originally planned on making this one. Ugh! The very idea makes me want to set things on fire! At this point, I’m not even holding out hope for the ending. There’s nothing left to hope for! Tian Xing is such a slime ball that even if he somehow miraculously got out of his marriage, I wouldn’t want him coming withing a zillion yards of Le Si. He blew his chance for true love the minute he caved into the Li Family’s wishes and he deserves to spend the rest of his life in misery, regretting his greatest mistake and pining for a love he will never have. STUPID MAN! I hope Le Si finds herself a wonderful man and lives a long and happy life, never once bothering to give Tian Xing a fleeting thought.