There’s something truly special about a drama that makes you fall in love with its characters over and over again. I know I’ve had some ups and downs with this drama, especially at the beginning, but we’ve finally reached a point where our leading characters have overcome the worst of their flaws and are now traveling down a path that will ultimately lead them someplace wonderful. Well, maybe not wonderful but definitely someplace better than either of them have been before. Oh! Just seeing the direction things are headed is making me so happy! I could almost do a dance of joy! Continue reading “ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Revolutionary Love Episodes 9-10”
ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Revolutionary Love Episodes 7-8
I love the way this drama is starting to leave me with some serious warm-fuzzies. Not only is our OTP starting to make some progress *squee* but our hero is as well; which means I have a lot to be happy with in this next set of episodes. Sadly, I have some things that have really riled me up as well but such is the life of any drama watcher. I’m just happy that, for the most part, the good seems to be outweighing the bad. Continue reading “ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Revolutionary Love Episodes 7-8”
ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Revolutionary Love Episodes 5-6
I find it very amusing, the way this drama is toying with my emotions. In the last 2 episodes, I was ridiculously annoyed by our bumbling hero but in these next 2 episodes, I find my heart doing all sorts of swoony squiggles over him. It’s a bit of a trip, being flip-flopped around like this, but at the same time, it’s kinda fun. There’s a lot to be said for a drama that makes you feel a wide range of emotions which is probably why I can’t seem to get enough of this one. (Oh what a confused mess I am!) Continue reading “ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Revolutionary Love Episodes 5-6”
ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Revolutionary Love Episodes 3-4
It’s funny how a little bit of time can change your perspective on things. When I sat down to watch the first 2 episodes of this drama, I thought it was super fluffy, a bit frustrating and came a little too close to the border of ridiculous. However, there were underlying themes that, if developed, could provide this drama with a surprising amount of satisfying substance. The problem with having substance lying just under the surface is that you must have the patience to wait for that substance to emerge. I have to admit, these next 2 episodes felt more like a test of patience than anything else. However, I still believe there’s something more this drama has to offer; it’s just a matter of holding on until that moment comes. Continue reading “ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Revolutionary Love Episodes 3-4”
ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Revolutionary Love Episodes 1-2
Sitting down to watch these first 2 episodes of Revolutionary Love, I didn’t really expect to find myself feeling so compelled to write a review. I thought it was just going to be one of those silly little fluff dramas that I could use to fill the space between the heartier dramas I’m currently watching, so I went into it completely unprepared for what I was getting myself into. However, now that I’ve squealed and giggled my way through these first couple of episodes, I find myself fully convinced this drama is one that needs to be written about. Why? Well, to put it simply, it’s because I’ve fallen head-over-heels for this incredibly wonderful trio of main characters. Yeah, I know, my reasoning on this one is totally sound. But hey, if I’m going to dedicate endless hours to writing this new review, I should at least be motivated, and really, what’s more motivating that Choi Siwon, Gong Myung and Kang So Ra playing 3 incredibly lovable characters? (My point exactly!) Continue reading “ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Revolutionary Love Episodes 1-2”
With yesterday being Thanksgiving here in the States, it’s safe to say the holiday season is fully upon us. If you’re anything like me, that means from now until the end of the year, life is going to be pretty crazy. With so much going on, it’s hard to find time to sit down and marathon an entire drama, which is why this week, I’m recommending another mini web drama, Love Cells.
Originally airing on Naver TVCast in November, 2014, Love Cells, is the story of a jobless, pathetic, twenty-something by the name of Ma Dae Choong (Park Sun Ho) whose cat, Nebi (Kim Yoo Jung), is magically transformed into a “love cell,” a sort of mystical matchmaker, if you will. With only a month left before Dae Choong is doomed to the life of a bachelor forever, Nebi must transform him into the leading man of his own romantic story by helping him win the heart of the beautiful idol, Seo Rin (Nam Ji Hyun). It’s certainly not an easy job but Nebi never gives up, especially not when her life’s on the line!
You know, I’ve probably already said too much about this drama, just in that short little recap, so I’m not going to say a whole lot more. (Thus the problem or reviewing mini-dramas, I suppose.) What I will say is that this drama is super silly but it’s also pretty darn cute. Dae Choong is a likeable enough fellow and Nebi is adorable. The drama is based on a webtoon so you can imagine things are pretty unrealistic (because the magic love cell cat wasn’t enough of a tip-off…) but sometimes you just need a little silly in your life. The cameos in this drama are fantastic. I was rolling on the floor during some of them (you’ll know which ones without me saying anything) while others shocked the snot out of me, in a good way, of course. (Again, you’ll know what I’m talking about as soon as this person steps into the shot.)
I rather enjoyed this drama, silliness and all. I just wasn’t a fan of the ending. Not because it was a bad ending, by any means. It was actually what I wanted… Sort of. I can’t say anything without giving it away so you’re just going to have to watch it and then come back and talk to me. Of course if you’ve already watched this one, you could go ahead and tell me what you thought of it in the comments below!
I must be on a mini-drama kick because I can’t seem to stop watching them. Maybe it’s because they’re so much easier to finish than a full-fledged drama or maybe they’re just too much fun, I’m not really sure. Whatever the reason, I’ve got a super cute little drama you can marathon this weekend and still have time to go out with your friends… Or stay home and watch another drama, because let’s me honest, that’s usually a whole lot more fun. (Aaaand I just admitted my lameness to the world… Way to go, me! *smh*) Continue reading “FRIDAY NIGHT DRAMA: Noble, My Love”
This weekend’s drama to marathon is another one of those dramas that’s really more of a drama 5K than an actual marathon; it’s short, hilarious and so full of adorable idols you may die from an overload of cuteness. Well, I did anyway. Continue reading “FRIDAY NIGHT DRAMA: EXO Next Door”
This weekend’s drama to marathon is a warm, squishy drama so full of heart-melting moments that by the end of it you’ve been reduced to nothing more than a quivering puddle of goo. (Well, at least that how I felt by the end…) Continue reading “FRIDAY NIGHT DRAMA: Warm and Cozy”
This past weekend brought with it the end of a rather quirky and quite hilarious drama and since I haven’t written one of these “you have to go watch it right now” posts in a while, I thought I’d try to get back in the habit starting with Producer. Continue reading “FRIDAY NIGHT DRAMA: Producer”