Okay everyone, I have a problem. As you all know, BIG BANG made their comeback this past week and I’m so completely stumped over which of their new tunes I like best. I honestly can’t decide, I love them both! So I need your help in deciding which of these two tracks I should declare to be my Tune of the Week.
I know, I know. I’ve had a really hard time deciding which song I should make my Tune of the Week recently but I honestly can’t help it! There have been so many amazing songs released this year and when one of my most beloved groups makes a comeback with not just one song, but two… Well, how is a spazzy fangirl zombie supposed to decide on just ONE song? That’s like asking me to ask which of my kids I love most… Sorry but that’s not a decision I can make. Ever. So what’s a zombie in my position to do?
BIG BANG made VIPs the world-over ecstatic when they released their latest single, M, last week and the promise of new singles being released every month from now until August is just… Well, it’s as close to a dream come true as most of us will ever hope to get. (Unless BIG BANG somehow, miraculously, shows up at KCON this year… Now that would be a dream come true! *hint hint*) Personally, I’m so beyond happy to have new BIG BANG tracks to add to my playlist I could dance around the room doing a happy dance of joy. Oh wait…
Still, as happy as I am with having two songs to squee over, I can’t decide which track is my favorite. I listen to one and think, “Wow, “Bae Bae” is the best song ever!” and then I listen to “Loser” and I’m like, “Wow, this is the best song ever!” As you can see, I’m a little bit biased here and not very good at keeping a level head, at least not when it comes to bias groups and comebacks. (Need I remind you of my Tune of the Week turned fangirl squee post from last week? Yeah… I didn’t think so…)
The transparent, heartbreaking honesty in the lyrics of “Loser” speak to me on such an emotional level and I just love that! Why do I love having my heart ripped out of my chest every time I listen to this song? I’m not sure… I suppose I could get deep and philosophical here but I’ll spare you. Let me just say that it’s this emotional side of GD that first drew me to him and BIG BANG and I love it. A lot. At the same time, I love “Bae Bae” and the way each part fits so perfectly with each member. Taeyang, Daesung and Seungri’s voices are nothing short of magical and who doesn’t love GD and T.O.P in all of their unique glory?
There’s a reason these boys are my idol idol group. Their originality and ability to be themselves without giving a flip about what others think is what I admire most about them and you find so much of their individuality in “Bae Bae” while at the same time showing how perfectly five individuals can come together to create something wonderful. (Though I have to admit, the whole idea of a woman being at her prettiest at age 25 kinda stings a bit… Thanks guys. I really needed to feel old and unattractive today…)
Because BIG BANG has left me an emotional wreck, I’m asking for your help in deciding which song is best. Which BIG BANG comeback track do you think deserves the title of Tune of the Week? “Bae Bae” or “Loser”? There’s only one way to let me know so cast your vote and, if you feel so inclined, let me know which song won your vote in the comments below!
Impossible to choose xD
Isn’t it though? This is why I asked for help! I just can’t decide!
So hard to choose!! TT_TT