If you’ve been reading this blog for any length of time, you’ll know that I’ve had a thing for CNBLUE for a very long time. Jung Yong Hwa was the bunny I happily followed down the rabbit hole that led me into the wonderful world of all things Hallyu, CNBLUE’s albums were the first K-Pop albums I ever bought and the boys of CNBLUE will forever be at the top of my bias list. That being said, it only makes sense that their latest release, “Can’t Stop” would win this week’s music spotlight.
I’m not gonna lie, ever since the first teasers for “Can’t Stop” were released, I’ve been spazzing like a crazed fan-girl. In fact, my friend KpopKolorado wrote a little piece expressing her feelings after the first teasers were released, on our mutual friend, missienelley’s MyMyooze, (which you can read here) that pretty much sums up everything I was feeling at the time. Just knowing that the band I first fell in love with all those years ago, was going to release a new album soon, had me feeling ridiculously giddy and I waited, on pins and needles, for its release.
Now that “Can’t Stop” has found its home at the top of my playlist, I can take a step back and attempt to review this song and its MV from a more unbiased perspective…
And then I watch the MV for the umpteenth time and I realize that reviewing “Can’t Stop” in a fair an unbiased manner is completely out of the question. The second I see the boys of CNBLUE, looking all dashing and dapper my heart gets all fluttery and then as the MV progresses they take on a slightly dark and brooding
look and I’m just like… No, I can’t. I just have to face the fact that when it comes to CNBLUE, there’s no such thing as objectivity. I’ll be a dyed-in-the-wool Boice, until the day I die, so for those of you who came here today, looking for an honest review of “Can’t Stop” I’m sorry to disappoint you. I promise, I’ll try to do better in the future…
Oh wow! The song is fabulous! I love it! CNBlue did it again! Can’t stop me now too… I’m so buying the song now!
Why limit yourself to just this one song? BUY THE WHOLE FLIPPIN’ ALBUM! I promise, you won’t be disappointed!
Excellent post! CNBLUE was my first K-Pop purchase too! And now I’ve just bought this one too. Omo love it so much!
Thank you! I LOVE THIS ALBUM TOO! As much as I love “Can’t Stop” it’s “Cold Love” that makes me weak in the knees every time it plays. OMO! It’s just… I can’t even…
The whole album is just amazing. I have it on repeat hehe. For me I am head over heels in love with “Like a Child.” I don’t know why but man that song gets me in the feels.
“Cold Love” is the one that gets to me the most. I have to stop whatever it is I’m doing and crank the volume every time it plays. I seriously can’t get enough. I really am such an addict! lol
“Cold Love” is super amazing too! I can totally understand needing to turn up the volume when that one comes on! The whole album is amazing!
Oh I know! I absolutely love it! So good! *squee*