This week featured Tune is one I listened to once and absolutely fell in love with and I just have to squee about it a little, so here goes.
I first fell in love with Eddy Kim back in January when I stumbled across his video for “Apologize” during one of my adventures in the land of YouTube. I was immediately impressed by both his vocal and musical talent but even more impressed by the fact that his album Sing, Sing, Sing was fully self-composed. I’m always a sucker for anyone who not only performs amazing music but writes it as well, so naturally I fell hard for Eddy Kim. (I know, I know, I’m a bit behind on my Eddy Kim fangirling but late is better than never, right?)
Since January I’ve been on the lookout for this amazing performer and today I found him, his newest video just sitting there on YouTube, waiting for me to find him and fall in love all over again. And you know what? I did. Oh boy did I ever!
Eddy Kim’s latest song, “Coffee & Tea” is a sweet and catchy collaboration with MAMAMOO’s Solar and I absolutely love it! It’s just the most perfect combination of sultry vocals and plucky instrumentals ever and every time I listen to it I go into this kinda of happy zombie trance where everything in the world turns into lollipops and gum drops and cotton candy and cupcakes. In other words, it makes me happy.
I really hope Eddy Kim continues to make music for a very long time because every time I come across one of his songs, I’m transported to the Happy Land of Fangirl and it’s such a lovely place to be, I don’t ever want to leave. Of course I’m sure this more mellow, slightly jazzy tune might not appeal to everyone but I hope you give it a try. You never know, you might just find a new favorite artist to add to your playlist.
So tell me, what do you think of “Coffee & Tea”? Are you digging it as much as I am or is it really not your cup of tea? Let me know in the comments below!
I’ve been playing the OST from the lakorn “Love Sick” non stop this week so this has been a good break for me LOL. He has such a fine talent. Thank you for sharing.