INFINITE made their long-awaited comeback this week with their second full-length album Season 2 but I have to admit, it was the MV for “Last Romeo” that really caught my attention and earned its place as this week’s featured tune.
“Last Romeo” is one of those rare songs that I can’t really place in any one musical category as the song itself possesses elements from so many musical genres that labeling it as strictly one or
another would just be wrong. The distorted guitar takes me back to the rock of the early 90’s, the horns lend “Last Romeo” a slight big band feel and heavy use of the a synthesizer immediately brings to my mind the soundtrack to one of my all-time favorite childhood movies, The Neverending Story. As I can’t really decide how to categorize “Last Romeo” the best I can do is compare it to other songs out there that possess a similar feel and I’d have to say that it reminds me quite a bit of Boyfriend’s “I Yah.” I’m not saying that both songs are the same, just that they have a similar sound and feel
when you listen to them.
As great as “Last Romeo” is on its own, it’s really the music video that sealed the deal for me as I tried to decide which song I should make my “Tune of the Week.” If you haven’t already seen it, you really should go watch it… Like now…
And now you know why I this MV persuaded me to make “Last Romeo” my “Tune of the Week.” If you’ve read this blog for any length of time you know I’m a fan of the darker concepts and while “Last Romeo” certainly isn’t “dark” dark, it’s brooding enough to make me get all fangirly and squeal, “Yay!” I love the
contrast between dark and light in this video and I especially love how it’s demonstrated through the costumes as, not only are the costumes themselves fantastic, but the contrast between the black and white are striking when set against the smoky backdrops and the switches between the two are delightfully dramatic. When you add to that drama an overabundance of drippy candelabras, a deconstructed version of Big Ben, a futile chase through a fantastically dark and dusty library and an
endless fall into nothingness, you have yourself and MV that not only delights the senses but also sparks the imagination and I think that is simply fantastic.
So now that I’ve rambled on about how much I love “Last Romeo” and its MV, I want to hear what you thought of it. I’d really like to know what all of you Inspirits are thinking now that INFINITE has made their comeback. Are you pleased with “Last Romeo” and the rest of Season 2 or not so much? I love talking K-Pop just as much as I do dramas so be sure to leave me a comment below!