Oh my goodness! Call me crazy but this week’s episode is by far, the best yet and I’m way beyond ready to dive in so let’s get to it!
I’m calling this episode Dal Hyang’s defining moment because that’s exactly what it is. Up to this point, Dal Hyang has been more of a background player, coming from nowhere, trying to find his place in a much larger world and coincidentally getting caught up in plots and schemes far beyond his simple, country bumpkin comprehension. Now that he’s experienced a few things, he’s finding that the world is far more complicated and there are many instances in life when things can’t be defined in terms of simply black and white. It’s a difficult concept for our hero to grasp but when the moment of decision comes, and Dal Hyang finds himself standing at a crossroads that will change his life forever, he steps up to the challenge and shines brighter than the noonday sun. (Watch it! The inner fangirl is trying to take over…)
Before I get carried away in my new-found love of Dal Hyang let’s back up and talk about everything else that went on during this week’s episode. First of all, I was thoroughly pleased with the unexpected history lesson we got about Mi Ryeong and now her relentless desire for revenge makes perfect sense! I almost feel bad for the girl, having been through so much at the hands of others. It’s not like she asked to be put in such a sticky situation, she was merely doing what she was told and as she was a slave, she had no say in the matter anyway. I am curious as to why the daughter of a noble would be willing to have a servant take her place. Was the daughter afraid of her own looks? Was she certain the Prince wouldn’t approve so she asked her servant be sent instead? Was she going to switch places with Mi Ryeong once the Prince married her? (Like that plan would ever work…) Whatever the reason, it’s obvious Mi Ryeong didn’t expect to fall in love with the Prince any more than she expected him to fall in love with her but life happens and the fact that the Prince went to such drastic measures once he uncovered Mi Ryeong’s true identity, means he loved her far more than he let on. I have a feeling it was one of those instances where his pride was hurt more than anything and he abused his power, just to prove a point to the girl who, in his eyes, deceived him and stole his heart.
Anyway you look at it, Mi Ryeong was doomed to die and I’m not sure that servant did her any favors when he rescued her. I can completely understand why she chose the path she took from there and I can also sympathize with her cause. Poor and homeless, she had no place to go and no means of bettering her life, save one and she sacrificed herself for a chance to live a better life. My question is, has she really found a better life? Is playing the role of a spy, while desperately seeking revenge, really a better way to live? It’s obviously not made her happy but it did bring her face to face with the Prince, after all these years so at least she found some closure. Too bad for Sohyeon that closure came with a knife jabbed into his chest.
I’m not gonna lie, I had no problem watching the Prince bleed a bit this week. He’s been such a punk to so many people, it only seems right he should suffer a bit. Not that I want him to die or anything, I just think it’s right that he pay, at least some, for the wrong he’s done to others and I think he agrees with me. Why else would he allow Mi Ryeong to stab him and then tell Dal Hyang to back off when he tries to come to the Prince’s rescue? I’m convinced it’s because Sohyeon knows that sometimes you have to pay for your crimes and this is his way of doing just that. I can’t say I think getting stabbed is really the ideal way to make a mends for past wrongs but if it makes Mi Ryeong feel better, then I guess we’ll just go with it. At least Mi Ryeong missed his heart (thank goodness!) and the dagger she used was surprisingly short which tells me she wanted to make him suffer but not necessarily kill him. It would seem she still loves the Prince as much as he loves her, which has me thinking things between these two aren’t quite over. I know the Prince told Mi Ryeong to run away and never come back but she’s not the type of woman to take orders from anyone and I have a feeling she’ll be back, though preferably without a knife… or poisoned needles… or… Wow! I think it’d be best not to get on that woman’s bad side! She’s deadly!
Speaking of bad sides… I was so beyond thrilled, watching the plot against Kim Ja Jeom unfold. Oh my goodness! Talk about an amazingly tricky and cleverly executed plan! Mad props to Choi Myung Gil for coming up with that stroke of genius! Wow! Taking that one bit of information Dal Hyang was able to take from the unconscious Prince, Choi Myung Gil managed to come up with a plan to save, not only the Prince, but Seung Po, Min Seo, Dal Hyang the Princess and pretty much the entire rest of the country. This guy must be a flipping genius! Of course as awesome as this whole plan was, the part that I love the most is that this plot is what pushes Dal Hyang to decide his fate and becomes that one defining moment I was raving about earlier. Forced to decide which path in life he’ll take, Dal Hyang suddenly finds himself being asked what it is he most wants to do with his life and, being the hero that he is, Dal Hyang decides to rise to the challenge before him without ever even batting an eye. Oh! He’s so cool! (Sorry, fangirl moment.)
