I find it very amusing, the way this drama is toying with my emotions. In the last 2 episodes, I was ridiculously annoyed by our bumbling hero but in these next 2 episodes, I find my heart doing all sorts of swoony squiggles over him. It’s a bit of a trip, being flip-flopped around like this, but at the same time, it’s kinda fun. There’s a lot to be said for a drama that makes you feel a wide range of emotions which is probably why I can’t seem to get enough of this one. (Oh what a confused mess I am!)
I’ve decided to blame all of my flip-floppy emotions on Hyuk and I think I’m justified in doing so. It was his nonsense in the last 2 episodes that made me irritated to the point of wanting to throw things and it’s his moments of sincerity in these next 2 episodes that are making my heart get all swoony. If the man could just pick one side or the other, I’d be okay but all of this going back and forth is getting a bit much! At the same time, I’m the one who said I needed to see some definite progress in our hero, if I was ever going to really cheer for him. Now that I’m starting to see that progress, I can’t start complaining. That would just be wrong! In all honesty, I’m not complaining at all. I’m very much enjoying the changes we’re starting to see in Hyuk. Watching him start to figure out that his world isn’t the pink pony playground he always believed it to be is both painful and satisfying. At his age, it’s hard to believe that anyone could be so naive, so to see those rosy glasses start to crack is a very satisfying thing.
It may seem a bit harsh of me, cheering for the crumbling of Hyuk’s world, but really, it’s this destruction that’s going to lead to his eventual rise to greatness. We’ve all known, from the very beginning, that whatever path Hyuk set out on, it would eventually lead to his rise to greatness. It may have taken a shaman’s words of assurance to get his parents to believe that but for us, it’s always been a given. But to get to that point, we knew that Hyuk’s path wouldn’t be an easy one. We knew that there would end up being quite a lot of pain Hyuk would have to endure before he reached the end of his journey and for that, I really do feel sorry for him. I’m sure everything Hyuk has experienced thus far has been very hard on him but I’m afraid his difficulties are only just beginning.
Having a brother always on your side, has been one of Hyuk’s greatest comforts in life. Anytime things went wrong with his father, Hyuk always felt that he could turn to his big brother for comfort. Now that Hyuk has learned the truth about Woo Sung… Well, I just don’t see Hyuk recovering from this blow very easily. Sure, he’s done a pretty good job of putting on a brave face so far, but you know that his brother’s betrayal has cut him to the core. The question I’d like to ask is, will this betrayal be the things that spurs him on, as he journeys to greatness, or will that journey be guided more by Joon?
We all know that Joon is the one who initially set Hyuk on this path. Of course Joon has no idea that she’s done anything of the sort… Though now that I think about it, I have a feeling she’s starting to catch on. She’s slowly starting to become aware of just how much stock Hyuk puts into her words. While Joon has a tendency to spit out whatever’s on her mind, without ever thinking that he words hold any real meaning, she’s starting to realize that Hyuk isn’t just listening but actually putting her advice into action. Sure, he may not fully understand what it is she’s trying to say, but he’s making an effort. That’s why he tried to get the money for Joon’s mom. That’s why he decided to stand up for his rights as a contracted employee. That’s why he decided to take on his father and win a very small (and incredibly controversial) victory over him. It’s because everything Joon says becomes law for Hyuk. So what is Joon going to do now that she’s starting to realize just how much weight her words carry? Is she going to continue to shape and mold Hyuk into a good, decent, perhaps even noble, human being? Or is she going to chicken out and try to run away? Personally, I don’t think Joon’s the type to chicken out over anything, but if she gets too scared by her growing feelings for Hyuk, she may end up doing something completely out of character. (Hey, it wouldn’t be the first time a drama character did something completely stupid, nor would it be the last.)
At this point, there really isn’t any point in worrying about what may or may not come in the future. For now, I’m perfectly content to revel in the sweet, sweet fluffy feelings that keep popping up, every time Joon and Hyuk have a moment together. Ugh! I’m such a sap! I know I shouldn’t be so swayed by these little moments but I just can’t seem to help myself! Hyuk can be so ridiculous sometimes, it borders on irritating, but then he’ll have these moments of utter honesty and sincerity, which make him seem so strong and yet so vulnerable all at the same time, and my poor stupid heart just doesn’t know what to do, so it just starts doing floppy back flips and I find myself trying to catch myself as I swoon right off the couch! Gah! Dang it Hyuk! What kind of voodoo are you using here!?! It’s no wonder Joon is having a hard time keeping her heart in check! Who wouldn’t be swayed by a man who looked you directly in the eyes and told you he liked you? Good grief! My heart gets all fluttery just thinking about it!
