You know, the more of Fall in Love With Me I watch, the more I’m convinced Lu Tian Xing is the only character of merit, which is kind of bad, considering he started out as the worst of the bunch! Between a stubborn refusal to accept the truth and a whole new batch of lies, this week has me wondering if there’s actually a decent character in this entire drama!
So, last week I was hoping Tian Xing would have a chance to explain himself to Le Si and though she refused to give him the time of day, his insistence on following her home and explaining everything to both Le Si’s parents and the entire staff of OZ, won him the opportunity. Unfortunately for Tian Xing, all of the explaining in the world won’t do a bit of good when his entire audience is prejudiced against him. I will give Mama and Papa Tao credit for at least listening to most of what Tian Xing said before pointing their weapons in his general direction but still, they didn’t really give Tian Xing a chance to explain things fully. Once they got to the part where Tian Xing owns sixty percent of OZ’s stocks, they just decided to get angry again and I have to say, that frustrated me even more than it did Tian Xing. Do they not remember that they were the ones who shoved those stocks into Xiao Lu’s hands? I clearly remember him refusing to take the extra thirty percent, on more than one occasion, and yet they were the ones who refused to take “no” for an answer. They’re technically the ones responsible for Tian Xing having the majority of OZ’s stocks and yet they refuse to admit they’re the ones at fault. At least now we know where Le Si gets her stubbornness.
Speaking of which, Tian Xing made it perfectly clear that none of intentions were cruel or malicious or intentionally deceitful and you could tell that Le Si could understand that what Tian Xing was saying made perfect sense and yet she still refuses to accept that she’s as much responsible for her broken heart and hurt feelings as Tian Xing. There’s no way Le Si can deny that by desperately clinging to an absent Xiao Lu, she forced Tian Xing to bring him back and yet she insists on laying all the blame on Tian Xing because it’s infinitely easier to make him the bad guy than to admit her own fault. Way to go, jerk! Tian Xing has made it obvious from the very beginning that he loves Le Si and he’s done everything in his power to win her affections, including taking on an entirely different identity simply because it’s the side of him she fell in love with. The guy is willing to give up his entire way of life and live as someone else and you have the gall to tell him that all of your hurt feelings are his fault? I’m sorry but I just can’t accept that. Le Si has to step up and take some responsibility in all of this or I won’t be able to support her any longer.
Of course there aren’t a lot of people I’m supporting at this point. Lance has proven that he’s an absolute jerk and he’s manipulating both his sister and Tian Xing, just to get what he wants out of them. And here I thought Lance was such a loving brother… Turns out he’s actually an evil, conniving, manipulating, selfish jerk! Go figure! And then we have poor Huan Huan, whose entire future happiness relies on having Tian Xing by her side, even if it means giving up pretty much the rest of her life, just to live a lie. Talk about pathetic! Did Lance ever once consider that maybe Huan Huan doesn’t want to spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair? Did he ever stop to think that maybe, just maybe, Huan Huan’s future happiness doesn’t lie in whether or not she has Tian Xing by her side but might actually have to do with her ability to live her life as a completely healthy and well individual? Perhaps one who can continue to pursue the career she loves? Wouldn’t Lance, as a brother, want his sister to get better more than he’d want to keep Tian Xing under his thumb? I would think that even if Lance didn’t stop to consider any of this, Huan Huan would at least have the guts to speak up for herself and point out that getting better is far more important than keeping Tian Xing by her side; but we are talking about a girl who tried to kill herself because she couldn’t have Tian Xing so maybe I’m expecting too much from Huan Huan. Now that I think about it, I probably am. Huan Huan seems to be the type of girl who doesn’t care how she gets her man, as long as she gets him which frankly, I find pathetic. One of these days, I hope Huan Huan realizes there so much more to life than having a man by her side.
