This week’s episode of Fall in Love With Me has me feeling so frustrated it’s taking every ounce of self-control I have not to chuck my computer across the room. Seriously! I’m so annoyed right now and the only thing I can do is vent my frustration to the world so here I go…
Can I just start off by pointing out that Tian Xing has somehow managed to make his way from rich, entitled, spoiled jerk to noble, loveable, slightly tragic hero and I have to say, I love him for it. His transformation of character over the past thirteen episodes has been such that I now hold him in the highest regards. Even without his dual persona, Tian Xing has proven that he is every bit as kind and caring as Xiao Lu, which only proves what many of us have known for ages, that being that Xiao Lu and Tian Xing are one and the same. That being said, the work Tian Xing did this week to make that poor kid’s dream of meeting her brother come true should have been a pretty big clue to everyone around him that he’s not the massive jerk they all believe him to be but does that convince anyone? Of course not! Heaven forbid anyone in this drama sees Tian Xing as something more than an object to be possessed, manipulated, fought against or despised. Good grief! I don’t know that I’ve ever come across a hero antagonized by so many. It feels to me like Tian Xing is drowning in a sea of loneliness and there is no-one around to throw him a rope and that just makes me sad. He deserves better but all he’s met with is worse.
The people in Tian Xing’s life that should be offering the most love and support are the ones manipulating him the most. Lance, Huan Huan and their mother are pretty much three of the most awful family figures ever written and poor Tian Xing is completely helpless against them. He feels so obligated to do what he can to make them happy when in reality, he owes them nothing. Sure, they took him in after this parents’ death but that doesn’t give them the right to run his life. Does it? I’m pretty sure I’d be running for the hills before I let someone control me the way this family is controlling Tian Xing. I think what’s even worse is that the way this entire family has gone about manipulating Tian Xing behind his back is just underhanded and dirty. Lying about Huan Huan’s condition, forcing shares onto Tian Xing that not only corner Tian Xing into a position at Tian Ji from which he can’t escape but also enrage an already jealous Lance, it’s all just so wrong. Where do these people get off thinking they’re entitled to run every aspect of Tian Xing’s life? It’s so infuriating and the longer this drama goes on, the worse it gets!
Crazy thing is, Lance and Huan Huan’s family aren’t the only people who see Tian Xing as a threat and/or a nuisance. It’s not surprise everyone at OZ thinks Tian Xing is the villain but honestly, I think they’re holding onto their grudges a bit too long. It’s not like Tian Xing ever did anything bad while he was at OZ, in fact he did a whole lot to make it better. They wouldn’t be sitting so fat and happy with an overwhelming number of ads to work on if it weren’t for Tian Xing and yet, conveniently, no one can see that. Bunch of blind idiots! What I really don’t understand is how every staff member at OZ can be offended over something that really has nothing to do with the company and everything to do with Le Si’s personal life. The whole reason everyone at OZ is holding a grudge is because Le Si fell for Xiao Lu which means no one at OZ is actually professional enough to be able to separate business and pleasure. Big surprise! (Though when you think about it, Lance is doing the exact same thing which means he’s no better than anyone at OZ… Again, big surprise!) I really don’t understand how all of these children can be responsible enough to run a business (or businesses, when you add Lance into this mix) though now that I think about it, they’re not. Only Tian Xing has been mature enough to handle running two businesses simultaneously and both OZ and Tian Ji had better wisen up, really fast, or they’re both going to be out of luck when Tian Xing decides he’s had enough and splits for good.
