After this week’s episode of The Three Musketeers, I’m beginning to wonder about Crown Prince Sohyeon and I’m not sure I like where these musing are going.
It’s no secret the Prince has been jealous of Dal Hyang’s connection to the Princess since the very first episode but he’s always managed to brush things off with relative ease, usually choosing to focus on some more pressing matter than dwell on any relationship Dal Hyang and the Princess had in the past. However, I’m now beginning to wonder if the Prince hasn’t really forgotten about anything and has, instead, been harboring a bunch of unnecessarily hard feelings towards Dal Hyang. He certainly made it seem that way when, during this confrontation with Dal Hyang, he brings up all kinds of nonsense about Dal Hyang conspiring against him to get to Yoon Seo and the entire time he was spouting nonsense, I was yelling at him to shut up and grow up. Seriously! This guy is supposed to be the brains of the country and he can’t even step past his jealousy to see the bigger picture. What a giant, spoiled, baby!
At least Dal Hyang was able to keep a level head while the Prince was throwing his adult-sized temper-tantrum. You could see the look of bewilderment in Dal Hyang’s eyes as the Prince kept spouting jealous nonsense, instead of addressing the bigger issue at hand. Dal Hyang was wise to point out that the whole reason he was there, challenging the Prince in the first place, was because Soheyon had made it very clear that the only order to be obeyed, other than his own, was that of the King. It was perfectly obvious Dal Hyang didn’t want to be fighting the Prince but the Prince was acting against the King’s orders, so what was Dal Hyang to do? He can’t go against the Prince but if the King’s order comes before Soheyon’s, the only thing he can do is follow the order of the one highest up. It would have been better if the Prince had explained what he was doing and why but apparently, that’s too much to ask from a spoiled, selfish, slightly crazy Prince. (Did anyone else catch that moment when the Prince started acting eerily like the crazy King? Or was that just in my imagination?)
Speaking of the King… I’m not really sure what he was thinking, ordering the execution of Yong Gol Dae but if you’re going to demand the death of a foreign dignitary, you’d better at least make sure he’s in your custody first. Having Gol Dae escape was pretty much the worst-case scenario for the King as it not only stirred up both sides of the nobility, but also pretty much guarantees war between the two countries. Way to go Crazy King! You’ve just sealed the fate of your people!
Knowing this was the case, I can understand why Prince Soheyon was so desperate to find Gol Dae and why he acted without anyone else knowing his intentions… Being accused of treason isn’t something a crown prince wants to endure but I’m not sure the Prince really went about this the right way. Bringing Gol Dae to the palace, to meet in secret, makes me think there’s something more the Prince wants than just peace. Of course there’s always the chance I’m reading way too much into this (which is highly possible) but I couldn’t shake the feeling that the Prince may be trying to do much more than secure the peace between the two countries. I have to admit, there was more than one time, during this secret meeting between enemies, that I wondered if maybe the Prince wasn’t stepping into the role of Cardinal Richelieu and I’m not gonna lie, that just about broke my heart.
I’m really hoping that all of my worries come to nothing and the Prince really does have the greater good at heart but at the moment, I can’t say anything with any certainty, especially not with the way things were left this week. There are just too many questions, too many strange feelings in my gut to make me think things are going to magically turn out okay. I’m not saying I’m ready to write the Prince off as the bad guy yet but I’m left feeling very unsettled about a lot of things this week and I have a feeling, none of them are going to be resolved any time soon. I can only hope that as the story progresses, all will be revealed and the happy relationship between Dal Hyang and the Musketeers will be restored. *fingers crossed*
So tell me, what are your thoughts on this week’s episode of The Three Musketeers? Are you suffering from the same unsettled feelings I am just going crazy? What do you think will happen between this duel between Soheyon and Dal Hyang? Will the Princess be able to put an end to their fighting or will she only make things worse? What’s going to happen at this end of this duel? Will Gol Dae use this distraction to make his escape? Will Dal Hyang take him to the King? What if negotiations between Gol Dae and the Prince fail? What will happen to the King if Joseon really does go to war? As always, I’d love to know what you’re thinking so be sure to leave me a comment below!
You can catch up on all of my reviews of The Three Musketeers here:
like you, I’m also getting insane as to how this conflicts (nah, I think this is just the start) be resolved… but my oh my Three Musketeers and Park Dal Hyang bromances are starting to fall apart! I can’t!
I have a feeling those bromances will be back, it just might take us a while to get here. I just hope it doesn’t take too long. I was really enjoying the Prince x Dal Hyang bromance!
So what you think Prince should do instead?
Don’t get me wrong. I’m not going to criticize you. I just wanna share my point of view. Unfortunately, I’m not good in English, please try to get with me.