Unfortunately, my list of annoying characters doesn’t stop there. Leo has proven time and time again that he’s a punk and this week, he does it again! I’m sorry but making your confession while the woman you love is freaking out because she feels responsible for another woman’s life-altering injury, is just not cool. Le Si’s in complete hysterics once she learns Huan Huan will never walk again and that’s the time Leo decides to confess? Really? And Le Si’s just supposed to calmly take that all in? Like hearing Leo loves her is supposed to make up for the fact Huan Huan is going to be in a wheelchair for the rest of her life? (And yes, we know that she’s not actually going to be in that wheelchair forever but Le Si and Leo don’t know that.) Leo, can you please stop being such a dork? Please? You’re killin’ me Smalls! I think Le Si’s lack of response at that particular moment was simply her way of dealing with an overload of emotions. When you can’t process, you shut down and that seems to be Le Si’s case, or at least it better be because if she’s even remotely contemplating what Leo just told her, she’s as bad, if not worse than he is! And then we have Miao Miao and Gai Xian who are just as bad as ever! Miao Miao with her constant teasing and Gai Xian and his overall creepiness. They’re such a weird pair and they’re making life miserable for their poor Tian Ji counterparts which I don’t find funny at all. Just let these poor people be and go be weird together!
As I said in the beginning, Tian Xing is the only person not annoying me at the moment. He’s doing all he can to make his actions clear to everyone, he’s doing his best to help OZ stay afloat, he’s taking crap from everyone without saying a word, he’s being loyal to Huan Huan and trying to help her as much as possible, he’s taken full responsibility for Huan Huan’s accident and feels the weight of it, he’s submitted to his “aunt” and allowed himself to be put back under Tian Ji’s thumb because he feels it’s the “right” thing to do and he’s trying to make Le Si understand that everything he’s done in the past was in an attempt to make her happy. Honestly, I don’t know how much longer Tian Xing can deal with all of this before he cracks. You know he’s got to reach a point of frustration sometime and if he doesn’t find some way to vent, he’s going to explode! At least Uncle Fu tried to lighten Tian Xing’s burden when he tried to make Le Si see reason, speaking to her on Tian Xing’s behalf but it didn’t do much good. Poor Tian Xing! Someone needs to give that man a hug!
So, now that I’ve rambled on for an eternity, I’ll hand things over to you and ask what you thought of this week’s episode of Fall in Love With Me. Were you as frustrated with people as I was or did you see their actions in a different light? As always, I’d love to know what you’re thinking so be sure to leave me a comment below!
You can catch up on all of my reviews of Fall in Love With Me here:
Episode 1 | Episode 2 |Episode 3 | Episode 4
Lance and Huan Huan’s mother has raised two very pathetic, self-absorbed children who are extremely single-minded. (Yet she seems so nice!) Lance is a manipulative trouble-maker who caused his own sister’s injury by emailing the video of Xiao Lu’s transformation. He acts like he cares about his sister, but everything is motivated by his own greed and desire for power. What a scumbag. HuanHuan is a pathetic whiny, crying little girl who is obsessed with the one thing she can’t have to the point that she will injure herself to get it. Get these two some therapy!!!
The rest is more typical of the Taiwanese dramas. Sweet girl, two guys in love with her, both wanting her happiness more than anything, and a few ridiculous characters who are supposed to add comedy but I find they often miss the mark. Even though it’s pretty predictable, The main characters are cute enough to keep me watching. A few more shirtless scenes wouldn’t hurt.
My sentiments exactly!
For me, I don’t see a reason why Lance wants to keep Tian Xing at all. He seems successful by himself anyway. It looks like he could have ran the company without him. I’m sure there are also a lot of “talented” employees out there. He didn’t have to put his sister on the line or come up with so many dirty tricks to make his so-called “friend” stay in the company. Usually, bad guys would do anything to get rid of somebody from the company, especially someone who threatens the bad guy’s career or fortune.
Yeah, I don’t get that either. I can’t really understand the relationship between Lance and Tian Xing. At first I thought they were old school buddies and then we find out that Tian Xing was taken in by Lance’s parents after his parents’ death and now I’m wondering if because of that, Lance (and the rest of Lance’s family) feel that gives them the right to run Tian Xing’s life. It’s not something that really makes sense to me but it appears to be the case anyway and suddenly I find myself feeling really sorry for Tian Xing. Has he spent his entire life trapped in this cage, feeling obligated to bow to the wishes of the family that took him in? If that’s the case, does Lance really see him as an equal or does he see him as a subordinate? Someone he can easily control, perhaps? Obviously Lance isn’t above manipulating people to get what he wants but why does he want to keep Tian Xing around so badly? To run the company? That doesn’t make sense! Lance is perfectly capable of running things on his own so why does he need to keep Tian Xing around? Maybe he just likes to keep people under his thumb and watch them be miserable? I suppose anything’s possible. I’ve never really liked Lance so I’m okay with him being the bad guy as long as he gets what’s coming to him in the end. (Aren’t I terrible? lol)
Usually, bad guys like Lance want to engulf the company and have it all to himself. Lance, though, for some reason,wants Tian Xing and Lance to rule Tian Ji together despite the fact that they have different perspectives on how to run the company. Tian Xing is also constantly undermining Lance and the way he took Tian Ji’s subordinates, Ting Wei and Hai Lun, from Lance is already frustrating to Lance, yet Lance held in his anger so well. There must be a reason we don’t know about yet!