Now I should probably wrap things up here but I’m going to ask that you humor me for a second as I go off on a little rant about the little girl in the hospital that Le Si decided she just had to take under her wing. Oh. My. Word. Talk about annoying! (And no, I’m not annoyed with the little girl, I’m annoyed with Le Si and her relentless need to be the doer of good deeds… GRRRR!) Why the heck does Le Si feel the need to stick her nose into everyone else’s business when she can’t even deal with her own? And why do the writers have to paint her as some saint when in reality she’s just plain annoying? And why does every stinking drama on the face of the planet have to paint cancer patients as sad and pathetic creatures who deserve nothing but pity from the rest of the world? And why on Earth would anyone in their right mind think that it was alright to capitalize on that poor girl’s pain? I got so mad when Lance and his crew followed Le Si when she ran after that poor little girl, cameras rolling, ready to catch this heart-warming moment, I seriously wanted to punch something. That girl has been through hell and OZ is there to capture her pain on film just to sell a stupid snack? And Le Si has the gall to call Tian Xing a monster… Please! The exploitation of this little girl is far more monstrous of an act than anything Tian Xing has done. /end rant/
So tell me, am I the only one flipping tables here or are there others out there just as frustrated with the way things are going? Is Tian Xing really as much of a hero as I think he is or does he deserve, at least to a degree, all that he’s going through at the moment? I know I didn’t even get a chance to discuss this but what did you think of Tian Xing’s confession to Le Si about his involvement with her brother’s death? I personally thought it would have put Tian Xing in a more favorable light but instead, Le Si seems even more determined to “take” OZ back. (Though someone really needs to remind her that it was she and her family who shoved that extra thirty percent of shares into Tian Xing’s lap.) What do you think about this “partnership” with Lance? I get the feeling Lance is up to something (When is he not?) but at this point, I’m not entire sure what it is. Any ideas? As always, I’d love to know what you’re thinking so be sure to leave me a comment below!
You can catch up on all of my reviews of Fall in Love With Me here:
Episode 1 | Episode 2 |Episode 3 | Episode 4
I’m pretty sure I would agree with you on your comments on this week’s episode, but I am really immune to it all right now!
“Sure, they took him in after this parents’ death but that doesn’t give them the right to run his life. Does it?” You are totally right, but it’s not like Tian Xing can outright stop them because he really does owe them a lot from childhood. When it comes to business decisions, I’d say fine, but when it comes to personal life, I’d say, back off.
Well, I’m pretty sure I know where this is headed and everyone is really out of their minds except Tian Xing (or he could be out of his mind when it comes to love). Tian Xing is the hero and he is also human. At least, he has the best grip of reality more than any other character. Without him, the story would just simply suck. I’m glad that Tian Xing decided to confess the story about the baseball to Le Si. I think it’s about time she knew or understood what happened, even though she was there at the time, but perhaps, she blocked out that part of her past. I think it was guilt that made Le Si even more determined to own Oz back. Maybe she feels like she was losing her brother’s dream and at the very least, to make it up to him, she should take Oz back from Tian Xing. My simple solution would have been to have Le Si marry Tian Xing and that would have solved all Oz control problems since the business will be “within the family.” As for the partnership with Lance, I don’t see a partnership at all. Anyway, perhaps Lance is thwarted by his mother, who owns a lot of Tian Ji shares. There was a comment (I forget at what point), Lance’s mother said that she would eventually transfer her shares to Lance anyway, but until then, Lance will have to stay put. Lance’s mother thinks of Tian Xing as a son (and perhaps, son-in-law) so I’m sure Lance won’t make any sudden movements to anger his mother.
As for the Oz crew, I think they have this image of Tian Ji as a manipulative company who is trying to harm Oz (especially before the partnership) so naturally, they hate Tian Xing, Ting Wei, etc. After all, Tian Xing did fool them all with his identity and even though Tian Ji or Tian Xing didn’t actually hurt the staff, but mistrust is a very powerful thing. I’m sure they all spent so many years together so naturally, they defensively support their Oz team members.
As for separating work and personal life, it’s probably easy to say, but hard to do. Not everyone can pull it off and not everybody can be a Tian Xing! There are people who can’t do it, and there are people who can. For the most part, Le Si was really doing a good job at it. She didn’t purposely reject Tian Xing and she worked hard to do her part. Leo quietly endured it as well.
What I did want to mention was when Leo and Le Si were talking about their relationship outside at night, Tian Xing just popped up from nowhere and asked Le Si if she liked him. Wasn’t that creepy? I thought people showing up out of nowhere is creepy. Or was Tian Xing a stalker? I guess he has nothing better to do besides attend to Huan Huan. After all, I don’t think I ever saw his office or him working in his office. And was that a dream or was Tian Xing really there? I would rather that scene be a dream sequence.
That was a really weird scene. I don’t really get how Tian Xing can just coincidentally be at the same place at the same time as Le Si and Leo but I guess that’s just the way things go in Drama Land. Coincidences abound.
