That’s right, Hallyu-lovers! KCON USA has recently announced the dates for this year’s conventions which means it’s time to start planning your trip now! *squee* Continue reading “KCON USA Is Coming Your Way With Dates Announced For Both NY and LA”
One Zombie, Sharing Her Love of all Things Hallyu With The World
That’s right, Hallyu-lovers! KCON USA has recently announced the dates for this year’s conventions which means it’s time to start planning your trip now! *squee* Continue reading “KCON USA Is Coming Your Way With Dates Announced For Both NY and LA”
U.S. BANAs, are you ready!?! Everyone’s favorite bean-sprout sporting boy band, B1A4, has just announced they’ll be headed Stateside early next year, for a 4-stop tour that has me so excited I’ve been squealing non-stop since I first read the news this morning! Continue reading “B1A4’s “Four Nights In The U.S. 2017” Tour Coming Soon”
Setting out on his second solo concert series, Hip-Hop and R&B singer-songwriter, Crush, will be heading Stateside next month as part of the “2016 Crush On You Tour.” Continue reading “Crush’s First Solo U.S. Tour Scheduled for Next Month”
Waking up at 3 in the morning is usually something I try to avoid but when six gloriously Hallyu-filled days lie before me, I find the task surprisingly easy. (Even when I’ve only slept for about 2 hours… Oddly enough.) Too full of excited anticipation to bother with things like exhaustion, I poured myself a thermos full of coffee, grabbed my bag and bounced out the door, ready to begin my adventures in LA. Continue reading “KCON 2016: Zombie’s Adventures in LA – Day 1”
Though it’s really hard for me to believe that in less than 24 hours I’ll be in LA, the truth is I will be and that means KCON 2016 LA is only a few days away. I’ve been trying really hard not to let my inner fangirl get the better of me these past few days and I think that (so far) I’ve done a pretty good job. Sure, I might be a little bit excited about the fact that I’m only days away from seeing so many of my beloved groups again… And I might be just a tad excited about being on so many panels this year (4, to be exact)… And maybe I’m just slightly excited about being able to spend the next few days with some of most favorite people in the world… But I really haven’t let all of that get to me too much… I don’t think… Well… Maybe I have a little bit… Maybe… *ahem* Excuse me for a moment… Continue reading “KCON 2016: WATCH OUT LA, THE ZOMBIE’S ON HER WAY!”
Okay, bear with me here. I’m running a week behind thanks to spring break but I’m doing my best to catch up which is why, without any further ado, I’m ready to squee over the first KCON NY and LA lineup announcements of the year. Let’s do this! Continue reading “KCON 2016: The First Announcements Have Been Made!”
The worst part about attending something as amazing as KCON is having to go back to the “real” world once it’s over. That was my problem when I woke up Monday morning and realized the fun was over and my life back home was calling. Continue reading “WHEN KCON CALLS THE ZOMBIE ANSWERS: MY ADVENTURES IN LA – DAY 6”
As I said in my last post, I slept in until 7:30 Sunday morning and Oh! You have no idea how good it felt! After an evening of such intense fangirling, I was exhausted and the little bit of extra sleep was wonderful! Continue reading “WHEN KCON CALLS THE ZOMBIE ANSWERS: MY ADVENTURES IN LA – DAY 5”
My adventures on Friday must have worn me out because I actually slept in until 7 Saturday morning! Woohoo! Of course everyone else in my room had the good sense to still be asleep at 7 so I got myself dressed and headed to the hotel lobby to call home and tell the family I was still alive and well. Once I convinced the fam I wasn’t dead, I set out in search of the elusive and much-needed coffee. Continue reading “WHEN KCON CALLS THE ZOMBIE ANSWERS: MY ADVENTURES IN LA – DAY 4”
Once again I found myself awake and some ungodly hour but rather than spend the next couple of hours drooling over the pretty posters I was surrounded by, I decided it’d be better for me to just get up and get ready for the day. Knowing I was going to be speaking in front of who knows how many people in a matter of hours, I spent a rather embarrassing amount of time trying to pull a miraculously fabulous outfit out of my suitcase. I failed on the fabulous but I did managed to put something together that met with the approval of my “stylists.” (Aka my group of Chicago friends who remind me, on an almost daily basis, that I’m not nearly as hideous as I believe I am… Oh, what would I do without them?) With an outfit agreed upon I got myself put together in a reasonable amount of time, as did everyone else in the house, and before I knew it, we were off! Headed for downtown L.A. and the first official day of KCON. Woohoo! Continue reading “WHEN KCON CALLS THE ZOMBIE ANSWERS: MY ADVENTURES IN LA – DAY 3”