This week I spent a whole lot of time trying to figure out how the men in No Ra’s life actually get away with calling themselves men when really they’re nothing more than a bunch of petty, selfish children. It seems like every time any of them shows a glimmer of humanity, it’s suddenly overshadowed by a whole lot of stupid. If this is the way things are going to go for the remainder of this show, I am going to be very put out.
That being said, I’m not ready to call this drama nor these characters a complete waste of time just yet. Am I disappointed in the majority of the male characters at the moment? Yes. But there are a few of them that are beginning to shed their pettiness and that makes me think there’s hope for the others. I find it interesting that the younger men in No Ra’s life are the first to turn over a more mature leaf while the “adult” males in her life are becoming more childish by the second.
The biggest example of this has to be Hyun Suk who, after being so ridiculously overjoyed by the news that No Ra was not dying, suddenly reverts back to his old, mean and vindictive self. I’d like to say that I understand his behavior but in all honesty, it doesn’t make any sense to me. I mean I get that he’s been harboring feelings of both like and loathing for No Ra for decades but really, all of those feelings stem from his own inability to confess to her all those years ago. After all, isn’t that really what the entire essence of his character boils down to? Hyun Suk has been mad at No Ra for the past 20 years because she got pregnant and ran off with Woo Chul but really, he’s mad at himself for not being able to stop all of that from happening in the first place. It seems to me if Hyun Suk had confessed to No Ra before she met Woo Chul, their entire story would be different and I’m convinced it’s that which has Hyun Suk so upset. However, since he’s been harboring this grudge for so long, he’s become blind to the fact he plays any part in writing No Ra’s story. That being the case, he takes all his frustration out on No Ra, blaming her for becoming a victim of circumstance when really, what other choice did she have? It’s not like he offered her another option 20 years ago and he’s not giving her any sort of alternative today. I suppose part of that is due to the fact Hyun Suk has no idea No Ra is on the brink of a divorce but really, shouldn’t he, in all of his sleuthing, be able to figure that out? Maybe I’m giving him more credit than I should. I mean this is the man who has more mood swings that I do… I guess he’s too blinded by his emotions to see the facts right in front of him.
On the other end of the spectrum we’ve got Woo Chul who really needs to get his head on straight. I’m not sure if the pressure of juggling two different women is getting to him or what but he seems to be completely lost at the moment. There are moments when I think he wants to keep No Ra around (which honestly, disgusts me) but I feel that those moments only come when someone else compliments his wife. It’s like Woo Chul can only see No Ra’s worth when someone points it out to him and that’s just wrong. On the other hand, I can’t really figure out if Woo Chul actually has any more feelings for Kim Yi Jin than he does No Ra. I know these two have been having an affair for the past four years but really, I have to ask why. Woo Chul has the emotional range of a teaspoon and wouldn’t know how to show affection if his life depended on it, so how has he managed to keep Yi Jin around this long? The flip side to that question is, why has Yi Jin stuck around so long when Woo Chul brings nothing to the table? Is there something I’m missing here? What is there to keep these two together and how long is Woo Chul going to stick around when his thoughts keep straying to his wife? Is he suddenly going to see his wife in a new light and decide she’s worth keeping around? Ugh. That’s not a thought I want to entertain and yet, I can’t help but feel that may be the case. Of course that doesn’t mean No Ra has to accept Woo Chul, after all he’s been cheating on her for years, but the possibility of a reunification bothers me.
As cheesed as I am with Woo Chul and Hyun Suk, I’m happy to see No Ra is slowly winning the hearts of both her son and her classmates. I love that Min Soo is beginning to see his mother’s worth and it made my heart happy when he stood up for her against his dad. His acceptance of No Ra attending the same school is the first step towards a new and healthy relationship with his mom and I hope against hope that by the end, these two will have a mother-son relationship that most people can only dream of having. Do I see this happening right away? No. It’s going to take time and I’m sure there are going to be some setbacks along the way but as long as they keep making progress, I’ll be happy.
I think Ga Soon Nam wins the award for the most changed and it makes my heart happy to watch him with No Ra. After being so adamant about her quitting school, he’s done a complete 180 and I couldn’t be happier. No Ra needs to know what it’s like to spend time with a guy who likes her for who she is and actually enjoys spending time with her, not on a romantic level but simply as equals. No Ra has spent the past 20 years surrounded by men who look down on her and see her as less than human because she’s dedicated her life to serving them and she needs to be around Soon Nam and her fellow dance club members and classmates to realize she’s so much more than she’s been made to believe. I really hope No Ra gets to spend more time with Soon Nam and her classmates so that she begins to see herself as one who is worthy of both love and respect.