You did make some very good points and some of them crossed my mind as I was writing but I was so full of frustration I chose to ignore them. (Because yes, I’m really that low sometimes. Hey, we all have our moments of human weakness, right?) You’re right, Tian Xing does owe Lance’s family something for taking him in, raising him right and bestowing quite a lot on him but I still don’t see how that gives them the right to control every aspect of Tian Xing’s life and I really don’t see how manipulating and lying to him is deemed acceptable. To me, it just seems wrong. If they really wanted to have a say in Tian Xing’s life, it would make more sense to me to have them all sit down and have an adult conversation about things, not sneak around behind Tian Xing’s back, plotting ways to run his life forever.
I also understand the feelings of loyalty that the staff of OZ are dealing with and I can also understand why they would feel hurt. Tian Xing did lie to them all when he pretended to be Xiao Lu but again, it’s not like he did anything to actually hurt them. Everything he did was for their benefit, not his and OZ was better off for having him there. Shouldn’t they, at some point, be able to acknowledge that what Tian Xing did was for their good and maybe take into account the fact that when he was discovered, he came clean right away. Surely that has to count for something, right?
I remember that comment by Lance’s mother as well and honestly, it has me worried. I have a feeling she’s going to be throwing her weight (and stocks) around to manipulate the situation and bend Tian Xing to her will and I’m not happy about it at all. Why must such a matronly figure be so underhanded? It’s not right. Tian Xing has already lost his parents, can’t have have at least one person in the world who actually loves him? I guess he has Uncle Fu but even he is controlled by Lance’s family and can only do so much. If they ever decided to call Uncle Fu back home, he’d have to go and then Tian Xing would be left all alone. This makes me very sad because I really think Tian Xing deserves better. Here’s hoping something happens soon because I really can’t take much more of watching Tian Xing being kicked to the curb. It’s so heartbreaking!
Well, from my experience in watching Asian dramas, when someone or a family has helped a person, especially while growing up, that person is forever indebted to the savior or family. It’s an Asian mindset. Of course, it’s unacceptable for them to meddle in Tian Xing’s personal life, but when in power, people will use their power over someone else. In Huan Huan’s mother’s case, it’s a no brainer. She wants to keep Tian Xing in Tian Ji and also, Huan Huan conveniently is infatuated with Tian Xing so Huan Huan’s mother would kill two birds with one stone and make Tian Xing permanently stay at Tian Ji and in the family as well. It’s a perfect way for Huan Huan’s mother to solve problems. Now, if she cared about Tian Xing above the company and above Huan Huan’s feelings, she would not do that for sure so it’s a selfish motive on her part. The fact that they are rich further encourages Huan Huan’s mother to do this because she can.
I think the staff at Oz would eventually come around to accept and appreciate Tian Xing. Even Gai Xian did mention a few times about Tian Xing’s merits, but I think it takes time to build trust again. I wouldn’t expect them to change their minds overnight. The problem is, I think the bad people at Tian Ji are bound to screw over Oz so that Tian Xing’s path to exoneration will be difficult. The truth is, people are fickle and will form an opinion based on what is happening around them. To be suddenly taken over by another company, it’s natural to feel job insecurity and tension. I’d say they would have to work it out over time providing that there are no more backstabbing events (yeah right!)
Well, I’m not sure why Uncle Fu has to be bound to Lance’s family unless he also owes them a favor. If anything, couldn’t he just break away and be loyal to Tian Xing? Tian Xing’s a grown man. Actually, does Tian Xing really need a caretaker/butler/whatever at this point? Uncle Fu should be free to do as he pleases. Even if Uncle Fu leaves Tian Xing, the most important thing to Tian Xing is that Le Si doesn’t leave him. She is his everything if only he can hold on to her.