Poor Joon is going to have a really hard time, from here on out. Between Yeon Hee’s insistence that Hyuk likes her and Hyuk’s own sincere confession, there’s no way Joon is going to be able to ignore her growing feelings for Hyuk. I mean she’s already had a sexy dream about him! Sure she may have woken up freaking out over it but you can’t trick your own subconscious. (Well, I can’t anyway…) If Joon is having dreams about Hyuk, you know she’s feeling more for him that she’s letting on. We don’t need any overly loud and dramatic heartbeats to tell us what we already know. Joon is falling for Hyuk and if he keeps acting as he has in this new set of episodes, she’s not going to be able to resist him for long. And really, why should she? I mean okay, I suppose I know why she should… That whole being the son of the company who ruined her father’s life thing might put a damper on things but really, what’s that compared to true love? It’s not like she doesn’t know who Hyuk is. He’s not hiding anything from her. She’s actually hiding more from him at the moment. (Remember, he has no idea his family’s company has any connections to Joon.) So why shouldn’t Joon let her feelings for Hyuk grow? Because Je Hoon should have a chance with her first? I don’t think so! That fool had his chance ages ago and he blew it! He’s had who knows how many years, and how many chances, to make things right with Joon. If he hasn’t done it by now, that’s his problem. Sorry buddy. You may be adorable but you don’t stand a chance when there’s a man like Hyuk around. No woman can resist a man who isn’t afraid to say exactly what he’s feeling. This is one of those cases where you snooze, you lose. I suppose I should feel sorry for Je Hoon but I don’t.
Actually, there’s a lot about Je Hoon that I don’t feel sorry for. Not only am I completely unfazed by his “woe is me, I’m a pining second lead who secretly loves a girl but can’t own up to my own feelings so I’ll just hold grudges and be eternally grumpy” but I’m also unfazed by his “woe is me, I’m an over-worked middle man who keeps getting placed in difficult positions by those higher up than me and if I don’t do what they say I’m going to get fired.” Sorry Je Hoon but I just can’t bring myself to feel bad for you. You’re the one who let yourself be put in these positions and you’re lacking the backbone required to get yourself out. See, this is my problem with Je Hoon. He’s playing the part of the victim because he likes feeling sorry for himself. If he really wanted to change his stars, all he’d have to do is tell Joon how he feels about her and go find another job. Joon has demonstrated time and time again, that there are plenty of jobs out there in the world to be had. Sure, they may not be as glamorous as being a two-faced spy/boot-licker but they’ll get the bills paid all the same. Being in the position he is, with the resume he has, Je Hoon could find a different job at a different company (or maybe even be a prosecutor) and be free to live a much happier life. But he won’t. Why? My guess is… You know what? I’m not every sure I have a theory on this one, other than he really likes wallowing in self-pity. Seriously, this kid has so much going for him, all he has to do is muster enough guts to step out of the familiar and blaze his own trail. Too bad he doesn’t have a friend around who might be willing to help set him on this new path. Oh wait… He does… He just refuses to listen to her. *sigh*
I have to say, I’m really pleased with the way things are progressing thus far. Our hero is showing signs of promise, our heroine is a bit clueless when it comes to love but I think that makes her adorable, our second lead is as messed up as ever but I have hope he’ll get things figured out someday and we’ve got a mysterious (and rather gorgeous) police officer who’s suddenly decided to move in next door to our victimized BFF. I’m not really sure why this seemingly insignificant character has suddenly made a much more dramatic appearance but I like the mystery his presence brings. I’m guessing he’s here to do some sort of recon on either Je Hoon or Hyuk (or both) but really, moving into the same building seems a bit much. I’m very suspicious of him at the moment but I love the fact that his presence is making Yeon Hee feel like the object of many men’s affection. She deserves that little confidence boost at the moment, even if it won’t be something that lasts forever. Poor girl. I would really love it if she found love before this story ended but for now, I’ll just be content with watching her get flustered over nothing. (Okay, so really, I’m not content at all. I feel so bad for her! She’s gonna get left in the dust and that’s gonna break my heart. Why can’t BFFs get a good man too???)
Emotional feelings for lonely BFFs aside, there was a lot to enjoy in these next 2 episodes. I’m not sure how enjoyable it’s going to be, watching Hyuk’s father react to his bedazzled performance at the food show but since I haven’t gotten that far yet, I’ll just enjoy this small feeling of victory. I have high hopes for Hyuk and Joon, even if I don’t see things working out so well with this cleaning job. Maybe Joon will crack and apply for a more stable position (though with all the trouble she’s caused thus far, I don’t see her getting a job at Hyuk’s company in her future). Maybe Hyuk will someday take a position in his father’s company. Maybe he’ll decide to venture out on his own someday. It’s too hard to tell at this point but that’s okay. At the moment, I’m simply content to go along for the ride. But what about you? What are your thoughts on this next pair of episodes? Let me know in the comments below!
You can catch up on all of my Revolutionary Love reviews here: