Drama Debussie: Welcome to another week of Iron Man! Seeing that Halloween is fast approaching, I’ve been seriously considering dressing up as Iron/Blade WOman. Wanna be my Secretary Ko? You would be more than a sidekick. I mean, he’s been the REAL hero during the run of this series, quiet as it may be kept. This week was certainly no exception.
Zombie: I’d love to be the Secretary Ko to your Blade Woman, we’d be the most fantastic Halloween duo ever! Haha. As for the real Secretary Ko, he’s my hero. Seriously, is there anything this guy can’t do?
DD: I don’t think so. Granted, his main job became to grab Se Dong every time something went wrong, but can we really blame him? She seems to be the solution for everything.
Zombie: At least when it comes to Hong Bin. That poor guy is a mess without her and I’m so glad he realized he needed her almost the instant he pushed her away because I would have been flipping some serious tables, had he decided to push her away for good.
DD: I have to give Hong Bin props. He really tried to give her the space she told him she needed and he desperately wanted her to be able to make her own decision as to whether she wanted to be in his life because she wanted to be there, not simply out of obligation. He knew that he wanted her but he needed her to know she wanted to be there for her own reasons. He didn’t want her to feel pressured to stay with him simply because she felt sorry for him. We all knew she was going to find her way back to him but it felt genuine to me. Mainly because she was able to confront his father who actually had some redeeming moments this week! Who knew?
Zombie: Further proof Se Dong is actually Wonder Woman. Seriously though, I was shocked out of my seat when the conversation Se Dong had with Jang Won actually made a difference. Here I was, thinking Jang Won is this cruel, stubborn, heartless man who refuses to listen to anyone and along comes Se Dong and with only a few words, she has him contemplating his life, his past actions and she sets him on the path to reformation. What the heck? Se Dong needs to be given a medal and not just because she’s managed to touch the heart of Jang Won. She’s also brought healing to Hong Bin and Chang and brought a very distant father and son together at a time when they need each other the most. I think this is why I’m so afraid of Tae Hee stepping in all of a sudden (if she really does, that is). So much is going right at the moment, I’d hate to see it messed up by the likes of Tae Hee. Why can’t dead Drama Land characters ever stay dead?
DD: I loved the conversation Se Dong had with Jang Won because it wasn’t a cut and dry apology. She admitted that she could have done more for her father (of course she shouldn’t have to feel bad that she continued to pursue her education in the midst of the crisis), and Jang Won knew that just saying sorry would have been unrealistic. Instead he agreed to consider the families of others and how his actions (or lack thereof) can affect them in the long run. I think that’s the most any of us can ask from him. He admits that he’s selfish and that it likely won’t change very much. What’s important is that he’s willing to make edits so that others don’t have to pay the price for his selfishness. As far as Tae Hee is concerned, you’re right, if a character is assumed dead they should just stay that way! It’s too late in the game for them to throw this wrench in the plans! I think we’ve finally gotten to the point where Hong Bin and Se Dong will stop breaking up or taking a break from each other. Now Hong Joo comes with this?! I like Hong Joo, but it’s times like these that make me wonder.
Zombie: I was really hoping that after Madame Yoon burned that letter, that would put an end to this Tae Hee nonsense but sadly, that’s not the case. Why oh why did Hong Joo have to bring up Tae Hee now that things between Hong Bin and Se Dong seem to be settled? (Well, I suppose the obvious answer is because this is a drama but still… That’s so annoying!) After suffering through these two episodes, watching Se Dong push Hong Bin away and Hong Bin push Se Dong away, I was ready to settle back and watch these two grow in their relationship but now that Tae Hee’s suddenly back in the picture, I see things getting very… Frustrating? I can totally see Se Dong taking herself out of the picture because she believes Hong Bin and Chang would be better off with Tae Hee. I can see Hong Bin feeling drawn towards Tae Hee at first and Se Dong misunderstanding him and thinking he’d rather be with his first love. I can see Hong Bin realizing Tae Hee only brings with her hurt and he needs Se Dong around to keep his rather prickly side from emerging… I can see a lot of things happening in the future and I don’t know that I like where this might go. Of course I could be totally overreacting here and I might be worrying over nothing (it’s happened before) but I don’t know. I’m just not happy with Tae Hee popping up out of the blue. It makes me feel unsettled.
DD: I’ll admit that there is a small part of me that started to think Hong Joo was doing this as tactic to get Hong Bin out of the picture considering he has somehow made himself the third leg in this imaginary love triangle but I just couldn’t see him being that conniving. The only reason I could see Tae Hee still being alive is for the sake of Chang. We saw this week that he needs a mother. Sure, Se Dong would be a great candidate, but no one could ever take the place of someone’s real mother. I’m really curious as to how all of this is going to take place. Also, speaking of Madame Yoon, I say what I always say when I think of her: WHAT THE HELL?! The conversation she had with Jang Won in where she admitted she hired gangsters to beat up Tae Hee and became upset when he didn’t appreciate what she did for him. She’s like the cracked out version of Secretary Ko!
Zombie: During that entire conversation, I kept expecting either Madame Yoon or Hong Joo’s mother to start sprouting blades out of their backs. Seriously, one of those two has to be responsible for Hong Bin’s condition and I’m just waiting for one of them to prove they’re the culprit. They both certainly know how to shoot daggers out of their eyes! Good gracious, they’re a scary pair of women! Speaking of growing blades… I wasn’t the only one worried that baby Chang had started sprouting blades when that spikey shadow came shambling towards Hong Bin, was I? I was so nervous that Chang had inherited his dad’s condition, I breathed an audible sigh of relief when I realized it was just a costume.
DD: I know it sounds horrible but I was kinda hoping he did inherit his dad’s abilities. *waits for the tomatoes to be thrown* Not sure why. I think it’s mainly because Hong Bin is so lonely being the only one who has to deal with this and as much pain his abilities can bring, there’s also great things that come of them as well. It would be nice to see them handed down so that Chang can continue to use them for good. Nevertheless, I’m okay if he doesn’t have them. As much as I’ve tried to avoid talking about it, I think the time has come. I find myself conflicted with the now two times Se Dong has been hurt by Hong Bin when she steps in during his moments of rage. As much as we may know he doesn’t intentionally try to hurt her, I find that there is worry in the back of my mind that he will.
Zombie: This is why Hong Bin tried to push Se Dong away this week. It was because he’s as worried as we are, that something terrible may happen to Se Dong when he’s in one of his moods and there’s not going to be a thing he can do to save her. It’s a very valid worry to have and Hong Bin knows that he’ll never be able to forgive himself if something were to happen to Se Dong. Still, Se Dong now knows exactly what Hong Bin looks like when he’s in one of his moods and she’s not afraid of him at all, so I have to hope that things will be alright between them. Now that Se Dong knows what to look out for, maybe she won’t be so quick to throw herself in Hong Bin’s way when he lets his temper get the better of him. If she’s at least aware of what happens when Hong Bin gets upset, she can be better prepared to deal with him and hopefully she’ll be able to calm him down before he gets so upset he starts sprouting blades.
DD: I agree that she needs to stop stepping in Hong Bin’s way but it also all goes back to why Hong Bin pushed her away. True, he was trying to protect her but he also was telling her she is not expected to save him or Chang. She will always be the person that tries to save everyone (something I love about her) but even now when she’s back with Hong Bin she has to back off enough for him to gain control of his emotions and the blades that sprout when he has them. We only have so much time but I hope she begins to realize that her presence is enough. She doesn’t have to try to save everyone because she is so amazing that she inspires those around her to save themselves if only to be worthy enough to have her in their lives.
Do you think Tae Hee is still alive? Will her presence change Hong Bin and Se Dong’s relationship status if she is? What are your thoughts on this week’s episodes?
You can find both Drama Debussie (@dramadebussie) and Zombie Mamma (@TheZombieMamma) on Twitter so be sure to stop by and say hi!
Catch up on all of The Zebussie Drama Reviews of Iron Man here:
Episodes 1-2 [Part 1] [Part 2]
Episodes 3-4 [Part 1] [Part 2]
Episodes 5-6 [Part 1] [Part 2]
Episodes 7 [Part 1]
Episodes 8-9 [Part 1] [Part 2]
Episodes 10-11 [Part 1] [Part 2]
Episodes 12-13 [Part 1] [Part 2]
The lack of SHINee on the big header is seriously disturbing.
On the other hand, I’m reading all positive reviews of this drama, maybe it’s worthwhile to watch it^^
I’m not even a huge kpop fan and even I have to agree with this statement.
Se Dong may be the next Nobel Peace Prize winner.
She does bring peace to volatile situations and make people think about their actions and take responsibility for them. She is amazing. And I think you are a little harsh with her – of course she runs away from close relationships. she’s experienced so much pain and guilt from the death of her parents. She sees herself as just as much of a monster as Hong Bin sees himself. We seem to be quicker to give him a break – after all, blades pop out of his back and harm people – yet SeDong see herself as a killer who selfishly causes harm to others too. Just because she’s more normal on the outside doesn’t mean she’s less broken on the inside. They both need some serious healing.
On a less serious note – what happened to the super sniffer, Hong Bin? Why couldn’t he smell that SeDong was hiding under the desk in the computer lab? His sniffer worked fine when he was looking for Chang…maybe I’m just being picky. The only good thing about finding Tae Hee is figuring out why she and SeDong smell the same. Maybe Tae Hee doesn’t smell anymore and only SeDong does because it’s based on Hong Bin’s attraction rather than the other way around? Or do they both smell the same? I don’t know why his sense of smell sparks so much curiosity in me, but they made such a big deal about it in the beginning and it stuck in my head.
They need to lock up Madame Yoon in an institution for sociopaths. She is insane!! I don’t like her being around Chang at all!!