Waking up after such an incredibly fun and exhausting weekend is harder than pulling a crocodile’s teeth which meant waking up early enough to make it to the airport on time, Monday morning, was, without a doubt, the hardest thing I had to do while in LA. Of course knowing that waking means you have to leave all of your friends and all of the fun of the past week behind, doesn’t make things any easier. But flights had to be caught and, as is the case every year, the fun of KCON eventually has to come to an end. Continue reading “KCON 2016: Zombie’s Adventures in LA – Day 6”
KCON 2016: Zombie’s Adventures in LA – Day 5, Part 1
Running on almost no sleep, Sunday was a bit rough but with enough coffee and wild fangirl emotions coursing through me, I managed to not only get through the day without falling over but even have enough energy left to squeal myself silly during the evening’s concert. Continue reading “KCON 2016: Zombie’s Adventures in LA – Day 5, Part 1”
KCON 2016: Zombie’s Adventures in LA – Day 4, Part 1
By now you know I was already up and working before the sun made its appearance so I won’t bore you with that part of my adventures. Instead, I’ll get right to the good stuff aka an incredibly fun, idol-filled Saturday at KCON! Continue reading “KCON 2016: Zombie’s Adventures in LA – Day 4, Part 1”
KCON 2016: Zombie’s Adventures in LA – Day 3
You’d think that waking up before the sun every morning would start to wear on a person but for me it was… Oh who am I trying to kid here? Waking up every morning, hours before everyone else in the house was up, sucked. But it did provide me with some much-needed time to work so… Yay? (Hey, I’m trying to be optimistic here!) Continue reading “KCON 2016: Zombie’s Adventures in LA – Day 3”
KCON 2016: Zombie’s Adventures in LA – Day 2
Waking up far earlier than I would have liked (thank you stupid 2 hour time difference) I was up long before anyone else in the house which would have been awful, if not for the fact I really needed to get some work done. (A sad thing to admit for someone who would normally never work when friends are around.) But with KCON only a day away and interview questions to be written, I wasted no time in getting to work. By the time the rest of the house began to stir, my work was done and it was time to focus on more important things. Like breakfast. Continue reading “KCON 2016: Zombie’s Adventures in LA – Day 2”
KCON 2016: Zombie’s Adventures in LA – Day 1
Waking up at 3 in the morning is usually something I try to avoid but when six gloriously Hallyu-filled days lie before me, I find the task surprisingly easy. (Even when I’ve only slept for about 2 hours… Oddly enough.) Too full of excited anticipation to bother with things like exhaustion, I poured myself a thermos full of coffee, grabbed my bag and bounced out the door, ready to begin my adventures in LA. Continue reading “KCON 2016: Zombie’s Adventures in LA – Day 1”
KCON 2016: Zombie’s Adventures in New York – Days 3 & 4
With nothing official to do at KCON until that afternoon, I let myself sleep in a bit on Saturday morning. It was nice, not having to rush straight over to the Prudential Center and I especially enjoyed a nice, relaxing breakfast with my friend. Once properly caffeinated, we gathered up our things, checked out of the hotel and made our way back to Newark, ready to enjoy another Hallyu-filled day of fun. Continue reading “KCON 2016: Zombie’s Adventures in New York – Days 3 & 4”
Changes Are Coming!
It’s been several years now since I first started this little ole website of mine and it’s been a lot of fun watching it change and grow into something so far beyond the reaches of my own imagining. As those of you who’ve been with me the longest know, over the years I’ve had various friends step in, from time to time, to help me squee over biases or rant over dramas. I’ve always loved having other writers step in and help out with content, as I find their unique voices both refreshing and inspiring. I love the fresh perspective other writers bring and well, you just can’t get that when I’m the only one writing. (Shocking, I know.) Continue reading “Changes Are Coming!”
After wrapping up my weekly review of Cheese In The Trap, I had every intention of just walking away and never looking back and in all honesty, that’s probably what I should do. But the more I think about it, the more I feel like it’s my duty to warn those poor unsuspecting souls out there who might come across this drama and think it’s something worth watching and well, I just don’t want anyone to suffer the pain I’ve suffered from this drama so I’m sitting here now, ready to write a review which will probably bring me a lot of grief but whatever. I’m writing this warning for the greater good, to spare fellow drama lovers the unnecessary pain that will inevitably come from watching this drama. Continue reading “FRIDAY NIGHT DRAMA: Cheese In The Trap”
ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Cheese in the Trap Episodes 15-16
It’s no secret I’ve been looking forward to the end of this drama for weeks so now that it’s here, I can’t say I’m sorry. In all honesty, I’d be throwing a party for the end of this drama if I hadn’t just spent the last hour bawling my eyes out over Baek In Ho. (And no, that isn’t an exaggeration.) Continue reading “ZOMBIE’S DRAMA REVIEW: Cheese in the Trap Episodes 15-16”