I know I’m a few days late with this latest playlist but OH MY GRACIOUS! Last week was one of those weeks when Mom Life takes over absolutely EVERYTHING and well, to be perfectly honest, I’m just happy I made it through without having a total meltdown! To celebrate the return of my somewhat normal schedule (and the fact that all the kids are back in school and I finally have a few minutes to myself) I thought I’d go ahead and share this new music playlist. After all, last week brought us some really, REALLY good music and it’d be a shame to miss out, just because my life had to go a little bit crazy. (And yes, I’m totally dancing like 2PM right now…) Continue reading “K-POP ONE-STOP: October 7-13, 2017”
K-POP ONE-STOP: September 30 – October 6, 2017
Oh happy day! It’s finally Friday! That means it’s time for a new playlist full of new music. Woohoo! Continue reading “K-POP ONE-STOP: September 30 – October 6, 2017”
K-POP ONE-STOP: September 8-15, 2017
Well my friends, another week is coming to a close and you know what that means… No, it’s not time to party like it’s 1999… Or is it??? Whether it is or not, it is time for this week’s new music playlist. Woohoo! Continue reading “K-POP ONE-STOP: September 8-15, 2017”
K-POP ONE-STOP: April 29 – May 19, 2017
Okay, so I may have dropped the ball on this month’s weekly playlist but life just got a little too life-y these past few weeks and it’s been really hard to keep up with everything. Still, I’m doing my best to get caught up on things which is why I have not 1, not 2 but 3 different playlists for your listening enjoyment. Woot! Continue reading “K-POP ONE-STOP: April 29 – May 19, 2017”
K-Pop One-Stop: March 18-24, 2017
Thanks to a recent attack by the flu from Hades, I’ve been a bit behind on all of my writing (as in I haven’t written anything in over a week because I’ve been too sick to function) but I’m back now and to celebrate, I’ve got a playlist full of all kinds of great music to enjoy. Woot! (And yes, I totally made this playlist so I could catch up on everything I missed during my recent visit to the land of the mostly dead but when is there ever a bad time to share a playlist of great music?) Continue reading “K-Pop One-Stop: March 18-24, 2017”
K-POP ONE-STOP: February 11-17, 2017
There’s nothing better than a Friday, except maybe a Friday that also happens to be a concert day. Which it is. At least for those of us going to see B1A4 in Chicago. (Eeek! I’m so excited!) I guess before I get carried away with all of my hyper-caffeinated bean sprout-y emotions, I should probably calm myself down long enough to enjoy some of this week’s newest K-Pop MVs. Care to join me? Continue reading “K-POP ONE-STOP: February 11-17, 2017”
K-POP ONE-STOP: January 21-27, 2017
It seems fitting that week that never ends would bring with it a Friday just as endless. Despite the fact life keeps trying to tell me I have more important things to do than sit down and write but ya know what? Sometime’s you just gotta tell life to shush! Continue reading “K-POP ONE-STOP: January 21-27, 2017”
K-POP ONE-STOP: July 16-22, 2016
I have no idea how the heck it’s Friday already but it is and that means it’s time to take a look at this past week’s K-Pop MV releases. Woot! Continue reading “K-POP ONE-STOP: July 16-22, 2016”
K-POP ONE-STOP: June 26 – July 3, 2015
Oh happy day! It’s finally Friday and a holiday weekend to boot! Woohoo! Since it’s a weekend for celebration here in the States, let’s kick things off with some of this past week’s newest K-Pop MVs shall we? Continue reading “K-POP ONE-STOP: June 26 – July 3, 2015”
K-POP ONE-STOP: February 13-20, 2015
After what feels like an insanely long week, it’s finally Friday (Yippee!) and that means it’s time to take a look at some of this past week’s K-Pop MV releases so let’s get to it! Continue reading “K-POP ONE-STOP: February 13-20, 2015”