Now that Dal Hyang has sided with the Prince and his cause, Sohyeon will have no choice but to take Dal Hyang back under his wing and though it looks like he’s a bit disappointed by this bit of information, I have a feeling that deep down inside, Soheyon is happy to have someone like Dal Hyang on his side. It’s not every day you come across someone as un-corrupt as Dal Hyang and I have a feeling that once the Prince learns just how much Dal Hyang sacrificed to save his skin, he’s going to start singing a different tune. I certainly hope he does anyway because it’d be a waste to really let Dal Hyang rot in jail, like he threatened to do. (I’m gonna blame that on the loss of blood… It clearly made the Prince loopy.)
So now that I’ve rambled on long enough, it’s time for you to tell me what you thought of this week’s episode. Did you find it every bit as wonderful as I did or not so much? Do you agree that this episode really is Dal Hyang’s defining moment or am I just letting my inner fangirl run a bit too wild? What are your thoughts on Mi Ryeong? Am I crazy to see her as a victim of poor circumstances rather than a true villain? What did you think of Choi Myung Gil’s plan to save the Prince and frame Kim Jae Jeom for the Prince’s injury? Was it every bit as brilliant as I thought it was or again, was I just getting carried away? I’d love to know what you’re thinking so be sure to leave me a comment below!
You can catch up on all of my reviews of The Three Musketeers here:
OMG!!! I HAVE TO AGREE!!! BEST EPISODE YET!!! Felt bad for Miryong too. I kinda like her more than the princess now. Kekeke Coz of what the Prince did to her, I don’t think the Prince deserve her too.
What I liked abt Miryung was that she kept her word. She told DH that if the Prince meet with her in person she will give the Prince the proof to use to fight KJJ & after stabbing him she did give it that to the Prince. :)))
I love that convo of DH & CMG. I loved the questions DH asked him & how he answered DH. I love the scenes between DH & KJJ too. DH may have been an unknown to the powers that be before but after ep 7 they will definitely remember the name PARK DALHYANG! kekeke Thank you for the review!!!
You’re welcome! Thanks for reading my review!
I’m totally with you on that whole conversation between DH & CMG, it was that conversation that became the turning point for Dal Hyang. It was his moment of truth and I absolutely loved it, especially since he played the part of the true hero and set down the most noble path. Things may not be easy for Dal Hyang but he’s started down the path towards greatness and that makes me so happy.
I’ve always liked Mi Ryeong (she’s such a good villain) but now that we know her story, I’m totally sympathetic to her cause. Her life has been one awful mess after another and she’s just trying to make her life better in whatever way she can. I admire her for that. I like her and the Princess but in different ways. Where Mi Ryeong has confidence in spades, the Princess is learning how to find hers and I really like that. I have a feeling she’s going to drop her innocent side and grow into a very strong, confident woman, worthy of her role as Princess. (I’m hoping that’s the case anyway. I’d really hate to see her walked all over by everyone for the rest of her life. She deserves better than that.)
I really am looking forward to seeing where this story goes from here. This episodes felt like such a turning point, I’m curious to see where things go from here. I can’t wait for the next episode! Hurry Monday! Get here already! Haha.
First,I have to say I really,REALLY enjoy your reviews- a LOT!Thank you so much for them.:)
Second,that as maybe not the best,episode yet, but definitely one of the best so far- I was curious to learn the history of Mi Ryeong (Milady) – poor girl. She is really a victim – at last the Milady from the BBC “The Musketeers” did something to bring her faith upon her, but here…gosh the life was really harsh on her.
The CP really annoys me sometimes- his attitude towards his poor wife, now he is responsible for Mi Ryeong ‘s faith- I like him, but sometimes really want to slap him upside the head…hard.
Great observation!:)
I’m so glad you’re enjoying my review! That makes me so happy! Thank you!
I’m also thrilled to find out I’m not the only one wanting to slap the Prince upside the head. He’s such a punk sometimes! I understand that he’s in a difficult position, as crown prince, and he has a lot he’s dealing with but that doesn’t mean he has to treat those who love him so poorly. All the Princess wants from him is a little affection and all Dal Hyang wants is for someone to see the potential for greatness in him. The Prince could easily do both of these things but he’s so wrapped up in his own story that he can’t see how he’s hurting those around him (not to mention putting up a wall between people who could be really useful allies in a pinch). I hope that as this story unfolds, the Prince realizes his mistakes and does something to make a mends. Like you, I really like the Prince but you’re so right, he needs a good slap to knock some sense into him once in a while.
That’s where Seung Po comes in…his teasing of the CP sometimes gets through. But that being said, a slap is still more effective and satisfying to knock some sense into him.
But overall I’m really glad that Dalhyang is finally adapting and is even able to deal with a sly old fox like Kim Jae Jeom with so much cool and calmness. Indeed he is growing up fast! Can’t wait for the next episode and your continued reviews, both of which I enjoy immensely.