TUNE OF THE WEEK: Why Do I Have To Pick Just ONE???

You know, I wasn’t even planning on writing a TOTW post this week, but when I saw Moonbin and Sanha’s new MV, just waiting for me on my YouTube homepage first thing Monday morning, I just couldn’t help myself!

Once again, the imminent change in the season has inspired a darker, more serious concept, and I, for one, am loving it. I will forever be a fan of the broody side of K-Pop and its ability to combine darker images with the catchy beats. It’s one of the many undeniable charms of K-Pop and this “Bad Idea” MV has pulled it off swimmingly!

But while I was squealing over my little ASTRO babies, I saw that Stray Kids had released the MV for “Back Door” and wouldn’t you know, I fell just as in love with this video as I did “Bad Idea”. For some unimaginable reason, I just can’t help but smile, every time I watch both of these darn MVs. So then I thought, why the heck to do I have to pick just one tune to squeal over? Why can’t I just mention all the videos that have made me smile this week?

So that’s what I’m doing. Because let’s face it, life is all kinds of messed up right now and it doesn’t hurt to have more than one reason to smile. And boy, oh boy! This MV certainly makes me smile! The boys themselves are as cute as ever, the choreo is freaking fantastic, and the bass-line is so dang catchy, you’d have to be a corpse to not feel it inspire even the tiniest bit of a smile.

But K-Pop hasn’t been the only source of joy for me this week. Oh no! J-Rock is doing what it does best: giving me ample reasons to smile as it simultaneously makes my heart skip a beat. While ONE OK ROCK has been busy teasing the crap out of their upcoming live-streamed concert, and Crossfaith has been promoting the crap of the live-streamed concert they held last weekend, MIYAVI has released this little gem of a video and you know, I just couldn’t let a chance to squeal over one of my favorite guitar playing rock stars go by!

In all honesty, it really wouldn’t matter to me what MIYAVI played. It’d love it regardless. But there’s just something about this version of “Over the Rainbow” that has me smiling. Maybe it’s just the simple reminder that no matter how gray things might be now, there’s always the hope that they’ll brighten again… Someday… That’s what I’m hoping for anyway.

Until that day comes, I hope this week’s “Tunes” have brought a little sunshine your way and have given you as many reason to smile as they have given me.

ASTRO’s Back With “Baby” And I Can’t Stop Smiling!

I know it’s a holiday weekend, here in the States, so writing this puts me in danger of getting griped at by certain family members but sometimes you just gotta let the fangirl out regardless and this is certainly one of those times! I mean it’s not every day you get a new ASTRO MV so full of cuteness and sunshine you feel like all of life’s problems have simply melted away! I couldn’t help but squeal just a little! Continue reading “ASTRO’s Back With “Baby” And I Can’t Stop Smiling!”

TUNE OF THE WEEK: Astro “Breathless”




I know I should be working on writing up my recent KCON adventures but I just had to take a break for a moment or two and let my inner fangirl run a little wild. I apologize in advance for what I’m about to do but really, if I try to keep it in any longer, I may actually explode. Because I’m not a fan of personal spontaneous combustion I’m allowing myself a moment to do this… Continue reading “TUNE OF THE WEEK: Astro “Breathless””



As I’m sure many of you know, I’ve spent an inordinate amount of time squealing over the boys of ASTRO and most of that was done between the time they were first announced as a group way back in August 2015 and now. I blame it on the fact they had to make an appearance in a silly little web drama before they made their official debut. You know how I get when I’m watching adorable boys be adorable in a drama… My heart… It just does funny things, all on its own! Continue reading “K-POP ATE HER BRAIN: ASTRO IS HERE!!!”