It’s been over a year since BIGBANG last released their M, A, D, E EPs and that whole promise of a full-length MADE album has yet to be fulfilled. However, after reading yesterday that the group has not only just wrapped up filming for a brand new music video, but also have plans to film another video at the beginning of next month and release that long-overdue MADE album… Well, I’m feeling like right now may be the perfect time to squee.
Okay, not that I’ve gotten that out of my system, let’s move on…
This sudden rush of excitement has also got me feeling a little bit nostalgic, as BIGBANG is one of those groups that holds a special place in my heart. They were kind of the “it” group for me, all those years ago. While I’d found K-Pop through YongHwa’s role in You’re Beautiful and CNBLUE by extension, BIGBANG was the group that really opened my eyes to bigger, brighter K-Pop world. It was this eye-opening that completely changed my life… As in literally, I followed the YongHwa Rabbit down the rabbit hole and got sucked into a K-Pop Wonderland where I’m now comfortably settled and never plan to leave.
Beyond sealing my fate as an eternal K-Pop fangirl, BIGBANG also has, among its members, the very first idol I went absolutely nuts over. Not so much in a “OMG I must stalk him and obsess over him and find a way to fly to Seoul and marry him” kind of way but more a “He’s someone I really admire and respect and I wish that I could be half as cool as him someday and maybe if I could just sit in his closet and admire all the pretty for an hour, that would be cool” kind of way. Yes, I’m talking about G-Dragon and yes, he was the very first idol that I ever really idolized. And still do, actually. But I’ll stop there and spare you any of my more fangirly gushing. (And there was much rejoicing…)
With 10 years worth of music to choose from, it may have been silly of me to settle on “Fantastic Baby” to be the focus of today’s #TBT but I just couldn’t help myself. I still very much love this MV and the song and every time it plays, I can’t help but crank up the volume and dance along. And it plays a lot. As in everywhere. All the time. But that’s okay because some songs really are timeless and “Fantastic Baby” is definitely one of them.
I suppose the question on a lot of peoples’ minds is: Will BIGBANG deliver another track as timeless as this? Will this upcoming album bring with it a track as internationally recognized? It’s hard to say. I suppose that’s one of those answers that can only be given once time has passed. But really, that’s not what’s important. All that really matters is that they keep doing what they love. I’m pretty sure that by now, they know their VIPS are going to love and support them no matter what.
As I wrap this up, I just have to ask… Which BIGBANG song is your favorite? If you had to choose a track for your own #TBT, which would you choose? Let me know in the comments below!
I am fairly new to kpop, my six month anniversary this month in fact, and it was this exact video that pulled me in. A friend on twitter had posted that the song was a banger and out of curiosity I looked it up. Pretty much the second T.O.P. popped up on the screen and I heard that voice, I was all, “WHAT IS THIS AND HOW DO I GET MORE??” Here we are now, six months, 150+ songs later, and me crying daily over BTS, Monsta X, Vixx, Up10tion, and more… and I wouldn’t have it any other way!
I think this song has been influential in drawing a lot of people into the world of K-Pop. There’s just something about it that pulls you in and then you’re stuck. Forever. Hahaha. It seems like there’s always something new to cry over in the world of K-Pop, which means I’m crying daily. lol I love it though and can’t imagine what my life would be without it.