I just have one question going into these next two episodes… Is leaving an upset Yoo Jung standing outside Hong Seol’s place going to be a weekly thing? It happened last week, it happened again this week, if it happens again next week I may have to start throwing things. I suppose it’s a safe way to ensure people stick around to find out what happens next but it leaves me feeling rather anxious and I don’t like that so much. Especially not when I’m still trying to figure out how I feel about Yoo Jung. Is he a good guy? Is he a bad guy? Is he somewhere in the middle? Ugh! How can one person be so darn confusing?
Before I get too carried away in my Yoo Jung musings, let’s go back and take a look at where we left things off last week and where things went from there. As I said, we left Yoo Jung rather upset with Hong Seol for setting him up with her friend and for a good part of next episode it looked like he was going to go back to his Ice King ways. However as he watched Hong Seol suffer at the hands of her completely ridiculous group project members, his feelings softened and he was back to making goo-goo eyes at her anytime she wasn’t looking. I guess that just goes to show time really is the healer of all wounds. Either that or Yoo Jung really does like Hong Seol a lot and is therefore willing to forgive her. My question is, if Yoo Jung can afford to be so gracious with Hong Seol, why can’t he be equally gracious to In Ho and In Ha?
Speaking of… We learned a bit more about this rather flamboyant pair this week and what I can deduce so far is In Ho was once an accomplished pianist, my guess is he’s a prodigy of some sort, a rising star in the world of concert pianists, if you will, and somehow Yoo Jung brought all of that to an end. How this came about is still a mystery but it definitely had to be something along these lines because I don’t see any other explanation as to why Yoo Jung’s father would take it upon himself to look after In Ho and In Ha all these years. Whatever happened between Yoo Jung and In Ho, it forced In Ho out of his piano playing and out of any sort of career in the process. Of course a lot of In Ho’s problems when it comes to jobs and whatnot, has to do with his stubborn refusal to take any sort of help offered by Yoo Jung’s dad. I’m pretty sure he could have some sort of position within the family company if he wanted but he refuses to accept handouts and is therefore wandering around very much like a lost puppy.
While I have no problems with lost puppy In Ho, I do have to wonder if the damage done to his hand is permanent or if he could rehabilitate and get back to playing piano if he really wanted to. It’s a question I don’t have an answer to but it’s one I have to ask. I also have to wonder if maybe Hong Seol will be the one to inspire the music in In Ho and make him want to play again. It wouldn’t surprise me but we’ve still got a long way to go before we get to a point where that would even become a possibility. Right now we’re at the “I thought I hated you but you’re really not a bad person at all” phase and I really couldn’t be happier about that. I’m having so much fun watching Hong Seol and In Ho weave their way into each other’s lives. I know it’s not on purpose but the way their little encounters are making such a huge impact on their lives is so much fun to watch. Hong Seol’s advice on how to dress for interviews landed him a job and his advice about not letting people walk all over her led to her taking a small step in standing up for herself at work. This is definitely one of those “iron sharpening iron” relationships and I’m loving it so much I’m on the verge of rooting for In Ho over Yoo Jung. (Oh man! SLS strikes again!)
If Hong Seol and Yoo Jung had actually had fun on their date, I would be cheering for Yoo Jung without any sort of hesitation but their date was so awkward and exhausting, I couldn’t help but feel bad for them both. Maybe Yoo Jung was completely oblivious to Hong Seol’s suffering, maybe he just didn’t want to accept the fact she was suffering as much as she was, I don’t really know. What I do know is no one should have to come home from a date that mentally drained. Poor Hong Seol! I know she’s at least fairly interested in Yoo Jung but she needs to muster up the courage to speak up when thing aren’t going well or this relationship with Yoo Jung isn’t going to last.
On the other hand, her time spent with In Ho is exactly the opposite as it is with Yoo Jung. Despite the fact they met under less-than-desirable conditions, Hong Seol and In Ho have become quite an oddly fun pair and I loved watching Hong Seol let down her guard around In Ho. With him she’s not afraid to speak up, she’s not afraid to laugh, she’s not afraid to run around in the rain in a silly race to the store for an umbrella. When these two are together they’re each allowed moments to forget the stress of the world and enjoy some of life’s simplest pleasures and I love that so much. Everyone needs someone in their life that they can relax around and just be themselves and In Ho and Hong Seol have found that with each other. The question is, how long will this blissfully innocent relationship last? Will Yoo Jung step in with his temper and his jealous ways and ruin things? Will the story of Yoo Jung and In Ho’s past cause Hong Seol to see them both in a different light? If that happens, which one will she favor? Perhaps she’ll still favor them both and be the one who breaches the gap between the two and brings them healing?
I have so many more questions I could be asking but I should probably wrap this up here and give you a chance to answer and ask questions of your own. Where do you see things going from here? What’s your theory on this whole Yoo Jung/In Ho-In Ha relationship? What are your thoughts on this In Ho/Hong Seol/Yoo Jung triangle? Will In Ha ever grow up? You know I always love hearing from you so be sure to let me know what you’re thinking in the comments below!
You can catch up on all my reviews of Cheese in the Trap here:
I have mixed feelings about the leading men as well. Is Yoo Jung evil or just seriously lacking in social skills? Does he really like Hong Seol or is he just fascinated because she isn’t ready to jump into his arms when he gives her one of his adorable smiles? I understand why she’s so serious – she has to fight for her dream of an education because her family only believes in educating her brother. But why isn’t Yoo Jung more care free? He’s rich, handsome, smart…and handsome…oh wait, I think I said that already, but darn, he really is handsome! What has gone on in his life to create this oddly unfeeling young man who doesn’t seem to enjoy life or have any friends?
In Ho is a bit of a loser, but has personality and charm oozing out of his pores. He’s so darn cute! He cares about others and connects with everyone on an emotional level. This can be both good and bad. He obviously holds a grudge and it seems to be holding him back from his own future happiness. Why won’t he make plans for his future as something other than a janitor? Who does he really think he’s punishing?
It will be interesting to see how the three of them change. I like Seol better with In Ho right now, but that may change.
You ask so many good questions and so many of them I’m wondering myself. I guess the only way we’re going to find the answers is to keep watching. Which I’m totally okay with, especially with so much handsome and cute around! I too like Seol and In Ho together better but, like you said, that may change. It all depends on how these characters change as the story progresses. It’d be nice to see Yoo Jung loosen up and enjoy life a bit, it’d be nice if Seol had the chance to do the same, and it’d be nice if In Ho let go of his pride and grudginess and grow up a little… The question is, will any of this actually come to pass? I guess we’ll just have to wait and see!