Hip Hip Hooray! It’s finally Friday! And while I’m not dancing on the rooftops today to celebrate (because dancing on the roof when you have cold is very dangerous… Stuffy head + loss of equilibrium = death) I’m still happy in my own subdued way. (Celebrating by staying in bed all day counts as celebrating, doesn’t it?) To celebrate the end of another work week, let’s take a look back at some of this past week’s MV releases, shall we? Continue reading “K-POP ONE-STOP: October 23-30, 2015”
TUNE OF THE WEEK: Kisum “Love Talk”
I know I’m a day late with this one but I spent all day yesterday running around like a headless chicken and I barely had time to breathe, let alone write. To top it all off I’m sick which means I’m writing through medicine clouded brain so if this post is wonky I apologize in advance. Medicine and I do NOT mix. Continue reading “TUNE OF THE WEEK: Kisum “Love Talk””
K-POP ONE-STOP: August 28 – September 4, 2015
I know it’s been ages since I last posted one of these but that’s what happens when life happens. Oh well. At least we can take a look at this past week’s K-Pop MV releases and see if anything floats our boat. Wahoo! Continue reading “K-POP ONE-STOP: August 28 – September 4, 2015”
K-POP ONE-STOP: May 1-7, 2015
Oh yeah! Oh yeah! It’s Friday and we all know what that means! IT’S TIME TO GO SEE GOT7 IN PERSON! WOOHOO! Oh wait… That’s not what I’m writing about. Sorry! My fangirl feels are off the chart today! Funny how seeing one of your top three bias groups in person will do that to a person… Anyhoo… It’s actually time to take a look at this past week’s K-Pop MV releases and yes, I realize I’m missing a day this week but I’m writing this early because… Well… I’m on my way to see GOT7 in person… EEEP! Oh! Wait… Sorry, I’ll stop spazzing and get down to the videos. Are you ready? Then let’s go! Continue reading “K-POP ONE-STOP: May 1-7, 2015”
K-POP ONE-STOP: April 24 – May 1, 2015
Oh happy day! It’s finally Friday and we all know what that means… Yup! It’s time to take a look back at some of this past week’s K-Pop MV releases. Yippee! Continue reading “K-POP ONE-STOP: April 24 – May 1, 2015”
K-POP ONE STOP: August 29- September 5, 2014
It’s Friday and you all know what that means… Lots and lots of K-Pop! Woohoo! If you have a favorite, be sure to let me know what it is in the comments below!
TARGET “Please Love Me”
Continue reading “K-POP ONE STOP: August 29- September 5, 2014”