Oh my gosh! The suspense in this week’s episodes was so intense, I don’t think I took a breath the entire time I was watching! (And people wonder why I’m addicted to this show… HA!)
So last week I was freaking out because it looked like Dal Hyang had finally met his end and if it hadn’t been for that one glimpse of this week’s episode, where they showed all four of the Musketeers together, I would have spent a ridiculous amount of time this week, freaking out about Dal Hyang’s death. Even knowing Dal Hyang was still alive wasn’t enough to keep me from worrying, every now and then, for Dal Hyang’s safety. Seriously! That boy gets into so much trouble, it’s a wonder I haven’t keeled over from a heart attack on his behalf! It’s safe to say, I’m beyond happy that Dal Hyang is alive and well (or at least well-ish) but man, did they take their sweet time letting us know what happened to him! I suspected Dal Hyang was hiding somewhere but I honestly had no idea where he would go, once he crawled out from under that floor and for a second, I was sure he was going to get caught by No Soo. Oh how happy I was when Tan Yi stepped in at the last second and saved the day! (Twice even!)
With the Prince, Seung Po and Min Seo all in jail, there was no way they’d be able to come to Dal Hyang’s rescue and I wondered, on more than one occasion, when Dal Hyang would show up to rescue them. I guess it never really occurred to me that Dal Hyang would need rescuing first, at least not until we were shown the seriousness of his injuries. I suppose when a man is carried out from under the floorboards, suffering from three major sword wounds, he’s not going to be in the position to rescue anyone for a while. At least Tan Yi was there to save him, nurse him back to a semi-healthy state and even secure a promise of marriage. Way to go little girl! (Haha.) Actually, I’m really intrigued by Tan Yi and her role in this story now. Will things progress between Dal Hyang and this merchant’s daughter or is she just here to save the day before she moves on? I know this whole little side story isn’t really vital in the grand scheme of things but I’m still curious. What can I say? I’m such a sucker for love stories so I have to at least wonder a little bit about this. Will Tan Yi come into play later? Maybe in the next part of this series? I really don’t know but I think it’d be fun to have her stick around and make things interesting for Dal Hyang, especially now that things between the Prince and Princess seem to be heating up.
I know, I know! How can I say things between these two are heating up when they spent this entire episode apart? The answer is simple, really. Just look at the Prince. You saw his reaction when Ja Jeom handed him the paper stating Mi Ryeong would be his new princess. The anger in his eyes, the fury the struggled to hold back, was enough to tell us that Sohyeon isn’t interested in having anyone but Yoon Seo as his princess and he’s certainly not going to accept the likes of Mi Ryeong. I know they had their fling in the past but that’s over, pretty much forever, now that she’s stabbed the Prince and he’s been able to make peace with both her and himself. Being a rather intelligent man, Sohyeon knows Mi Ryeong would be so bad for him and I believe he’s beginning to see that Yoon Seo is exactly what he needs. I still can’t forget the promise he made to her last week, as he sent her off, it was so sweet in its own weird way. Promising to drag Yoon Seo back to the palace, whether she wanted to be there or not makes me think Sohyeon would rather keep his wife by his side and that just makes me happy.
Thank goodness Sohyeon has a Princess to come home to! Good grief! I was so worried on Yoon Seo’s behalf this week! First I was afraid Mi Ryeong would show up and poison the Princess (like she’s poisoned everyone else), then I was afraid Yoon Seo was going to take Mi Ryeong’s words to heart and actually try to kill herself, (Thank goodness Yoon Seo is better than that!) and then I was afraid she was going to meet her end when she started towards the party without the all-important hairpin! You have no idea how loudly I cheered when Dal Hyang showed up at the very last second, handing that stupid hairpin to the Princess! (There were literal whoops of joy!) As weak and wishy-washy as Yoon Seo seemed to start off as, she’s quickly proven herself to be a woman of gumption and guts and I absolutely love that. She’s gone from kinda lame to pretty darn awesome in a short amount of time and I hope beyond hope that things work out between her and the Prince. Sohyeon would be a fool not to recognize how amazing his wife really is and if he doesn’t start feeling something for her soon, I may have to reach through my computer and smack him upside the head. Next week’s preview fills me with hope but I learned a long time ago to not put any stock in a preview, so I’m just going to have to wait for the next episode to find out how things work out there.
