KCON USA Announces First Two Artists to Join the KCON 2017 NY Lineup

With KCON Mexico successfully wrapped up, it’s time for Hallyu fans here in North America to turn our attention towards KCON USA’s New York and Los Angeles conventions. As the world’s largest Korean culture convention and music festival, gears up for the New York edition of the festivities, the first two artist lineup announcements have recently been announced and yes, I am excited! Continue reading “KCON USA Announces First Two Artists to Join the KCON 2017 NY Lineup”

Which October Comeback Was The Best? [Poll]


You know, it’s really hard for me to sit down at the end of a month and decide which album it is that I love them most. Especially when that month has been crammed full of the most amazing comebacks! Trying to decide which album I love the most is like trying to decide which drink to order at the local coffee shop… Each one has its merit and really it all comes down to whatever fits my mood at the moment.

The same can definitely be said of this past month’s K-Pop comebacks. Each one has its merit and each one satisfies my different moods. When I’m in the mood for some good old-fashioned, make my heart skip a beat, 90’s boy-band goodness, I turn to SHINee’s 1 of 1. When I want something a bit edgier but fun, I head straight to Monsta X’s The Clan: Part 2. When I just want to feel a warm and fuzzy, I turn on 100%’s Time Leap and my heart gets all squishy as it swells with all the “I’m so happy their finally back” feels. And then there all the rookie singles, like SF9’s Feeling Sensation, or HIGH 4:20’s “Hook가” or BASTARZ “Selfish & Beautiful Girl,” which are perfect for a quick K-Pop fix. And when I simply want to die, I turn on BTS’ WINGS and wave goodbye to my soul as it departs from my mortal frame.

With so much great music out there, you can see why choosing a single album to talk about can be difficult. The choices really are almost endless and I love them all. Which is why I’m asking you to help me decide which of this past month’s comebacks should be lauded as the best. All you have to do is cast your vote for your top 3 (because who can really choose just one?) in the poll below.

TUESDAY’S TEASE: EXO’s First Sub-Unit, Mermaids and the Whispered Promise of a BIGBANG Comeback


Tuesdays have suddenly become a favorite of mine, mostly because I get to sit here and squee over all of the upcoming K-Dramas and K-Pop comebacks I’m most looking forward to. It’s really a very exciting thing, scouring the internet for all of the goodies that come with comebacks and drama premiers, especially when you come up with a list full of personal favorites. (I feel like I’ve hit the fangirl jackpot or something!) Continue reading “TUESDAY’S TEASE: EXO’s First Sub-Unit, Mermaids and the Whispered Promise of a BIGBANG Comeback”

KCON 2016: Zombie’s Adventures in LA – Day 5, Part 2


Meeting up with Lola after Sunday night’s Red Carpet, we made our way over to the Staples Center, to join in the tens of thousands of other fans in line, waiting to get in. With so many people attending the final concert of KCON 2016, it took us a while to get in and find our seats. By the time we were all settled in, the opening acts had already started which meant we had almost no time to wait before the concert actually started. Continue reading “KCON 2016: Zombie’s Adventures in LA – Day 5, Part 2”

KCON 2016: Zombie’s Adventures in LA – Day 5, Part 1


Running on almost no sleep, Sunday was a bit rough but with enough coffee and wild fangirl emotions coursing through me, I managed to not only get through the day without falling over but even have enough energy left to squeal myself silly during the evening’s concert. Continue reading “KCON 2016: Zombie’s Adventures in LA – Day 5, Part 1”



Though it’s really hard for me to believe that in less than 24 hours I’ll be in LA, the truth is I will be and that means KCON 2016 LA is only a few days away. I’ve been trying really hard not to let my inner fangirl get the better of me these past few days and I think that (so far) I’ve done a pretty good job. Sure, I might be a little bit excited about the fact that I’m only days away from seeing so many of my beloved groups again… And I might be just a tad excited about being on so many panels this year (4, to be exact)… And maybe I’m just slightly excited about being able to spend the next few days with some of most favorite people in the world… But I really haven’t let all of that get to me too much…  I don’t think… Well… Maybe I have a little bit… Maybe… *ahem* Excuse me for a moment… Continue reading “KCON 2016: WATCH OUT LA, THE ZOMBIE’S ON HER WAY!”

K-POP ONE-STOP: October 30 – November 6, 2015


Oh happy day! It’s finally Friday and I’m not sick anymore! Woohoo! That in and of itself is enough cause for celebration but to add to the awesomeness of this already incredible day, let’s take a look back at some of this past week’s new K-Pop MV releases. Yesssss! Continue reading “K-POP ONE-STOP: October 30 – November 6, 2015”

K-POP ONE-STOP: October 23-30, 2015


Hip Hip Hooray! It’s finally Friday! And while I’m not dancing on the rooftops today to celebrate (because dancing on the roof when you have cold is very dangerous… Stuffy head + loss of equilibrium = death) I’m still happy in my own subdued way. (Celebrating by staying in bed all day counts as celebrating, doesn’t it?) To celebrate the end of another work week, let’s take a look back at some of this past week’s MV releases, shall we? Continue reading “K-POP ONE-STOP: October 23-30, 2015”