Okay everyone, I have a huge dilemma on my hands and I need your help! For the first time ever I find myself completely unable to decide which song I should feature as this week’s “Tune” and it’s driving me NUTS! SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE!
Last night the glorious leader of BTS wowed me with “P.D.D.”, his collaborative effort with the incredible Warren G. I guess I shouldn’t have really been surprised by the greatness of this tune, I mean not when you’ve got two amazing artists working together! This is RAP MON and WARREN G we’re talking about here people! How could you not love anything these two worked on together? The indie vibe and underlying funk of this track is just so… So… ASFGHJKL! (Yeah, I’ve got no words.) So of course I thought to myself, I’ve found my “Tune of the Week” and then I did a little happy dance of joy. (And then passed out from too many fangirl feels but we won’t go there…)
But then… This morning I wake up and find Eric Nam’s new comeback track “I’m Okay” is out and I give it a listen and OH HOLY BUCKETS! It gave me chills! ERIC! AUGH! (Needless to say, I think I’ve found my new favorite Eric Nam song.) So while I was listening to this tune I thought to myself, “This would make a really great Tune of the Week” but then I was like “Oh wait! No! I already have a great song!” And therein lies my problem.
With two amazing songs vying for my Tune of the Week spotlight, I’ve come to the conclusion that I JUST CAN’T CHOOSE! They’re both great songs and the artists who released them are even more fantastic and I love them both which means I’m stuck. I just can’t figure out which song I love more so I’m leaving the decision up to you.
Which of these two tracks do you think should earn the title of “Tune of the Week”? You can cast your vote in the poll below and then (if you’d be so kind) let me know in the comments, why you chose the song you did. (Because I’m super curious and I think it’d be a lot of fun to read your comments.)
I was torn as well… I didn’t expect to vote for RapMon but I did.
It makes me happy to know I’m not the only one torn between these two songs! They’re both amazing. I really couldn’t choose!