I’m also curious to see how things are going to play out when it comes to Yong Gol Dae. We now know that Ja Jeom was the one who “saved” Gol Dae from the executioner’s blade, but where is he now? Is he being taken care of? Is he being fed all kinds of lies from Jae Jeom? How is the Prince going to rescue him? Will the Prince even bother? Does Gol Dae need to be rescued at all? I have so many questions about this but no answers. I don’t even have enough information to make an educated guess! I’m so lost here! I’d like to think The Three Musketeers will find a way to get Gol Dae away from Ja Jeom but I have no idea how they’re going to do it. I guess this is just another one of those times when I’m just going to have to wait and see.
While I’m waiting, I’d love to hear your thoughts on this week’s episode. Were you as caught up in this week’s events as I was? Did you experience any moments where you thought Dal Hyang might actually be dead? Were you as concerned for the Princess as I was? What about this deal Ja Jeom laid before the Prince? Were you yelling, “DON’T SIGN THAT PAPER!” at the Prince like I was or did you know something was bound to happen to keep him from signing that deal with the devil? As always, I love to hear all your thoughts, ideas, theories and anything else you’d like to share, so be sure to leave me a comment below!
You can catch up on all of my reviews of The Three Musketeers here:
Episodes 1-2 | Episode 3 | Episode 4
Oh! I have read ebery single word… By the way, i love your reviews, and this drama is wonderful, my first drama ever, thanks for sharing your thoughts with us, i have been like you, jumping, fighting, loving every second of this episode. I ship Prince and Princess really hard…
I’m so happy you’re enjoying my review! I love having people to chat with about this drama, it makes watching this drama so much more fun! I’m shipping the Prince and Princess as well. They’re really perfect for each other, they just don’t realize it yet. I’m hoping that some day soon, they will!
AAAAAAHHH!!! hello fellow crown prince and crown princess shippers!
I knew Dal Hyang won’t die that easily but seeing him all wounded and stuff, ugh, so difficult, poor kid… Thanks Tan Yi for saving the day, yaaaay! I have a feeling she will appear again in the next season or the season after that. I think they would make a cute couple, yes, i’m a sucker for love storyline too! That Dal Hyang boy is such a charmer, he had 1 girl promised him marriage 5 years ago and then another 1 again!
AND THAT KISS IN THE NEXT EPISODE, how many days until Sunday??? (or Monday in some countries) *v*
I can’t even begin to let myself think about the kiss we saw in the preview for next week’s episode! That looks too good to be true! I am shipping the Crown Prince and Crown Princess though, they’re just too perfect together. I’m actually really hoping things between Dal Hyang and Tan Yi develop as the story progresses but I suppose we’ll just have to wait and see. I wouldn’t be opposed to it though. I really like those two for some reason and I think they’d make a cute couple, especially as time progresses and Tan Yi grows up a bit. Who knows, she might come back later (after some time has passed) all grown up and beautiful and then Dal Hyang might be singing a different tune. Haha. I guess you never know! Until then, I’m going to be counting down the days until the next episode.
it would be a nice parallel for the girl to grow up and find DH again. he deserves someone with his steadfastness.
I think so too! It will be interesting, seeing if she turns up in one of the later installments of this story. I wouldn’t be sad if she did.
and she has already proven her metal
Yes she has! Which is probably why I like her so much.
I was watching some scenes from previous episodes (ugh the wait for next epi is torture!) and realized that Seung Po is the biggest Crown Prince-Princess shipper out there
he’s the bestest BFF!
He really is, isn’t he? I don’t know why I didn’t realize this before! Hooray Seung Po! I knew there was a reason I liked him! Haha!