BTS is back and OH HOLY FLIP! I’m just… I’m…. (pardon me, I need a moment) *picks herself up off the floor and takes a deep breath* Sorry about that! My feels have decided I no longer need my brain (or air). Needless to say, I’m more than a little excited about this most highly anticipated comeback, which is why (no surprise here!) I’m making “I NEED U” my Tune of the Week.
“I NEED U” is the title track of BTS’ fourth mini album, The Most Beautiful Moment in Life, Pt. 1 and all I can say is WOW! I’m so completely blown away right now, I don’t even know where to begin. The song itself is gorgeous in all of its melancholy, conflicted, heart-broken, tragic-ness. The powerful emotions conveyed through such gut-wrenching lyrics work together to make this nothing short of magic and I am entranced. Seriously. I’m pretty sure this song is going to end up being the most played BTS track on my iPod because I. CAN’T. STOP. LISTENING. TO IT.
As wonderful as this song is on its own, it’s the video that has me writhing on the floor, clutching my heart as I gasp for breath. It’s just so darn beautiful… and tragic… and still somehow slightly heart-warming. Okay, really it’s just one hot mess of emotions and it’s hit me right in the feels. As in ALL OF THEM! *sigh* Oh boys! What the heck have you done to me? Don’t you know I can’t handle seeing you hurting like this? Don’t you know those stupid tears are making me bawl my eyes out!?! (Jungkook! Jin! I’m looking at you!) A
nd Suga! Jimin! J-Hope! V! If you boys don’t stop with all of your depressed nonsense, I’m gonna… Gonnna… Okay, so I’m not really gonna do anything because this is just a music video, after all, and there’s not a darn thing I could do, even if it wasn’t. But still! These boys know how to hit me in all my most vulnerable places and as much as it hurts, I still love them for it. (Well, gee! That doesn’t sound at all sadistic…)
Despite the fact I now want to give every one of these boys a motherly hug and tell them that everything’s gonna be alright. I still love the conflicted tragedy of this song and the beauty of this video. I love the fact that despite their heartache, they have each other and it’s that friendship that gets them through. Watching them laugh through their pain together, always supporting each other, always there for each other, is a beautiful thing. I think the beauty of their friendship is epitomized in the scene where watching Hobie tosses those pills in the fire…
Oh how my heart soared! While the lyrics of this song speak of the tangled mess of love lost and lingering, the story in this video speaks of friendship, love and the promise of better days ahead. If you ask me, it’s this hope that really pushes this video over the top.
Obviously, I am an unashamed fan of BTS and I’m so ridiculously in love with this song at the moment, it’s not even funny. As such, I’m also very, very biased in my opinion of “I NEED U” and its accompanying video so I want to hear your thoughts on it. Are you, like me, so in love with this song you can’t stop listening to it or were you hoping BTS would make their title track a bit harder? Edgier? Maybe more along the lines of “N.O” or “We Are Bulletproof Pt.2”? You know I always love hearing from you so be sure to let me know your thoughts by leaving me a comment below!
Oh! And if anyone can tell me how the heck Rap Mon can look so cool while pumping gas, can you please let me know? ‘Cause I’m pretty sure, in all the times I’ve ever put gas in my car, I’ve never looked anything remotely close to as cool as him! How does he do it!?!
I share your point of view and OMG THE FEELS. But then again I’ve loved pretty much everything BTS has hard to offer up until now … so not surprising, really. I can’t really tell who’s who -except for Rapmon, I recognize his rap- but I love them anyway and I share your need to give them all a hug :'(