I know there are ten million other things I could be doing right now but sometimes you come across a song that makes you smile and then that song makes you go back and re-listen to all the other songs by that group and before you know it, you’re so over-run with feels you just have to squee somewhere. So that’s what I’m doing because seriously, The Legend is totally squee-worthy! Continue reading “K-POP ATE HER BRAIN: The Legend “Crush on You””
K-POP ONE-STOP: July 5-11, 2014
For your viewing pleasure, here’s a quick and convenient way to catch up on some of this past week’s latest K-Pop music videos. (Hooray!) I know which are my favorites but I don’t know which videos you loved so be sure to let me know in the comments below! Enjoy!
NU’EST “Good Bye Bye”