Last week, KCON USA presented by Toyota, the world’s largest Korean culture convention and music festival, finalized the multi-night concert line-up for KCON 2017 Los Angeles with the addition of GOT7 and Super Junior-D&E. And OMG! I’m kinda having a bit of a moment here! Continue reading “GOT7 and Super Junior D&E Round Out KCON 2017 LA Line-Up”
TUESDAY’S TEASE: April Set to Showers Us With Comebacks
I hope you all have your umbrellas ready because it looks like April is going to bring with it a deluge of K-Pop comebacks! *happy dance* Continue reading “TUESDAY’S TEASE: April Set to Showers Us With Comebacks”
It’s been about a million years since I last did a TOTW post. I honestly didn’t think I’d ever bring the segment back. But with so much great music out there it just didn’t seem right, letting them all pass by without so much as a squee or a sigh. So here I sit, ready to resurrect my old friend, with GOT7’s newest track, “Never Ever.” Continue reading “TUNE OF THE WEEK: GOT7 “Never Ever””
TUESDAY’S TEASE: Time-Traveling Cops and Too Much Pretty to Handle
We’re barely a week into March and already I feel like my poor fangirl heart is about to explode. Between the overwhelming number of K-Pop comebacks that have already happened since the beginning of the month, and the number of comebacks I’m looking forward to, it’s kinda hard to imagine how I’m going to survive the coming weeks. Of course, being the devoted fangirl I am, I’m determined to muster my strength and soldier on as best I can. (Though it might not hurt to keep a defibrillator on standby, just in case.) Continue reading “TUESDAY’S TEASE: Time-Traveling Cops and Too Much Pretty to Handle”
TUESDAY’S TEASE: Why Is GOT7 Trying to Kill Us And Other Unanswerable Questions
Life is full of unanswerable questions. Questions like: Why do socks always go missing when you do laundry? Does the man in the moon like cheese? Why do I always fall for the second lead in dramas? Will I ever see INFINITE perform in person? The universe if full of questions and yet, the question I’m most often ask is simply this: WHY THE HECK IS EVERY SINGLE K-POP COMEBACK DESIGNED TO DESTROY ME!?! Continue reading “TUESDAY’S TEASE: Why Is GOT7 Trying to Kill Us And Other Unanswerable Questions”
TUESDAY’S TEASE: 100%, GOT7, and Entourage
There are so many wonderful things to look forward to in the coming weeks, as both a K-Pop and K-Drama fan, as the list of group comebacks and new dramas seems almost never-ending. With so many things to look forward to, it’s hard to keep track of them all. Of course that doesn’t stop me from trying… Continue reading “TUESDAY’S TEASE: 100%, GOT7, and Entourage”
Yeah… I know, I’m so predictable, choosing this song for this week’s tune but c’mon! This is GOT7 we’re talking about! GOT freaking 7! How could I talk about any other song when this one has topped my playlist all week long? Continue reading “TUNE OF THE WEEK: GOT7 “Fly””
TUNE OF THE WEEK: GOT7 “Confession Song”
I don’t know how things are for you all this time of year but for me, it’s nothing short of insanity. I’ve spent this entire week baking pies and stuffing and casseroles and snacks and sticky rolls and all the yummy goodness that makes Thanksgiving here in the States the amazing feast-centered holiday of awesome thankfulness that it is. Despite all of this insanity, I’ve managed to find a spare minute or two to squee over GOT7’s new holiday themed “Confession Song.” (What can I say, the fangirl never dies, even when she’s up to her eyeballs in sweet potatoes!) Continue reading “TUNE OF THE WEEK: GOT7 “Confession Song””
K-POP ONE-STOP: October 23-30, 2015
Hip Hip Hooray! It’s finally Friday! And while I’m not dancing on the rooftops today to celebrate (because dancing on the roof when you have cold is very dangerous… Stuffy head + loss of equilibrium = death) I’m still happy in my own subdued way. (Celebrating by staying in bed all day counts as celebrating, doesn’t it?) To celebrate the end of another work week, let’s take a look back at some of this past week’s MV releases, shall we? Continue reading “K-POP ONE-STOP: October 23-30, 2015”
K-POP ONE-STOP: October 9-16, 2015
I LOVE FRIDAYS! I’m sure you already knew that but I just felt like yelling it anyway. Yeah… I’m in a mood. Still, any day when you get to sit down and watch a bunch of new music videos is a good day and good days warrant a little yelling now and then. Right? With or without my spazzing, it’s time to take a look back at some of this past week’s new K-Pop MV releases. YIPPEE!!! (There I go, yelling again… I spend way too much time around kids!) Continue reading “K-POP ONE-STOP: October 9-16, 2015”