And there’s the rub! Can Tian Xing actually hold onto Le Si when it seems, at least at this point, that she’s trying to run as far away from him as possible? It really doesn’t matter what happens to everyone else in this drama as long as Tian Xing and Le Si can work things out but there’s so much stuff in the way, something pretty major is going to have to happen to clear things between them. My question is, what could that something be? At this point I can’t really see anything coming down the path that would alter the course of events so drastically. Maybe if Tian Xing discovers he’s being lied to by his “family” and Le Si finds out about it too and that softens her heart toward him… That might work but then again, Tian Xing did confess to being the kid Le Si’s brother saved the day he died and that did squat so maybe I’m wrong. Perhaps Le Si isn’t meant to be with Tian Xing and there’s someone else out there for him. (Ha!) I have to say, this drama has me stumped at the moment. I really can’t see what’s going to happen next so I guess I’ll just have to sit back and enjoy the show. (If I don’t chuck my computer across the room first.)
Nope, I think Le Si is cracking. When Tian Xing asked Le Si if she likes him. Le Si couldn’t answer. I think she knows the answer, but she can’t admit it to herself or Leo. I know Huan Huan is the main factor that will keep them apart, but I believe Huan Huan will realize that love cannot be forced and she certainly cannot be happy being with a guy who is not in love with her. When Tian Xing admitted he was the guy from Le Si’s childhood who her brother died saving, Le Si didn’t even give much of a reaction. I think Le Si doesn’t blame Tian Xing at all for what happened and she’s right. Her brother would have saved anybody who was in harm’s way because he brother seemed like such a selfless hero from the beginning. I’d like to see Tian Xing lose all his fortunes to start over. He’d have to cut ties with Tian Ji and family and maybe he becomes a modified version of Xiao Lu in street clothes, working for Oz as they compete against Tian Ji. How’s that for another ten episodes?
I think that sounds like a perfect scenario! Oh what I wouldn’t give to see Tian Xing just cut ties with everyone and everything and walk away! And why shouldn’t he? His life is so miserable at the moment, I think that if he were to uncover the truth behind Huan Huan’s recovery he just might decide he’s had enough and split. I think it’s perfectly plausible for Tian Xing to decide that he’d rather spend his life on the poorer side and have the freedom to do as he pleases than to spend the rest of his life in a gilded cage. I think that would be a fantastic turn of events!
I was actually waiting for your review, because episode 13… I didn’t even hurl stuff at the screen anymore, because … pffffffff *shrugz* (Sorry for the comparison, it’s soccer world cup time for non-Americans atm, but I felt like when you are watching this supposedly great game between two top teams and like 20 minutes into the game one team leads by 5 goals and the other team has turned into headless chicken. You just shrug, get up to get a tea, and read a novel or something. Because: wtf? and why? -_-)
“The exploitation of this little girl is far more monstrous of an act than anything Tian Xing has done.”
<– THIS! -_-
I hate when companies use regular people like that – happens in real life, too. But cancer ward children? And then they had to go and romanticize the whole thing and make it look like an act of charity. What the … *graaaaaaaaa*
Ep. 14 was marginally better, imo. And it looks like epi 15 might at least bring TLSxLTX scenes back. We'll see. But then I don't really mind, because I'm happy with the current batch of Kdramas and Pleasantly Surprised (Love Myself or You? – anyways, Xihuan yi ge ren) shapes up nicely. *shrugz*
Thanks for the rant!
Thanks for waiting for my review! Sorry for being so slow but this past week was crazy busy with family visiting from out-of-state and all of the 4th of July celebrations going on here in the U.S. Speaking of which, I must be one of those rare U.S. citizens that actually follows the World Cup and I totally get what you’re saying, that last match between Germany and Brazil… I don’t even know what to say.
Anyhoo… Back to this drama… There’s really not a whole lot to say at the moment. We’ve kind of reached the frustrating portion of the drama where most people just walk away and might come back to it at the end but I’m determined to stick it out and see what happens. I’m going to try to get my review for episode 14 up soon *fingers crossed* and then we’ll see where we are. All I know is I don’t have many more tables left to flip so things had better start looking up soon!
OMG – off topic, but I really feel bad for the Brazilians~
I thought it was odd that the camerman and Leo would follow the girl and Le Si on camera. The footage is useless. How are they going to make that into a commercial. It’s stupid. They also need the girl’s consent as well in reality. Anyway, if Oz was truly professional, they would just film the girl in the studio after-the-fact. I understand people who want to make genuine commercials, but I wouldn’t film them at their most vulnerable negative moment when a person is out of control. They can always do a professional retake afterwards. Anyway, Le Si was in the picture so they can’t use that footage anyway.
