It’s hard to believe that in less than 24 hours, I’ll be making my way to the West Coast for the one, the only, KCON 2017 LA! *insert various exclamations of jubilation here* Continue reading “KCON 2017 LA: Ready or Not, Here I Come!”
KCON 2017: Zombie’s Adventures in NY – Days 3-4
Once again, my inability to schedule a flight that didn’t leave at an ungodly hour made my last day in New York span 2 but that’s okay. Having run myself into complete exhaustion on Friday, I had no problem sleeping until 8 Saturday morning which meant I was more than ready to take on the 30+ hours of awesome that lay before me. All I had to do was jump out of bed and get crackin’. Which is exactly what I did. Continue reading “KCON 2017: Zombie’s Adventures in NY – Days 3-4”
KCON 2017: Zombie’s Adventures in NY – Day 2

Waking up super early Friday morning, to get ready for a day’s worth of KCON adventures, wasn’t a problem for me. Between the sirens blaring outside my window all night and the fact that I was just super freaking excited about all the KCON goodness waiting for me, I was up and ready to go in no time. Little did I know just how amazing this day’s adventure would actually be… Continue reading “KCON 2017: Zombie’s Adventures in NY – Day 2”
KCON 2017: Zombie’s Adventures in NY – Day 1
While I spent a lot of time debating as to whether I wanted to chronicle all of my KCON-related adventures this year, I decided that doing so has become a sort of tradition, so skipping out on it this year just seemed kinda sad. (Especially once people starting telling me how much they were looking forward to reading all about my time in NY. ) I had no idea people actually enjoyed reading about my daily adventures but who am I to deny those willing to read anything I write? For those of you who weren’t able to attend this year’s convention but would really like to know what such an adventure is like, I invite you to join me as I share my adventures with the world. For those of you who asked for this specifically, here it is! Enjoy! Continue reading “KCON 2017: Zombie’s Adventures in NY – Day 1”
KCON 2016: Zombie’s Adventures in LA – Day 6
Waking up after such an incredibly fun and exhausting weekend is harder than pulling a crocodile’s teeth which meant waking up early enough to make it to the airport on time, Monday morning, was, without a doubt, the hardest thing I had to do while in LA. Of course knowing that waking means you have to leave all of your friends and all of the fun of the past week behind, doesn’t make things any easier. But flights had to be caught and, as is the case every year, the fun of KCON eventually has to come to an end. Continue reading “KCON 2016: Zombie’s Adventures in LA – Day 6”
KCON 2016: Zombie’s Adventures in LA – Day 5, Part 2
Meeting up with Lola after Sunday night’s Red Carpet, we made our way over to the Staples Center, to join in the tens of thousands of other fans in line, waiting to get in. With so many people attending the final concert of KCON 2016, it took us a while to get in and find our seats. By the time we were all settled in, the opening acts had already started which meant we had almost no time to wait before the concert actually started. Continue reading “KCON 2016: Zombie’s Adventures in LA – Day 5, Part 2”
KCON 2016: Zombie’s Adventures in LA – Day 5, Part 1
Running on almost no sleep, Sunday was a bit rough but with enough coffee and wild fangirl emotions coursing through me, I managed to not only get through the day without falling over but even have enough energy left to squeal myself silly during the evening’s concert. Continue reading “KCON 2016: Zombie’s Adventures in LA – Day 5, Part 1”
KCON 2016: Zombie’s Adventures in LA – Day 4, Part 2

Everyone knows that spending an evening at a KCON concert is pretty much one of the most amazing experiences any K-Pop fan could ever have, aside from actually meeting a bias in person. It’s just one of those experiences that pretty much every K-Pop fan in the world dreams of being a part of, at least once in their life, and for good reason. KCON has a way of bringing some of the biggest names in K-Pop together for a concert like no other. Continue reading “KCON 2016: Zombie’s Adventures in LA – Day 4, Part 2”
KCON 2016: Zombie’s Adventures in LA – Day 4, Part 1
By now you know I was already up and working before the sun made its appearance so I won’t bore you with that part of my adventures. Instead, I’ll get right to the good stuff aka an incredibly fun, idol-filled Saturday at KCON! Continue reading “KCON 2016: Zombie’s Adventures in LA – Day 4, Part 1”
KCON 2016: Zombie’s Adventures in LA – Day 3
You’d think that waking up before the sun every morning would start to wear on a person but for me it was… Oh who am I trying to kid here? Waking up every morning, hours before everyone else in the house was up, sucked. But it did provide me with some much-needed time to work so… Yay? (Hey, I’m trying to be optimistic here!) Continue reading “KCON 2016: Zombie’s Adventures in LA – Day 3”