Making Monday Better: A Scary Good Halloween Playlist

With Halloween just a few days away, I thought it might be fun to take a little break from the endless ONE OK ROCK playlists and do a little something to celebrate this day of spooky goodness!

I suppose I should start off by saying that if you’re looking for a K-Pop filled Halloween playlist, this isn’t it. I guess that’s kind of obvious when Jack the Pumpkin King is headlining this list, but still, I just wanted to make sure I avoided any confusion. That being said, if a spooky K-Pop playlist is what you’re looking for, I’ve got you covered! A few yeas ago I made the ultimate K-Pop Halloween playlist and well, it might be a little dated but when it comes to Halloween, does that really matter? I think this current playlist would prove that it does not!

I thought that this year, instead of focusing strictly on K-Pop, I’d just make a playlist full of all sorts of creepy fun. And when I say “all sorts” I really mean ALL sorts! This playlist is about as eclectic as they come. Which, I suppose, gives you a pretty good idea of what my actual music collection looks like. I’ve gathered music from all over the place for this Halloween inspired playlist which, in all honesty, is what makes it so fun. There really is something for (almost) everyone. So have fun listening your way through this one and if you have any songs you think would be a good addition, let me know. Maybe I’ll add them! Until then, enjoy this weird little mix and be sure to have a very HAPPY HALLOWEEN! 🎃

FRIDAY NIGHT DRAMA: Vampire Prosecutor 2


So, as I’m sure most of you know, today is Halloween here in the States and as such, I’ve got about a zillion things to do to get ready for tonight’s festivities. Because I’m kinda short on time, I’ve decided to feature the sequel to one of my favorite vampire-y dramas as this weekend’s drama to watch because there’s not a whole lot to say about it, other than it’s great, and it fits the spooky theme of the evening rather well. So, without further ado, I give you my super-short (but ever enthusiastic) take on this week’s Friday Night Drama, Vampire Prosecutor 2. Continue reading “FRIDAY NIGHT DRAMA: Vampire Prosecutor 2”