I think you must be right, otherwise nothing Lance does makes any sense. Like you said, most bad guys want to kick everyone out but Lance wants to keep Tian Xing roped into the company for what looks like forever and that just makes my brain hurt because I really can’t understand why. Here’s hoping we get more information on that score soon!
Spot on, Zombie Mamma! I don’t even want to add too much to what you wrote this week. Tian Xing, the character of merit: I think he did the mature thing to go explain the situation to everyone in person. He still smug, but if everyone can just get past the fact that this is his personality, which might never change, they will see that what he says does make sense. The only part I was hoping for was that he was going to give the shares of stock back on his own free will, but he never did offer that, and probably for a good reason. As I mentioned last week, the Tao family could have sued, but I think that they realized to a certain extent, even if they don’t admit it openly, that they made mistakes too. Besides, I like the fact that Tian Xing is the boss now. He’s the only one who is motivating Oz. Le Si is still in the background without much ability to lead the company. She still needs Tian Xing’s help to do her job, but hopefully, she’ll gain some confidence, experience, and ability to the point where Tian Xing will willingly give up control of the company back to her. I think that will be his ultimate present to Le Si. Tough love. He hasn’t officially given up on Le Si, but he hasn’t overstepped his boundaries either, because he knows Huan Huan should be priority. Lance and Huan Huan: Oh man. I really wanted to like Lance, but he had some moments of craziness. Was it all an act that he cared for his sister? No man, especially an unrequited love, is worth not walking again. If my brother told me that, I would have said, “screw that. I’m walking.” Besides, Huan Huan’s an actress. I guess she doesn’t care about her career either. I think Huan Huan does know that it’s wrong to lie just to gain Tian Xing’s attention, but she was so easily brainwashed by her brother as if she was put under a spell. I think she’ll come to her senses when she realizes how much Tian Xing and Le Si love each other. Until then, she’ll uncomfortably feign her disability. Situations like this will never last long. Honestly, Lance needs a new friend who can replace Tian Xing because Lance knew that Tian Xing and Lance would bump heads when it comes to the company anyway. Why go through all that trouble? Leo’s second confession: As if the first one wasn’t enough, the guy has to go make a second confession at the wrong place and time when Le Si is in the middle of hysterics. I hate how Leo shouted that everything was Tian Xing’s fault. Um…Leo wasn’t even there when Huan Huan fell off the cliff. Le Si should know better, but she doesn’t. I actually think Le Si is accepting Leo because she hasn’t done anything to reject him. What a surprise. Is she that stunned? That’s crazy. I’d nip that in the bud. That would be interesting though for the first lead to fall for the second lead, but I rather it not be forced and ridiculous like this situation. Miao Miao and Ting Wei: I don’t care about Gai Xian and his crazy unrequited actions, but I do see a bit more closeness between Miao Miao and Ting Wei. I want to think that she actually cut her dog’s hair in consideration for Ting Wei. It was a bit sweet. Ting Wei, on the other hand, tries to get along with Miao Miao by interacting with her dog even though he’s still sneezed through it. Wow, is there a side love story popping up here? Who cares about Leo anyway?
Right? Leo’s such a punk anyway, who cares what happens to him? Add to that, the fact that he punched Tian Xing in the face for no reason and he’s off my list of lovable seconds for life. Sorry, but no matter how much you care for a person and/or a company, you don’t call someone out just to punch them. That’s totally immature and absolutely ridiculous! Not cool, Leo! Not cool!
