You know, there have been a whole lot of K-Pop comebacks this past month and for the most part, I’ve survived them. But as we pass the midpoint of October, I’m beginning to wonder how much more of this incessant teasing I can endure. Continue reading “TUESDAY’S TEASE: VIXX, BTS and the Death of a Zombie”
Remember all those promises I made, about how change was coming and all that. Well, I’ve decided to start a new weekly post highlighting whatever Hallyu-related thing it is I’m most looking forward to at the moment. This could be anything from an upcoming drama (or maybe just an upcoming episode), or a bias group’s comeback, or maybe an upcoming movie that’s actually going to be shown here in Chicago, or maybe a concert… Really, it could be anything that stirs my fangirl soul, or inspires me to create a countdown clock on my phone. (Because yes, I am that level of fangirl crazy.) Continue reading “TUESDAY’S TEASE: BTS, SHINee and More”