Why? Why? Why? Why? WHY!?! Must every drama in the world spend a zillion episodes bringing the OTP together only to tear them apart two weeks before the end? WHAT ARE THE DRAMA GODS THINKING!?! Can you tell I’m a little bit annoyed by this week’s episodes of Angel Eyes?
As you can probably tell, I’m more than a little upset by the fact that Soo Wan has decided that the best thing for her to do is leave the only person in the world who loves her more than life itself. (비보!) We were left last week, wondering just how much of the conversation between Dong Joo and Jae Beom and now we know she heard pretty much all of it. Just as both Dong Joo and Jae Beom expected, the shock of such a dreadful truth proved to be too much for Soo Wan and she decided that the best way to deal with the massive amount of grief and guilt she was feeling was to simply run away. As if running away ever solved anything! (Again, 비보!) Rather than attempting to run away from her pain, Soo Wan would have been much better off running to the open arms of Dong Joo. One would think that now that Soo Wan knows the whole truth, she could see beyond her own feelings of guilt and appreciate just how much Dong Joo has been willing to deal with on his own. It’s not like these past few episodes have been a walk in the park for poor Dong Joo and yet he’s never once considered letting go of Soo Wan and yet here Soo Wan is, mere days after uncovering the truth and she’s ready to let go of the man she’s loved for over a decade. Are you kidding me? 비보! 비보! 비보! 비보! 비보!
I understand that it must be ridiculously difficult to deal with the fact that your father murdered the mother of the man you love, just so you could see again (and oh my goodness, just writing that sentence made my head hurt) but sill, when you’re going through something as difficult as this, you don’t toss aside the one person most able to help you get through it. I don’t care how guilty you feel! If Soo Wan had any ounce of caring in her, she would take a minute to look at things through Dong Joo’s eyes and realize that if he’s willing to overlook all of the crimes of the past and spend the rest of his life with her, then perhaps she should be willing to do the same. But maybe that’s just my crazy side talking…
Rather than spend this entire review ranting about how lame I think Soo Wan is, I’ll instead give a little whoop of joy as I talk about this most interesting revelation involving Jung Hwa’s hit-and-run. And just so there’s no confusion here, I’m not cheering for the fact that Ji Woon is personally responsible for Jung Hwa’s accident, I’m just cheering because I totally didn’t see that one coming! Hooray for being caught completely off-guard! (That doesn’t really happen much with me…) All this time I’ve been sure that Ji Woon’s dad was the one who hit Jung Hwa with his car and lo and behold, it’s actually all Ji Woon’s fault! I’m sure this is probably going to sound awful but as soon as that big secret was revealed, all I could think to myself was, “Haha! Now you have to let go of Soo Wan because you owe Dong Joo big time!” (See, I told you it was awful.) I’ve just been so annoyed with Ji Woon, feeling like he’s entitled to Soo Wan’s affections or some such nonsense and now all of a sudden it seems that Dong Joo is really the only person who deserves them. (Though I can’t say that her affections are really worthy of either of these men at the moment, I’m still too upset with her for being an idiot and leaving Dong Joo. Oh, right! Sorry! I said I wasn’t going to rant anymore…)
Moving on, I suppose I should say something about Jae Beom’s sudden collapse and the crazy twist of fate that left him lying helplessly on an operating table, solely at the mercy of Dong Joo. As if Dong Joo would ever really do anything harmful to Jae Beom. Please! Dong Joo has proven time and time again that he has way too much heart to do something as awful as exact revenge on the man who cared for him all these years, even if that man was also responsible for his mother’s death. I know it was made to seem all dramatic but I knew Dong Joo wouldn’t do anything to Jae Beom, no matter how sorely tempted he might have been. (Now if this had been Doctor Stranger, I might say otherwise but that’s a whole other story…) The truth is, Dong Joo loves Jae Beom like his own father and though he was hurt by Jae Beom, deep down, Dong Joo still loves him and that’s enough to guarantee that Dong Joo did everything in his power to save Jae Beom. Sure, Dong Joo may doubt himself but I think that’s really just affirmation of his affection. Walking away from a parent is just as difficult as walking away from a lover and Dong Joo has proven that he’s not one to give up on his affections so easily.
