I think the best thing about Angel Eyes is its ability to make me both laugh and cry every time I sit down to watch an episode and this weeks installment was no different. From the sweet to the sad to the hilarious, Angel Eyes has, once again, delivered a tidal wave of feels and it’s taking all I’ve got to keep from being completely swept away.
It’s pretty obvious that the biggest blow to my feels has come from Dong Joo and Soo Wan and the fact that, no matter how hard they try, they just can’t seem to get things worked out. They’re both trying so hard to be good and do the right thing by those who are bound to be hurt by their relationship but every time they try to make things right, something happens and they’re stuck carrying around this giant burden of guilt and obligation. I feel so bad for them because neither one of them are doing anything wrong and yet it feels like they’re being punished. I understand that if Dong Joo and Soo Wan just got back together, all of a sudden, there would be no place for this story to go but that doesn’t mean I can’t still feel bad for them and frustrated by their circumstances. I really want these two to be able to live their own version of “happily ever after” and I’m afraid that it’s never going to happen. I have to keep reminding myself that things have to get a whole lot worse before they can get better but that doesn’t offer much consolation when all I really want is to see Dong Joo and Soo Wan as happy now as they were when they were young.
At least Soo Won and Park Hae Joo have finally been reunited. Oh what a bittersweet mixture of emotions that scene was! That was one of those moments where I was laughing one second and bawling my eyes out the next. I can’t even imagine what it must be like to be reunited with a little sister you’ve been missing for the past twelve years and that’s without adding to it the fact that you’re actually “see” seeing her for the first time ever, as in your whole life. I’m really hoping we’ll get to see a lot more from Hae Joo, in part because I want to see Soo Won and Hae Joo have some seriously fun sister bonding time and also because I want to see Teddy swoon over her more. He was so cute!
Speaking of Teddy, I”m so happy he’s found himself some sort of family with Ki Woon Chan and Jin Mo even if he is being a bit taken advantage of at the moment. I think Jin Mo really needs an older brother to look up to and Woon Chan would do well to recognize this and back off on the slave-driving for a bit. Teddy is like a breath of fresh air in the Ki house and if Woon Chan doesn’t realize how much he needs Teddy, at least at the moment, he’s going to lose something precious and also hurt his son. Of course Teddy would do well to speak up for himself and point out that while he loves being able to help out with Jin Mo, he’s not going to become some sort of weird stand-in housewife. I can speak from experience on this one, becoming Cinderella in someone else’s house sucks so if Teddy doesn’t want to take on this role for the rest of his life he either needs to speak up or move out. Personally, I’m hoping for the former because I really love watching Teddy and Jin Mo together as they’re such an adorable pair and they always make me laugh.
As my love for Teddy grows with every episode, my frustration with Kang Ji Woon equally grows. Grr! The more Ji Woon tries to hold onto Soo Wan, the less I like him. Dude! She’s told you a thousand times that she can’t be with you! Just let her go already! This inability to accept the truth and desperately cling to a woman that doesn’t love you is one of the most irritating characteristics of a second lead and I’m disappointed in Jin Woon for being such a putz. I understand that Ji Woon loves Soo Wan and that breaking up isn’t easy but there comes a point when you have to accept the fact that she’s just not interested in continuing the relationship and let go. I would like to think that, after catching Soo Wan and Dong Joo hugging, Ji Woon will finally get the hint but I’m pretty sure he won’t. Instead, I’m predicting he’ll get angry and start holding a grudge and do everything he can to make life miserable for both Soo Wan and Dong Joo, because that’s pretty much what all jealous second leads do.
I will admit that as much as I’m frustrated with Ji Woon, it pales in comparison to the boat-load of anger I’m feeling towards Yoon Jae Beom. Oh my goodness! I just want to slap that man upside the head and drag his sorry butt to jail. I have absolutely no sympathy for him and I make zero attempts to find any sort of silver lining with him. He is a horrible father, a liar, a murder and an absolute jerk and I wouldn’t be sad to see him rotting away in prison for the rest of his life, completely broken as his guilty conscious slowly consumes him. Hmmm… Can you tell I don’t like the man? I really can’t understand how a man, how murdered someone to better the life of his daughter, can then go to the son of the woman he murdered and raise him as his own. What kind of person does that? Poor Soo Wan! She’s going to be absolutely devastated when she learns just what kind of man her father really is and then she’s going to spend a ridiculous amount of time feeling guilty for having Jung Hwa’s eyes and will try to use this as an excuse to leave Dong Joo and… Dang it! There’s going to be so much drama and it’s all Jae Beom’s fault! See? This is why I don’t like the man! He’s such a hoser!
So now that you know how I feel about this past week’s episodes of Angel Eyes it’s time to share your feelings. Are you as frustrated with Ji Woon and as angry with Jae Beom as I am? How do you feel about Teddy and his new living arrangements? Is this a good move for him or will he end up regretting moving into the Ki household? What did you think of grown up Hae Joo? Isn’t she just adorable? Most importantly, do you think Soo Wan and Dong Joo will ever get things worked out and if they do, will they be able to get their “happily ever after?” I’d love to know what you’re thinking so be sure to leave me a comment below!
You can catch up on all of my previous reviews of Angel Eyes here: