If, like me, you’re finding that the days standing between you and the latest episode of Answer Me 1994 seem to drag on for an eternity, I have a simple and entertaining solution for you…fill those endless days with episodes of the show that spawned Answer Me 1994, its equally hilarious and entertaining precursor, Answer Me 1997.

Originally airing on tvN in 2012, Answer Me 1997 garnered praise from critics and audiences alike, with its final episode recording, at that time, the highest ratings for a Korean cable drama. With so much praise for Answer Me 1997, I’m sure there a lot of you who’ve already experienced the joy of watching this drama but I know there are those out there (myself included) who have only just become familiar with the Answer Me world and if any of you are like me, you’re now completely hooked.

Trying to pinpoint what it is, exactly, about the Answer Me series that is so addicting, is as difficult as trying to answer the inexplicable question, “Why do you like me?” It’s nearly impossible to find a single reason why you like series, you just do. There’s something about the combination of reality, humor, awkwardness, drama, sincerity, sweetness and camaraderie that subtly draws you in and before you realize what’s happened you’re completely entranced by its spell; which is why I’m recommending Answer Me 1997 for this weeks drama marathon.

In true Answer Me style, Answer Me 1997 tells the story of six friends as the timeline moves back and forth between their eighteen-year-old selves, in 1997, and their thirty-three-year-old-selves at a high school alumni meeting in 2012, at which, one couple will be announcing their engagement. For those of you who are currently watching Answer Me 1994 but have never watched Answer Me 1997, you’re in for a pleasant surprise as you’ll quickly learn where some of your favorite elements of Answer Me 1994 originated. Love the bleating goat sound effect at all those hilariously awkward moments? It’s there. Love the baseball coach dad and the mom who cooks way too much? They’re there. Love the long-time friends who one day realize they’ve developed feelings for each other? Oh, they’re there! The humor, the pain, the friendship, the love, the sorrow, the heartbreak…they’re all there, in spades. Which is why you need to drop what you’re doing and start watching Answer Me 1997, right now. After all, what’s a holiday weekend without a little drama?
Find yourself wishing for a little drama during the week? You can join me in a discussion of the latest episodes of Marry Him If You Dare, in the DramaFever Drama Club here.
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