So now that I’ve given you my thoughts on this week’s episodes of Angel Eyes, I want to hear yours. Do you think Dong Joo is really going to go back to Boston? Do you think Jae Beom will ever fully recover? Do you think Soo Wan will eventually come to realize that kicking Dong Joo out of her life was the worst decision she could ever make? (I’m really hoping that box of letters and tearful recording are enough to do the trick!) I didn’t even talk about Teddy and Ellie this week… Do you think Ellie meant it when she said Woon Chan was her boyfriend? Do you think Woon Chan is starting to reciprocate her feelings? Will Jin Mo be alright with that if he still thinks his mom is in the U.S.? There’s so much more we could discuss, all you have to do is leave me a comment below!
You can catch up on all of my previous reviews of Angel Eyes here:
Thank you for your recaps / reviews for this drama. It’s been a crazy ride so far but I’m enjoying it. In fact, it’s affected my real life schedules as I can’t seem to get it out of my head and with the last few episodes where our OTP has been suffering (with DJ knowing the truth then SW overhearing her getting her eyes from JH, then her dad killing JH) I wouldn’t blame her for how she acted. There’s grief and guilt in her. It’s as if all this happened because of her. Her dad wouldn’t have become a murderer because of her. She can’t live for the rest of her life with the man she loves knowing full well that he lost his mom because of her. Love may conquer all but how do you digest that fact. I guess only the real truth will set them both free.
I guess our tables have turned. In the earlier episodes it was DJ pushing SW away. Now it’s her turn.
I’m frustrated as well that we have only 4 episodes and all hell breaks loose. How will the writer wrap this up nicely? I want a happy ending for our OTP, teddy and HJ, the detective and MS. I hope this drama won’t disappoint. I’ve been too invested in it already and I love this couple.
I love them too! I think that’s why I’m so upset this week. I don’t want to see Dong Joo and Soo Wan separate, I want to see them live happily ever after! I’m really hoping we make a lot of headway in the next episodes because I want a full and satisfying resolution and there are only two weeks left to get there! That makes me nervous, actually. I’ve loved this drama from the first episode so I’d really hate to be disappointed at the end. I’m still clinging to the hope that love will actually conquer all but we’ll have to see. If Dong Joo ends up spending a year or two in the U.S. before getting back with Soo Wan I’m going to be so upset! I’m not sure I can think of any other couple in Dramaland history that was as destined to be together as these two, crazy circumstances and all! Here’s hoping we get the ending we want! *fingers crossed*
I think we will. All roads point to it. Have you see episodes 17 and 18? 17…well 17 i’d love to shove under the rug. But 18 has promise. I wanted to send the drama to the corner for what it did in episode 17 but it redeemed itself in 18. Haha. One things for sure…the writer loves the use of parallels. I have a feeling they’ll be “run run running” back to each other in episode 19.
I love them too. It’s a pity that this drama isn’t getting as much hype as other dramas. I feel like it should be a sleeper hit. Their chemistry is just off the charts. I’m one of those who want them to go from reel to real. Or even have a CF or movie together. It’s sad to waste their coupling after this drama ends.
I know they’ll have a happy ending. I just hope its the way we want it…which is a lot lot lot of couple time and skinship in the last two episodes. Haha.
This drama is about love, pain, forgiveness and reconcilation. It was promoted as a kind hearted drama. They better not fail our expectations or there will be blood
I haven’t had a chance to watch episodes 17 and 18 yet (it’s on today’s “to do” list) but I have a feeling things are going to be painful. Dramas tend to fall spectacularly to pieces in the week before the end so it only makes sense. I’m just not looking forward to it. I have a feeling it’s going to be one of those weeks that hurts to watch. My only comfort is in knowing that, for better or worse, it’ll all be over next week. (Can you believe it? Where has the time gone?)
I really am shocked that this drama has been somewhat overlooked. It’s such a sweet story and the OTP are so amazing together! Like you said, their chemistry is off the charts! It would be fantastic to see them together again in other dramas or movies because they have such natural chemistry, it makes watching this drama that much more enjoyable as their sweetness together naturally balances out the bitterness of their crazy circumstances.
I’m hoping for a sweet ending as well but I can’t really give an impression on that until I’ve watched this week’s episodes. I’m hoping I’ll have a better feel for where things are headed in next week’s finale after I see where things go after last week’s disappointments. I can agree with you on one point, if we don’t get a “happily ever after,” there will be blood!