Shai here! It’s a new week and that means 2 more episodes of Bride of the Century have aired! *Does happy dance*…too much? Okay then I’ll quietly spazz in my corner.
Enough with the intro because I have way too much to talk about in this week’s review and I don’t even know where to start. Hmm…maybe where my mind keeps going back to and that’s both mothers having no problem with sacrificing an innocent life. Should I start here? Yeah, I should.
Well I have always been suspicious of Kang Ju’s mother, Myung Hee, and we find out (not that anyone should be surprised) that she is indeed using Yi Kyung as the sacrificial lamb so she can bring in Roo Mi as Kang Ju’s wife. Even though we’ve been thinking this, it’s been confirmed this was her true intention from the start and now I can see why her husband is seems disinterested in her. At first I felt bad for her being in a loveless marriage, but now that we know she was the one her mother-in-law wanted Il Do to marry her actions mean so much more. It kinda sucks for him because he’s just now figuring all of this out and it’s vey obvious he doesn’t want the same for his son. Myung Hee, on the other hand, doesn’t mind if someone like Jang Yi Kyung dies as long as she has her protege in Roo Mi to become the “true” wife to her son ya’know since the first one doesn’t count.
This brings me to Jae Ran, Yi Kyung’s mom, who we know has planned for Doo Rim to take Yi Kyung’s place as Kang Ju’s first wife. Since she knows all about the Choi family curse, she is aware of what Myung Hee is planning and is rightfully upset about it. Who would want their daughter to be the martyr in order for that son to marry the woman his mother really wants him to be with? My only gripe with her plan is that she’s doing the same thing with Doo Rim, sacrificing her to save her daughter. I was on board until she said she doesn’t care if this comes at the cost of a life i.e. Na Doo Rim. My poor Doo Rim is a sacrificial lamb for the rich *sobs* But wait! Don’t we have Sung Joo Shin aka Ghost Lady helping our leading lady?
Evil Ghost Lady |
We discussed this last week, it’s hard to get a reading on her because it seems she has 2 personalities: Good and Evil, when she wears black and white. She appeared before the shaman and Yi Kyung wearing black, but shows up in front of Doo Rim wearing white. I realized something we may have missed while watching episode 6, Joo Shin always appears in front of Doo Rim in human form while anyone else she shows up as a ghost…no matter which persona she chooses to take on. It’s obvious her goal isn’t to scare her, but why? Why scare others, but not Doo Rim?
Seemingly good Ghost Lady |
As a matter of fact, she didn’t scare Kang Ju either since he seemed to be expecting her appearance soon. As she told Doo Rim on the beach, she doesn’t know why she’s doing anything for her. Was she simply saying that or was she serious? Does Joo Shin really not understand why she’s playing cupid to our OTP? All these questions will be answered in due time…by the drama.
Roo Mi really isn’t giving up on her dear Kang Ju oppa |
Now that I got all that out of the way, can I just say how much I want to push Roo Mi off of a cliff? Too soon? Darn. But I do dislike her and cringe when she gets more screen time than I would like from her. She pretty much got a confirmation about the family curse from Mrs. Ahn after she bribed her and now she understands what Myung Hee meant with her fork analogy, honestly it took her long enough to get it. Her emotions get the best of her and she’ll start cracking.
Can I please know what motor mouth ahjumma said? |
Can I rant about her for a minute? She’s been so close with Kang Ju for years and chose to stay by his side all this time, but never once thought about the idea that perhaps he didn’t feel the same way. Even if he didn’t care about “Yi Kyung” (Doo Rim), he still wouldn’t want her. Let’s say Kang Ju does marry Yi Kyung, she dies and Roo Mi becomes the second wife, does she really want that kind of life? Il Do doesn’t even care about Myung Hee in that way so is she prepared to be miserable for the rest of her life? From her actions, I guess she is. Roo Mi doesn’t deserve Kang Ju and she knows it especially now that he’s made a change for the better.

Isn’t Yi Kyung surprised to know that Kang Ju has possibly fallen for Doo Rim? She came back at that right moment to see how he’s changed and she’s not too happy to know that her double is responsible for it. Ooh, I just love this! She couldn’t pinpoint what was so different about him at dinner, but the moment he ran out when he thought she was hurt made light bulbs go off in her head: Kang Ju is in love with Doo Rim who he thinks is her. He’s just your average guy worried about his fiance, no biggie or is it a biggie now that the hearts of 2 people are at stake? Hmm…drama what do you have in store for us next?
I have a question for you dear readers, what do you think is Ghost Lady’s real angle? I had more to say, but I’ll leave that to our chat tomorrow!
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