Three weeks ago, a brilliant star let his light fade from this world and in his absence, I have struggled to find a way to deal with his passing. I know that to some it seems so silly, mourning the loss of someone so wholly unconnected to me, but I’m not writing this for those people. I’m writing this for me and for those out there who may be struggling, as I am, to find some way to say this last goodbye. Continue reading “For Jonghyun: You Did Well”
The last day of my trip was by far the most un-adventurous of the week. I woke up, finished packing and very reluctantly Tanya and I checked out of our hotel and trudged across the parking lot to the car in the most unenthusiastic way imaginable. I don’t think either one of us were ready to admit our adventures were coming to an end and I know for a fact that neither one of us wanted to say goodbye.
Trying not to think of our impending separation, we loaded up our stuff and headed for the airport, trying our best to make light of the fact that once we got there our adventures together would be over and neither one of us had any idea when we’d actually see each other again. (Can I just say that it really sucks to have your BFF living on the OTHER SIDE OF THE COUNTRY? Yes. It does.) Continue reading “FROM CHICAGO TO KCON: ZOMBIE’S ADVENTURES IN L.A. – DAY 7”