Dal Hyang is smart, strong, straight, well control and of course perfect to admire. I completely felt for him. In the other hand, I didn’t find Soheyon that bad. I feel like he has his own reason to do that. As we known, Soheyon is in very intricate situation. Do you think best way to do is sit down and tell Dal Hyang whole story about Joseon’s position, how stressful and tired King is, how he plan to avoid the worst since he couldn’t choose the best for his country? Do you think Dal Hyang – a straight simple guy mind who just came from high mountain can quickly get along with “complicated politic game” and trust the Prince who withholding a lot of secret completely? I lead to flight any how, I believe. At the same time, if you were Soheyon, would you trust Dal Hyang that much, same as Heo and An to tell such important issue? Personally, I don’t think that way would work. As the Head, in the emergency case, because of important national issue, Prince had to harsh. He rather make mistake or kill Dal Hyang than taking risk from putting trust on Dal Hyang too early. Overall, I guess Prince has his plan, as said, he is testing Dal Hyang as if he can take him as third member. So in that emergency case, Prince has no better choice than driving them to the wall which somehow will bring the solution: end of risk or get on board new member. Of course, this is just my personal point of view and I aware everything is always over in drama. So far, I love and enjoy this drama very much.
You know, you make some very good points. It’s true that the Prince has a lot going on, trying to keep his father from throwing the country into war, trying to figure out the mystery of Mi Ryeong, attempting to make peace with Gol Dae all while living up to the expectations of place upon him by an entire country. It makes sense that he would be a bit over-emotional at times. It also makes sense that he wouldn’t trust Dal Hyang completely, at least not at this point. They have only just met and though they’ve fought together a couple of times, that doesn’t make them friends. Plus, the Prince is surprisingly jealous when it comes to Dal Hyang’s past relationship with the Princess, so naturally, things are going to be a little tense. I just think the Prince was a little too quick to draw his sword on Dal Hyang, especially when the Prince is the one who specifically told Dal Hyang to only ignore his orders, if orders came from the King. Being the simple, loyal, country boy that he is, Dal Hyang is simply following the instructions he was given by the Prince himself. It would be nice if the Prince would have at least acknowledged that Dal Hyang wasn’t doing anything out of spite (like the Prince assumed he was) but because he was simply following orders.
Of course the Prince isn’t going to let Dal Hyang into his grand master plan because, like we both said, they’ve not reached that point in their relationship yet. I think the Prince knows he can trust Dal Hyang, I just don’t think he’s thinking clearly right now. Being under such a tremendous amount of stress has the Prince acting a little funny and I think it’d be best for everyone to go get a good night’s sleep and come back to this in the morning but we all know that’s never going to happen. With things escalating between Soheyon and Dal Hyang so quickly, I think it’s good the Princess stepped in when she did. I think that both sides like and respect the Princess enough to listen to her and stop their ridiculous duel. I’m sure the Prince isn’t going to let thing between him and Dal Hyang go for long, without settling their dispute in one way or another but maybe with the Princess stepping in, they can all cool down a bit and maybe start thinking things through a bit better. One can hope anyway.
I’m so glad you’re liking this drama because I really am too and I love having people to talk about it with me! I’m so happy you stopped by and I hope you come back soon!
You said “I just think the Prince was a little too quick to draw his sword” (in the end of the day this is only matter make u unhappy with him? heheh)
I’m still insist in my previous thought : Prince had no better choice that time, in that case. It is because:
– He has no time to slow it down .There are so many thing unable to speak out while time is not at their side.
– If spending time to convince Dal Hyang just as giving a try with not high potential (as I stated on previous comment), he rather make it quick
– Sometime sword, fighting can help men in talking. Especially in the past, Joseon time, man can understand (or feel/sense) each other through their fighting.
You said: “I think the Prince knows he can trust Dal Hyang, I just don’t think he’s thinking clearly right now. Being under such a tremendous amount of stress has the Prince acting a little funny and I think it’d be best for everyone to go get a good night’s sleep and come back to this in the morning but we all know that’s never going to happen”
-Do agree that Prince already felt he can trust Dal Hyang. And in my pov, it is because of that, Prince wanted to speed up in confirming his feeling of trust.
-He did it on purpose, not funny at all. As said earlier, since he doubted he could convince Dal Hyang with just simple few word even from the truth in such short time, he might intentionally drive them all to the wall to done his testing.
-Writer did it on purpose : ending episode with a hook. She is also successful in making interesting characters like Prince (enigmatic enough to irritate, nice enough to think of finding reason/story behind) who is totally different from Dal Hyang
-Visible jealousy actually like a good spice letting them more manly and romantic,hehe..
And I do believe I would not enjoy this drama this much if etheir Prince took more time to explain or “having good night sleep” feeling from that scene. For me interesting drama which can keep me with is the one that has each episode ending making me jumping “can not be”, “must be something behind” and “next episode right away please” :)))
Thank you for sharing yours thought and listening mine
Happy watching TTM!