Running on almost no sleep, Sunday was a bit rough but with enough coffee and wild fangirl emotions coursing through me, I managed to not only get through the day without falling over but even have enough energy left to squeal myself silly during the evening’s concert. Continue reading “KCON 2016: Zombie’s Adventures in LA – Day 5, Part 1”
KCON 2016: Zombie’s Adventures in LA – Day 2
Waking up far earlier than I would have liked (thank you stupid 2 hour time difference) I was up long before anyone else in the house which would have been awful, if not for the fact I really needed to get some work done. (A sad thing to admit for someone who would normally never work when friends are around.) But with KCON only a day away and interview questions to be written, I wasted no time in getting to work. By the time the rest of the house began to stir, my work was done and it was time to focus on more important things. Like breakfast. Continue reading “KCON 2016: Zombie’s Adventures in LA – Day 2”
One would think that after spending an entire weekend running around KCON like a mad-woman, I’d be exhausted enough to sleep for more than a couple of hours but no. Running two hours ahead was a curse I bore my entire time in L.A. and even on my last full day in the City of Angels, I was up by six with nothing to do but channel my inner ninja and get ready as quietly as possible (so as not to wake the comatose Tanya) before sneaking down to the lobby to check in with my family and wish my eldest a happy birthday. (Which I totally missed because I’m a bad mom who runs off to L.A. for a week instead of staying home to celebrate a birthday with my baby. At least she still loves me, even if I occasionally fail at being a mom.) Once the family was reassured I was still alive and I’d wished my baby a happy birthday, I figured it was about time for Tanya to be up so I grabbed us a couple of cups of coffee and headed back upstairs to see what plans we had for the day. Continue reading “FROM CHICAGO TO KCON: ZOMBIE’S ADVENTURES IN L.A. – DAY 6”
Being cursed to spend my entire week in L.A. running on Central Time, I woke up at an ungodly hour Friday morning and couldn’t go back to sleep so I did what any zombie in my position would do, I got up, got dressed and headed to the hotel lobby to grab a cup of coffee and call my family. I figured that since I hadn’t talked to them in a couple of days, it would probably be a good idea to at least let them know I hadn’t died. (A fear every single member of my family had while I was away. Crazy people!) With the obligatory phone calls out of the way, it was time to check in with the world and what did I happen to stumble across but pictures of VIXX at the airport in Seoul, posted during my brief hours of sleep. Naturally the fangirl in my couldn’t resist looking up flight arrival times and lo and behold, there were two flights scheduled to arrive at LAX within a half hour of each other and I knew VIXX was on one of them.
Being the die-hard Starlight that I am, I couldn’t suppress the wails of my inner fangirl as I thought of VIXX arriving in L.A. without me there to greet them. I mean, ‘cmon! It’s not every day you get to be in the same place at the same time as your ultimate bias group and my entire week in L.A. seemed to be embracing the theme of “YOLO” (and I still can’t believe how many times Tanya and I “YOLO”ed ourselves while we were there… It’s almost embarrassing, really) so I did the only thing a self-respecting fangirl in my position would do. I tried to come up with a way to get myself to the airport to welcome VIXX when they arrived. Continue reading “FROM CHICAGO TO KCON: ZOMBIE’S ADVENTURES IN L.A. – DAY 3”