While taking the stage at the school’s festival was never part of No Ra’s plans, she finds herself center stage in a dance club performance that catches the eye of all the men in her life and we’re left to spend the next week trying to figure out just what’s going on in each of their minds. Are feelings changing? Are hearts stirred? Will men be driven to action? Will that action lead to good or bad things in the future? It’s so painful, having to wait a whole week to have those questions answered. I guess while we wait, you can let me know what you thought of this week’s episodes by leaving me a comment below! *hint hint*
You can catch up on all my reviews of Twenty Again here:
I really liked episode 8 because she really begins to blossom. Yeah both the adult males in her life are asshats. But hopefully Mr. Grouchy-pants will come around, after all he did admit that he was behaving like a kid and was appropriately embarrassed.
I’m happy he finally saw the error of his ways and admitted them but it does make me wonder how many more of his temper tantrums we’re going to have to deal with before this show wraps up. Hopefully this is the last of them but who knows? I am wondering what the look on his face meant at the end of episode 8. Was that a look of admiration? Reignited flame? Something else? And what’s with her husband’s look? I’m guessing it was shock and horror more than anything but again, who knows? It’s so hard to figure these men out!
I’m enjoying this drama a lot despite the stupid men. I feel like there’s been a theme of younger people starting to respect and appreciate older people. I remember when nerds were uncool but then nerdiness started trending, like Irene Adler from Sherlock said, “Brainy is the new Sexy,” I’m starting to see a trend that Oldie is the new Goodie. Ok, I totally made that up but seems to sound right.
Even the recent movie with Ann Hathaway and Robert De Niro demonstrates this.
This encourages me as I’m getting older in age but my mind is still so active and young. This drama reminds me a lot of myself. By the way, I am a mom of two in my late 30’s and I LOVE kpop. Listened to it all my life, grew up on it. Listen to JYP when he first started out, that’s how long! Anyways, I’ve always wanted to learn how to dance but have always been too shy and embarrassed but as I get older I’m realizing, why hold back? for what good reason? So I sought out a hip hop school and asked if they can teach me kpop privately. They said yes! they happen to have a teacher who knows kpop! After teaching me for a while they told me they were inspired to start a kpop class and now they have all these tweens and teens taking the kpop class that started because I got over my own insecurities and was brave enough to ask. Although I am the oldest in the class, I don’t feel the type of embarrassment that would paralyze me like it use to. Now I think, “Kiddos, if it weren’t for me you wouldn’t even have a class to attend and enjoy.”
As I’m getting older and hopefully wiser, I’m loving my confidence to stand up for things and be real. Glad I found another fellow Oldie to enjoy the world of all things Hallyu with. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. By the way I found your blog from The Secret Lives of K-pop fans over 30 panel at Kcon. I did not get to attend cause I was only able to go on Saturday but it intrigued me so much I had to look you guys up. Glad I found your site!
I’m glad you found me too! It’s always great to have new friends to squee with! I’m sorry you couldn’t make the panel at KCON. It was so much fun but we can have just as much fun here. I’m a bit of a spazz at times but I figure you gotta live your life with something to be excited and spazzy over and all things Hallyu just happens to be mine. As a mom of 4 in my later-ish 30s (I turned 36 the same day BTS’ Jungkook turned 18… It was a dark day in my fangirl life, to be sure) I know what it’s like to be both a mom and a fangirl and how nice it is to find someone to fangirl with who also understands what it’s like to balance motherhood, life in general and an undying love of Kpop. It’s not always an easy thing to do but we manage!
It’s so cool that you were able to step out of your comfort zone and try something new! I would totally love to take a K-Pop dance class even if I did end up being the twitchy spazz in the back who kept tripping over her own feet. lol I’m definitely encouraged by No Ra in this drama and am inspired by her to reach for goals that everyone around her keeping says is unattainable. If there’s one thing I know it’s that you’re never too old to dream and no dream is ever beyond your reach, if you’re only willing to work hard to make it happen. Personally, I’ve got a never-ending list of things I want to do, see and accomplish before I die and I’m determined to check off as many as I can while I can.
I really am so very glad you found me and I hope you come back often. I’m pretty much always here, squeeing over biases or ranting about the insanity of whatever drama I’m watching so don’t be afraid to drop in and say hi.