K-POP ONE-STOP: November 6-13, 2015

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You have no idea how happy I am it’s Friday today. This week has sucked on so many levels I’m just not even able to deal anymore. The good news is, I’ve got a whole bunch of new music videos to watch and you can join me. That’s gotta make life better, right? I guess the only way to find out is to start watching so let’s get to it! Continue reading “K-POP ONE-STOP: November 6-13, 2015”

K-POP ONE-STOP: October 23-30, 2015


Hip Hip Hooray! It’s finally Friday! And while I’m not dancing on the rooftops today to celebrate (because dancing on the roof when you have cold is very dangerous… Stuffy head + loss of equilibrium = death) I’m still happy in my own subdued way. (Celebrating by staying in bed all day counts as celebrating, doesn’t it?) To celebrate the end of another work week, let’s take a look back at some of this past week’s MV releases, shall we? Continue reading “K-POP ONE-STOP: October 23-30, 2015”