I kind of think Miao Miao is being a punk too, messing with Ting Wei like she is. Like she totally knew Ting Wei would start sneezing when he got close to her dog and she laughed when it happened. Seriously? Are we in middle school? Do we inflict pain on those we secretly like? I really thought Miao Miao had turned over a new leaf too but I’m not really sure. Maybe we’ll see as the story progresses. I wouldn’t mind if she decided to let Leo go and turned her attention to Ting Wei but I’d kind of feel sorry for him, if she’s going to be so childish all the time. The humor here is just kind of off.
Lance really needs to let Tian Xing go his own way. I’m not sure what kind of friend he is, feeling like he’s entitled to rule Tian Xing’s life but I know he’s not any kind of friend I’d want to have. Real friends love and support each other in every way they can, even if they go a different direction but Lance wants to keep Tian Xing close and completely under his control. You could totally tell that Tian Xing’s entire escapade as Xiao Lu was really nothing more than a desperate attempt to find freedom and now that he’s had to give Xiao Lu up, he feels like he’s been trapped once again. Of course his feelings of obligation towards Huan Huan only make that feeling worse. I really feel sorry for Tian Xing. All he really wants is a chance to live his life on his own terms and it would seem that no matter how hard he tries, he can’t seem to escape his gilded cage. I know that I, for one, am hoping, more than anything, that Tian Xing finds the freedom he’s so desperately seeking.
I know, right? The punch from nowhere! I don’t like it when a guy punches another guy for no apparent reason and with no warning whatsoever. At least, Tian Xing should know what he’s being punched for. Eh, Leo is becoming an annoying older brother character.
Miao MIao is being mean, unless she thought Ting Wei is cute when he sneezes. I’m going with the romantic story line even if it doesn’t exist. Haha.. I need romance somewhere in the drama!
Tian Xing’s crying scene on the stairway was sad. He is probably full of regret and sadness for the way things turned out. I’m sure he’ll get his happiness, but just not right now. Aaron Yan is such a great actor.
Isn’t he though? I’m amazed at his ability to transform a pretty stereotypical character into a character with depth and feeling. The longer I watch this drama, the more I find myself cheering for Tian Xing. What can I say, I really like him! He has so many sides to him, well beyond the obvious Tian Xing/Xiao Lu characters, it’s impossible not to want to know more about him. I really can’t understand why Le Si can’t see this depth but at this point, I’m okay if she never does. I think Tian Xing could find much better elsewhere!
As for the budding romance between Ting Wei and Miao Miao… I can go along with that. I think Miao Miao is kind of smitten with Ting Wei, especially after that surprise kiss, and I wouldn’t mind watching a relationship develop between them but Miao Miao needs to grow up a little. She can’t remain a tease forever… Can she?
It kills me how much Tian Xing cares for Le Si. She is one lucky girl, even if she doesn’t appreciate it. I guess she won’t appreciate it until Tian Xing is really gone from her life. I hope Lance doesn’t go the typical route and make Huan Huan marry Tian Xing because that would infuriate me. Marrying out of guilt is my pet peeve (reminds me of the 2006 MBC drama, Fireworks, ugh…).
Ugh! Don’t even go there! The very idea of Tian Xing marrying Huan Huan makes me cringe. I’d like to believe that Tian Xing is strong enough to resist Lance, should he go that far, but at this point, I’m not sure how far Tian Xing’s sense of responsibility goes. Would he really sacrifice his happiness because he felt guilty? It’s not like he dropped Huan Huan in the first place, she’s the one who let go! Tian Xing shouldn’t be responsible for one stupid girl’s actions any more than he can help that she liked him in the first place. It’s not his fault he’s awesome. Haha!
I could see Le Si coming to terms with her own feelings for Tian Xing, after he removes himself from her life. Maybe the more she sees Tian Xing with Huan Huan, the more she’ll come to understand that he and Xiao Lu have always been one and the same and perhaps that will make her realize that what she felt for one is what she feels for both. Does that make sense? My brain’s a bit too fuzzy to think straight at the moment… Lack of sleep does that to me! I do hope that some day Le Si can come to realize just how lucky she is to be the object of Tian Xing’s affections and it would be awesome to see her apologize to him for being such a dope.
I am so disappointed with the storyline and actress’s acting. I found Alice in Wonder City is much more attractive and and He Ting Yu(Aaron) is so charming. The whole storyline was amazing. I hope Aaron can pick good scripts like Alice in Wonder City next time.