Changes Are Coming!

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It’s been several years now since I first started this little ole website of mine and it’s been a lot of fun watching it change and grow into something so far beyond the reaches of my own imagining. As those of you who’ve been with me the longest know, over the years I’ve had various friends step in, from time to time, to help me squee over biases or rant over dramas. I’ve always loved having other writers step in and help out with content, as I find their unique voices both refreshing and inspiring. I love the fresh perspective other writers bring and well, you just can’t get that when I’m the only one writing. (Shocking, I know.) Continue reading “Changes Are Coming!”


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KCON 2014 102The last day of my trip was by far the most un-adventurous of the week. I woke up, finished packing and very reluctantly Tanya and I checked out of our hotel and trudged across the parking lot to the car in the most unenthusiastic way imaginable. I don’t think either one of us were ready to admit our adventures were coming to an end and I know for a fact that neither one of us wanted to say goodbye. KCON 2014 089Trying not to think of our impending separation, we loaded up our stuff and headed for the airport, trying our best to make light of the fact that once we got there our adventures together would be over and neither one of us had any idea when we’d actually see each other again. (Can I just say that it really sucks to have your BFF living on the OTHER SIDE OF THE COUNTRY? Yes. It does.) Continue reading “FROM CHICAGO TO KCON: ZOMBIE’S ADVENTURES IN L.A. – DAY 7”


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KCON 2014 089While spending the night in a Korean spa is absolutely fantastic while you’re de-stressing in the sauna rooms, it doesn’t make for the best sleeping, unless you have the superpower that allows you to sleep soundly no matter where you are. (A superpower I, unfortunately, do not possess.) Even in the dark and supposedly quiet “sleeping room” I still spent a lot of time listening to people talking, TVs playing various K-dramas and even Henry’s “Fantastic” video (which I didn’t mind at all)matrix henry rather than sleeping. I know I dozed off a couple of times but by four in the morning, Tanya and I were both awake (the curse of being in L.A. while running on East Coast and central time) and ready to start our day. With most of the spa sound asleep, Tanya and I did the only logical thing one can do at four in the morning, we headed to the common area and grabbed a coffee and a bubble tea and enjoyed a little bit of quiet catching up time. From there it was back through all of the sauna rooms (and yes, the clay ball room was every bit as glorious as it had been the night before and surprisingly, so was the ice room) before getting cleaned up and setting out on our adventures for the day. Continue reading “FROM CHICAGO TO KCON: ZOMBIE’S ADVENTURES IN L.A. – DAY 2”


logoIf you’ve been reading this blog for any amount of time, you know by now that I’m super excited about KCON this year but what you  might not know is there’s actually more to my spazzing than just my inner fangirl breaking free. So what is that reason, you ask? Well it’s because this year, I’ve been invited to be a special guest at North America’s largest convention of “All Things Hallyu”, KCON! Can you believe it!?! Continue reading “THE ZOMBIE IS INVADING LOS ANGELES!”