Okay, so I know this post is late (as in so late it should actually be titled “Tune of LAST Week” but hey, I’m still digging through boxes to find clean… Well, never mind that. The point is, I need to squee about F.T. Island’s newest album and this is the place to do it so here goes!
As we all know, F.T. Island released their full-length album I Will this past week as well as the video for their lead single from said album “Pray”. With I Will being the first album to be written and composed entirely by the band, I knew this album was going to be epic but I’m not gonna lie, the first time I listened to “Pray” I was completely blown away. This song is everything I’ve ever wanted from F.T. Island and I! LOVE! IT!
Bordering somewhere between metal and emo, with just enough rock to keep it from falling over the edge (though, I wouldn’t have minded if it had…), “Pray” is a hard-hitting track that makes you feel all the feels. The video is pretty self-explanatory as the band rocks out in a box, much to the amusement of the business-suited clowns standing around, watching and laughing as these boys pour their soul into their music.
The fact that the music not only breaks down the walls of the box but also knocks those clowns flat just makes everything better and I would have loved to have seen the boys walk all over those goons before the end but maybe that’s taking things a bit too far.
The fact that I Will is an album created by F.T. Island for F.T. Island is what makes me love it more than anything. To know that these boys have finally been given the freedom to create the music they want makes my heart happy. Of course having an eleven-track album of sheer awesomeness makes this album even better. Seriously, there isn’t a track on this album that I don’t love. You can certainly tell that these boys have poured themselves into their music and I, for one, love them for it. If you haven’t already added this album to your playlist, you need to ASAP. It’s that good!
As we all know, my inner fangirl tends to get the better of me when I’m writing about bands I love so it’s always possible I’m just letting myself get carried away by my F.T. Island feels which is why I want to know what you think of “Pray”. Is this song worthy of the praises I’m singing or would you have preferred something different from F.T. Island? You know I love hearing from you so be sure to let me know what you’re thinking by leaving me a comment below!