As much as I’d like to believe you, I don’t see your optimism when it comes to OZ and their dealings with this girl. They exploited that retired actress and her family for their first commercial so why wouldn’t they do the same here, with this little girl? I wouldn’t put it past them, that’s all. They seem to like to take advantage of people at their most vulnerable moment and turn it for a profit.
That does sound unethical, but in that retired actress’ case, she consented to it so I don’t find any problem with it, but I’m not sure the girl or her guardian, whoever that is, gave permission, but I’ll just assume Oz got permission from every one of those kid’s guardian. I don’t know. The actually commercial itself seems harmless as kids are having their wishes fulfilled, but when things go wrong and it’s clear they need privacy, that should be respected.
So, I thought that maybe you would have posted another review… Don’t let me suffer alone!

I don’t even know what to say about the show, anymore. I seriously hate makjang. -_- You totally got a point about that actress’ family, btw! I was wondering at the time, but now… meh. I’m super happy with the Korean dramas and Pleasantly Surprised atm, so I’ll fast forward this drama and start really watching again when they come to their senses.
Football. It’s over! Or maybe not. So, I live in Berlin. It’s kind of krazy over here, now. Helps me forget the frecking what-the-heckery of episode 15. ^^; (And poor Brazilians again – they’re not even third! :< I kind of would have liked for them to win the cup. For the people, at least. The team's a bit arrogant. Ah, well…) Anywho. Tomorrow it's King of High School Savvy and Trot Lovers for me! See you in your review for episode 14. Jia You!
Sorry I got behind with the reviews! If it makes you feel any better, I plan on getting my review for episode 14 up as soon as I finish writing this reply! I promise, I won’t leave you to suffer alone!
I love that you live in Berlin, btw. I spent a summer in Goerlitz & Hoyerswerde several years ago and went through Berlin on my way to Hamburg, when I spent a week there. I love Germany (I made so many amazing memories there) so I’m glad they won the Cup but I am sad about Brazil, like you said, for the people. I was actually in Germany during a World Cup and I remember all the crazy then… I can only imagine what it’s like now that they’ve won! Wooo!
I really need to start watching Trot Lovers but with all of the stuff going on this summer, I may not have a chance until things settle down and my kids go back to school but who knows, I may just decided to say “Whatever” and start watching it anyway. How do you like it, so far? I’m always looking for good dramas to watch!
Woohoo! It’s up. I’ll leave that for breakfast tomorrow.

And I'm not even into the looks of the leads (maybe they're using to much make-up? *hm*), but the story is so cute and funny. Exactly that which Fall in Love With Me has stopped delivering. :/
So, I totally had to google Goerlitz and Hoyerswerde. … ^_^;;;;;;; (But I can find places like Tsuwano and Andong on a map even without markings, so I’m a regional expert, not universally geographically challenged. <- trying to defend myself) I know I sound completely ignorant, but: what's in G&H? *hm* Is it worth seeing?
Today they held a celebration in front of the Brandenburger Tor, but kind of closed off that street after the 500.000st visitor had turned up. The trains wouldn't even stop at the inner city stations to prevent people from getting there. lol. They might have just done their partying at a place that holds a bit more people, like a stadium, or something. Well, that's what happens, if they don't ask me, premier logistics' expert of all of Europe, right.
And do watch Trot Lovers! I totally love it.
Well here’s hoping Fall in Love With Me picks back up on the cute and funny part soon! I know I’m ready for it! (Though I’m also not holding my breath… Ha!)
Hmmm… What’s in G&H? Well, Goerlitz has some pretty cool old towers & buildings and a neat old Lutheran church but I’m sure that compared with most of Europe, it’s nothing really special. Hoyerswerde doesn’t even have that much of interest, I don’t think… I was in both towns helping out an elderly missionary couple so I didn’t have an endless amount of time to wander around (though I did wander every chance I got) and it was about 16 years ago, when I was there, so even what I remember of the towns has probably changed a lot. I have to say, I liked Goerlitz a lot better, the town seemed nicer and I liked walking over the bridge to Poland and visiting the HUGE market they had there. It so awesome and so much cheaper than the one in Goerlitz. (Plus I liked getting stamps in my passport every time I crossed the bridge. I know, I’m a dork!)