*sob* I *sob* may need *sob* a minute *sob* or two here. *sobs for the rest of eternity*
I honestly can’t remember the last time I cried so much as I watched a drama and the funny thing is, not a lot happened this week. Not really anyway. I mean we had to relive the agony of last week’s car crash… Again. We found out Hye Ran played a major part in the accident by putting herself between her psychotic brother and Young Ho, therefore sparing everyone’s life by jeopardizing her own. Not that that won her any brownie points with the mother-in-law from hell. Seriously, Lee Hong Im is one of the most cruel women on the face of the planet. She cares about nothing but Young Ho and though I’m all for family loyalty, Hong Im takes that to a whole new level of ridiculous. On the upside, by leaving, Hye Ran and her son can be free to live their lives anyway they choose. I just hope they realize there’s more to life than money. I know Choi Nam Chul couldn’t understand that until he was on the brink of losing his entire family (and even then I’m not completely convinced he’s learned any lessons that will last) but I’m hoping Hye Ran knows that. Millions of people all over the world manage to live their lives just fine without millions of dollars in the bank and a giant conglomerate to their name, surely Hye Ran and her son can do the same.
There was a moment when I wondered if Kim Sung Chul regretted letting Hye Ran out of his life. But maybe it was only because he was really fond of her pickled fish. There’s really no telling with that guy. A part of me wishes he missed his wife and son but honestly, he’s not worthy of them. He treated them like dirt when they were around so he doesn’t really have a right to miss them now. Looking back, it probably was his love of her fish that made him miss her. Or it was just indigestion. (Maybe it was indigestion brought on by a twinge of guilt???)
While Young Ho’s family is as messed up as ever, at least everyone else has been able to get the drama in their lives taken care of. Joo Eun and Soo Jin were able to clear the air between them and though they may not ever be BFFs they’ve at least found a way to co-exist peacefully. Hooray for no more jealous fits! Even better (I think it’s better anyway), Soo Jin and Woo Sik have made peace and now they’re living happily ever after. I wasn’t really sure whether I should cheer for them or puke as Woo Sik gave Soo Jin that ring. They’re not my favorite people but they seem to be getting their crap together so maybe there’s hope for them yet.
Joon Sung finally reunites with his mom and wins the UFC title. While I’m so very happy for him and his mom, being able to enjoy each other’s company for the first time in 20 some-odd years, I’m disappointed creepy Yi Jin is still around. Even worse, she’s sucking up to Joon Sung’s mom and nosing her way into their relationship. Why is everyone okay with this!?! If anyone else tried this with a famous person they’d be arrested and slapped with a restraining order for all of eternity. Ugh! Dramas!
And then there’s Young Ho and Joo Eun who, after a year of excruciating physical pain on Young Ho’s part and even more excruciating emotional pain on both their parts, are finally reunited and we don’t even get a good kiss! ASDFGHJKL! I know we’re not all about the kisses but C’MON! It’s bad enough Young Ho decided to go through all this physical rehab on his own and shut Joo Eun out of his life completely but then, when they do get together, they just stare at each other and cry? AUGH! Who writes these darn dramas!?! First off, there’s no way in heck Joo Eun would stay away from Young Ho when he’s facing something like this. I know! I’ve been there! I’ve had my husband diagnosed with a life-altering condition and I was right there by his side, whether he wanted me there or not. Five years later I’m still right there, bugging the crap out of him, taking care of him, helping him, supporting him, just like I always will be because that’s what people do when they love each other. They take the good and the bad and they help the other through because some things are just to dang hard to deal with on your own!
And now that I’ve had my rant, I’ll wrap this up by saying I thoroughly enjoyed the Christmas party and Chief Min’s jacket (and singing). *snicker* At least we got to end this week’s episodes on a happy note but all in all, I was rather disappointed in just how much was lacking this week. Two hours worth of tear-jerking drama is fine if we get some sort of plot development but we didn’t. We just got a year-long time warp and a whole lot of painful tears. I only hope next week’s finale will leave us feeling a bit happier than we feel this week because seriously! I need more than tears and a Christmas party!
So what are your thoughts on this week’s episodes? Got anything you wanna share? Rant about? Anything you rather enjoyed? Anything you’re looking forward to next week? You know I always love hearing from you so be sure to let me know what you’re thinking by leaving me a comment below!
You can catch up of all my review of Oh My Venus here:
I felt like these two episodes were an apology for leaving us with the image of a bloodied Young Ho at the end of last week, but frankly, it wasn’t a big enough apology. I’m still mad about that!!
The whole year apart where Young Ho DIDN’T READ A SINGLE ONE OF JOO EUN’s text messages??!!!! What is wrong with these writers? That’s what motivated him? Unread text messages and unwatched videos? Ridiculous. That made me very angry. I find that unforgivable. You do not wait until you’re perfect to accept another person’s love. It’s insulting to them. I’m completely with you on this one. You don’t take a year to get yourself back together and leave the person who loves you most suffering – wondering if you’re dead or alive. And why did the two boys allow this?? I thought they loved Joo Eun, too. This is what family looks like? I know they’ve had poor examples of love in their lives, but seriously…sigh.
Creepy brother-in-law walks away (without jail time for attempted murder and reckless endangerment?), cold-hearted grandma never takes on an ounce of blame for causing this sickening incident (SHE IS THE ROOT OF ALL THIS!!), and Young Ho’s dad stays at his mother-in-law’s side after she sent away his wife and son?? I don’t get it. At all. Why didn’t Chief Min go with Young Ho to the US? He was stripped of anyone who loves him when he needed someone the most.
I stand by my thoughts about Yi Jin. She’s crazy and her presence annoys me. Joon Sung deserves better. And I guess the hints about a shoulder issue with him were nothing since he won a title match. After which they flew all the way to the US to show Young Ho? That was a bit weird.
I’m desperately in need of some romance here. A few hugs and hand-holding isn’t cutting it. I’m not accepting this apology (although I am relieved). The writers need to do better next week.
I can’t believe this is almost over.
I couldn’ agree more with all that you said. I was reading dramafevers commwnts on the episodes and everyone was like “best drama ever”, “best couple ever” but seriously, he helped when she was fat and when it comes to help him in the worst time of his life, she doesn’t move heaven and erth looking for him and when they see each other they just stare. Thats not a very good couple. I expected so much from this drama but I am so dissapointed. I am more attatched to Reply 1988.
I’m rather addicted to “Reply 1988” myself. I absolutely love that drama as well as the series as a whole, even if it does cause me to suffer the worst case of Second Lead Syndrome ever! I can’t decide which guy I like more at the moment. They’re both so cute!
i just wanted a peek….no reading just the pictures…..I SAW TOO MUCH. I just started this show today. i am on epi 3……..I saw hospital attire…..noooooo, but I saw cute snugglies…….It’s my own fault. I will come back and read you’re updates as I watch the episodes. You have great insight!!!!
thank you
I’m glad you’re enjoying the show! Isn’t it just so much fun!?! I really do love this one! It’s just sooo cute!