I know I should be starting things out with some sort of introduction to this week’s “Tune” but I’m still so completely overwhelmed by Block B’s latest MV release that I… don’t… even… know… how I’m supposed to handle myself, this song or anything else in this whole wide world. Clearly, I need help.
Released this past Sunday (April 10), “Toy” is one of the six tracks on their new EP Blooming Period and it’s absolutely everything I could ever want from a Block B song. Opening with Zico and Kyung’s singing, it has that old-school Block B “Be the Light”/”Movie’s Over” feel that makes my heart flutter like a nothing else can. *siiiggghhh* What is it about rappers when they sing? My poor zombie heart just can’t deal with such perfection.
But there’s more to “Toy” than just Zico and Kyung’s lethal one-two punch. Every time a new member sings, my heart does the craziest things and I find myself sobbing. Ugh! BLOCK B! WHY!?! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME!?! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO MAKE SUCH A LETHAL COMEBACK!?! WHY CAN’T YOU JUST BE CRAZY AND DERPY!?! MY HEART CAN’T TAKE THIS SIDE OF YOU! IT’S TOO MUCH!
As much as I love Block B when they’re crazy, it’s this more serious, slightly melancholy side of them that has always been my weakness. “Be the Light” was the track that sealed the deal for me so to have them release a new track with such a similar feel… I just can’t deal with it, or them. I’m on a whole new level of fangirling at the moment. I feel like my heart’s going to explode and the MV does nothing to make things better.
Seeing those little snippets of choreo (minus the dabbing… which totally cracks me up) and the beautiful perfection of these boys (especially P.O at the end)… OH GRACIOUS! Leave it to Block B to take a (literally) trashy concept and turn it into something beautiful. Well done boys! I may never look at trash the same way again.
Obviously I can’t say much about Block B without having a serious fangirl breakdown and for that I’m sorry. I wish I could be calm and collected about this comeback but I really don’t see how that’s possible. I’m in too deep with Block B to be calm. All I can do is sit here, listening to this album over and over again as I attempt to get my feels under control. Which isn’t working. At. All. Oh well! Death by biases is always a great way to go… At least I’ll die happy!
So tell me, what do you think of Block B’s latest comeback? Do you love “Toy” as much as I do or is there another track on the album that you like better? (“빙글빙글” is my current guilty pleasure. I have to get up and dance every time it plays.) Let me know in the comments below! (Of course if you just wanna squee over Block B (or anyone else) we can do that too, because, you know, squeeing is always more fun when you have someone to squee with you!)