It’s Valentine’s Day and even though I’m fully aware that not everyone in the world enjoys this particular day, I do. I just can’t help myself. I love having a day dedicated to expressing the love I have for all the important people in my life. And yes, this includes you! Without you, my dear readers, where would I be? What would I be? Bored… Alone… A miserable freak of an outcast, grossly misunderstood by those in my life who can’t appreciate this undying love of all things Hallyu which is embedded deep within my soul… (Sorry, the holiday seems to be drawing out my inner ridiculously melodramatic poet. Go figure!) But back to Valentine’s day… In honor of this most lovey-dovey of days, I’ve put together a little playlist full of all the sweetest songs I could find, just so I could share them with you. Enjoy! Continue reading “HAPPY
DAY: A Sweet Little Valentine’s Playlist Just for You!”
With today being Valentine’s Day and all, I thought I’d do a little something special to celebrate. Now, I know not everyone in the world enjoys Valentine’s Day but I’m a fan (not just of Valentine’s Day but of holidays in general) so, of course, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to share a little Valentine’s Day love. That’s why I’ve put together a playlist of some of my favorite lovey-dovey songs, just for you! Continue reading “HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY!”